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Embossed brick paper - Engineering Blue Brick

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A Bump on this topic, I could be interested too!!

I find the cement courses on the plastic sheets just that bit too deep when making buildings where the prototype has virtually flush pointing. I also have doubts as to my capability to get a realistic paint effect on Plastic sheets.

I think it was John Ahern who ran the back edge of a knife along the courses on Brick Papers to simulate the relief effect. It may have to come to that!!

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Another source of plastic vacuum formed sheeting for brickwork and stone is SE Finecast http://www.sefinecast.co.uk/Building%20Materials/Building%20Materials.htm These are quite large sheets and not too heavily emobossed. Seconds are often to be found on the stand at exhibitions. These are not the same as the Wills moulded materials which are smaller and thicker.

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A Bump on this topic, I could be interested too!!

I find the cement courses on the plastic sheets just that bit too deep when making buildings where the prototype has virtually flush pointing. I also have doubts as to my capability to get a realistic paint effect on Plastic sheets.

I think it was John Ahern who ran the back edge of a knife along the courses on Brick Papers to simulate the relief effect. It may have to come to that!!

Another option is to use an old 'biro' without ink and run that along the courses and use a small engineers screwdriver to press the verticals, sounds time consuming but it can be done quite quickly one you master the sequence. A pair of 'paralells' will also make it easier if you have them, or you can make them from two plastic rulers fixed together with straps made from plasticard, they need to be 50-75mm long with a hole drilled at each end with them held together to make sure that the rulers move in parsalell, you conect them with the rulers together and the straps, say at the 20mm mark one one ruler and at the same on the other but opposite end and then fixed to the other rule at the same distance on each so that when you open the gap between the rulers they remain paralell, hope thats clear, a serch on line will fine them but the tend to be expencive.




mike g

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