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Hornby R3847 Terrier Squeaking & Running Badly


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My Hornby R3847, SR, 'Terrier', 'Bembridge' had a problem with the pickups (one fell off) and it stopped running completely.


Hornby kindly sent me a replacement chassis- the lower body part that has the pickups attached (forgive the misuse of the correct term for it).


It's now running, but only in a stop-start fashion and it's squeaking, which it didn't do previously. It's only a few months old, so I assume it's not in need of oiling.


I'm wondering if I've got the brass runners (more lack of technical jargon) on the axles in the right place? You will see from the photo that I've put them in the recesses in the body, but maybe that is causing the running issues and they should be somewhere else.


Your advice is welcome.


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On 31/03/2022 at 14:24, latestarter said:

My Hornby R3847, SR, 'Terrier', 'Bembridge' had a problem with the pickups (one fell off) and it stopped running completely.


Hornby kindly sent me a replacement chassis- the lower body part that has the pickups attached (forgive the misuse of the correct term for it).


It's now running, but only in a stop-start fashion and it's squeaking, which it didn't do previously. It's only a few months old, so I assume it's not in need of oiling.


I'm wondering if I've got the brass runners (more lack of technical jargon) on the axles in the right place? You will see from the photo that I've put them in the recesses in the body, but maybe that is causing the running issues and they should be somewhere else.


Your advice is welcome.


The brass bearings look as if they’re in exactly the right place. I have found that even brand new models often benefit from oiling. In particular, a tiny drop of oil on the motor bearings is often of great benefit.

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Brass bearings are in the correct place as above, oil on the motor and on the worm and a good run may correct the issues. Also check that when the keeper plate is reattached all of the pickups make proper contact with the wheels. As another observation, the NEM pocket on the front appears to be broken, whip the dovetail out and replace it and away you go!

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