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DMU Group West Midlands announce fundraising campaign


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DMU Group (West Midlands) Five Car Restoration Fund


The DMU Group (West Midlands) is pleased to announce an exciting new fundraising campaign which aims to raise £100k to cover all planned works to return the 5 car 1950s/60’s Diesel multiple units to full working order including a full repaint.


JustGiving Page https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/svr-dmu


Back Story.

The DMU Group (West Midlands) was formed on the Severn Valley Railway in the 1990s, since then it has maintained and operated a 5-car DMU on the railway. During this time it was regularly used for day-to-day diesel turns, evening fish and chip trains, Christmas carol trains, and featured at diesel gala events. 


 Due to some major overhaul work required including door locks, bogies, and engines which were exacerbated by the effects of the Covid pandemic, the DMU has not been available for service since 2018. However, thanks to a dedicated small team of volunteers who have continuously been at work on the units. 


The return to service of a 2-car DMU is hoped for by Winter 2023, with a staged plan to return the other 3 cars into traffic in the near future. 


 At a time of increased fuel costs, the 5-car DMU is a vital asset to the SVR. Powered by Leyland 680 engines and weighing around 28 tons per vehicle, it gives high fuel efficiency, with a high passenger capacity equivalent to 6 mark 1 carriages, including disabled access, toilets, and bar facilities. 

With the unique feature of panoramic views of the Severn Valley.


 In June 2023 the group received confirmation of their registration as a Charity – number 1203594. In becoming a registered charity the Group gains the official oversight of the Charity Commission protecting our assets for the benefit of the public and ensuring that the Group's fundraising income is spent on the preservation and maintenance of the Group's DMU. Thus giving donors confidence in where their money is going and allowing the Group to benefit from Gift Aid which can enhance donations by 25%.

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