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Creative Editing - digital darkroom


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How about a showcase of what can be achieved with the digital darkroom (Photoshop etc), or even with the traditional chemical darkroom.

Include: anything that might be ruled out of a creative "photography" competition for cheating, for example by removing bits of reality, composite photos, extreme editing...


To set the ball rolling, the two trains here came past on the same day in the same lighting, so I thought I'd cheat them together. The bridge made it easy to hide the join:


(210002, one of the prototype DEMUs, plus two 73s on diesel power on a cross-London freight at Old Oak Common, 1984)

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  • 3 weeks later...

You can also use Photoshop* or a similar programme not to alter what is there (as in the first exampl) but to augment the aesthetics of the picture. Here is a picture I took of Tornado passing through Heighington Station at speed towing Mallard.




Which I was not entirely happy with so this is what I ended up with...




I firstly cropped the image to improve the composition, removing some of the uninteresting trees and foliage. The sky is a little over exposed so to increase the definition of the sky I used mask layers to increase the colour and contrast in the sky. If I remember correctly, I upped the saturation of the picture and applied some sharpening. I think it's a better picture for it, but I always keep the original file so that if I make a mess nothing is lost. I find by doing this helps you to concentrate more on getting the picture right when shooting particularly the composition.


* I have actually used Corel Paintshop Pro X2 rather than Photoshop (I have both) just out of personal preference.

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  • 2 months later...

Just wondering if any 'photoshopper'out there could improve the pic below? I've screen printed the pics from a video clip and matched them up but i don't have any drawing program apart for ms paint. Can anyone adjust the pic so that the colour changes between the different screen prints are not as obvious?



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Its not cheating its called finishing. All professional photographs are finished. Its only students and enthusiastic amateurs that think you should get a perfect image straight off the camera :D







post-482-047552400 1284403886_thumb.jpg

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