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No Decorum

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    Locomotives, coaches and wagons of Great Britain strictly confined to the period between the Coalbrookdale Trevithick and the Class 93, inclusive.

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  1. Lovely models and very attractive layout. I noticed Bachmann’s wagons from the LT train sets; mine were retailer-split from the sets. Sometimes RTR modelling is a long game – get something which might be useful some day and that day is starting to arrive increasingly often.
  2. He was presented with a model locomotive which had an eye patch over one cab front window. The joke backfired because he didn’t notice.
  3. Likewise. The earlier models received some criticism but IMHO they look formidable and run and haul superbly. Thanks to Ben, the new release promises to be even better. They don’t seem to attract as much attention as duplicate 25s, 37s or 47s (of which I have none) but they deserve it. Wave something which hasn’t been modelled before me and my eyes follow it! As soon as I heard about these, I contacted my usual retailer and was told that Heljan hadn’t yet set up pre-ordering. I shall have to check that all is well.
  4. Probably a more important consideration is what it will be like when it does arrive. Delays and cost are eventually forgotten but a poor model isn’t.
  5. Answering as just one person; I wouldn’t be interested in reliveried standard Mk. IIIs. I would rather run the prototype power car with standard blue-grey coaches, which, I believe, happened in reality. On the other hand, I’d be very interested in accurate prototype coaches and the other power car.
  6. Which, with luck, will be corrected on a later batch. Due to the grand folks on RMweb, I avoided the Prairie with the dodgy rear wheels. Easily fixed, one might say but I have a backlog of fixes and enhancements, so I’d rather not add another to the end of the queue. I’m waiting for a second batch Prairie and I have sympathy for those who bought examples in the first run. When it comes to the Mogul, I have a first batch one and a second batch one. The second batch Mogul has been improved, especially the shade of green, but then there’s the problem of the blue-black paint on the second batch ones. Fingers crossed!
  7. Like you, I’m very happy with my earlier O2s and these promise to be better. An e-mail from Rails has just arrived confirming that they are en route to the UK and delivery is expected in Q3 this year.
  8. You could say the same about the Fell. The GT3 wasn’t bad in many respects but was bad in many other respects. Going by KR’s past efforts, it was a bit silly trying to compete directly with another manufacturer.
  9. Ah yes. That loco now hauling trains with cold showers and scarcely any food.
  10. Dapol website says coreless but Rails says five-pole skew-wound. I haven’t had mine yet so I can’t check.
  11. Stupendous achievement! I expressed an interest in the model at EoI stage and then, to try to help things along, added one in GNER livery without even being able to put money aside. A bit of creative accounting required, followed by more as a sound project was announced! I’m not convinced that Hornby’s new 91 is all that it should be but a full train of GNER coaches sort of fell into my lap when they were deeply discounted. Somehow, it all seemed to work. I wonder if BR was right not to proceed with the 89 project. On its own, it could haul frieght trains which required two Bo-Bos to haul.
  12. I did fancy one away back then; i was interested (and still am) in how different manufacturers tackle producing a model. I never managed to get one. Back then, it just wasn’t possible to find the money for everything I fancied. Come to think of it, it still isn’t!
  13. Interesting idea. Early LMS diesel shunters? They would get my cash.
  14. That would work for an early green version but operating Serck shutters are more obvious than cooling fans IMHO.
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