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Southern Van C/BY Utility and stoves - early BR era


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Hi all,


I'm in the middle of making up a Parkside BY Utility Van (or Van C). I have a question about vans with stoves... In the Southern livery, the vans with stoves has an orange panel top left, top right and on the guard's door: Were there any specific markings for stove/stoveless vans in the BR Crimson/Green eras of 50s-60s? I've had a hunt about and can't see anything obvious - my guess is that they disappeared once repainted for stove equipped vans, but can't find anything obvious or any pictures to indicate that markings were still applied?  



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Ah! That's great - many thanks for that link! I'd searched around a fair bit and couldn't find anything - the photo in that thread at Tebay is a great shot. 


The CCT transfer sheet has S402S which would have been a stove, so looks like I need to start to mix up something resembling that light orange/salmon colour (now with two resources to refer to including the BY (Stove) number 404 at the Bluebell).



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All the U-van clones including those with brake compartments attracted brake block dust like there was no tomorrow and as they were never cleaned (other than round the painted number), their everyday livery was best described as "yuk". I remember that in the late 1960s almost the only way of telling whether one was blue or still green was to look at the font used for number which differed between the two liveries. That may well explain why you found it difficult to observe the "stove" markings in photographs. 


There were, of course, the odd clean freshly painted vans newly ex-overhaul, and an attempt certainly seems to have been made to keep the handful of vans allocated to Ocean Liner boat train traffic clean, but generally they were filthy - oddly it seemed to suit them.

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BR replaced the SR orange with signal yellow, or something very close to it. I know of two early 60s photographs, but sadly they are on Flickr, so almost impossible to provide a direct link, although they are accessible... eventually.

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There's a photo with a stove-fitted PMV in the background with the main focus being a 15XX pannier tank in the carriage sidings at Old Oak Common (Western Region). The yellow panel is clearly visible on the guard's door.

I have seen the photo in at least one of my books, but Key Model World have very kindly used it in their "Reality Check" on the 15XX here: https://www.keymodelworld.com/article/reality-check-gwr-15xx-0-6-0pts , about half-way down the page.

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54 minutes ago, Cwmtwrch said:

It requires a subscription, sadly...


Sorry about that: try this link (not guaranteed to work) https://www.google.com/search?q=15XX+pannier+Paddington&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiRuM6S7tyDAxU_hWMGHaafB3sQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=15XX+pannier+Paddington&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJ1CtEFjSI2C6JmgAcAB4AIAB7wGIAbAQkgEFMC41LjaYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=5tCjZZGtKL-KjuMPpr-e2Ac&bih=686&biw=1490&prmd=isvmnbtz&rlz=1C1RXQR_en-GBAU964AU964#imgrc=Z3Tb1Htu5oAgTM 

Or type in "15XX pannier Paddington" into Google and look for images. It appeared on the third line down for me but that may alter if you use a different sized window.

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22 hours ago, Steamport Southport said:

Have you found this website? Some useful information on the SR vans and modelling them. Four wheelers next page.




Thanks - yup certainly had, but each of the liveries on there was Southern, rather than BR(S) hence the question :) Interestingly, the orange is *very* orange in those photos, much more than the few other seen... But of course, lighting and sun fading/age makes a huge difference, as does the general level of crud on the vehicle changing the contrast, and indeed the faithfulness of old colour emulsion film/paper, etc...


21 hours ago, Cwmtwrch said:

BR replaced the SR orange with signal yellow, or something very close to it. I know of two early 60s photographs, but sadly they are on Flickr, so almost impossible to provide a direct link, although they are accessible... eventually.


The plot thickens! I'll aim somewhere between and tone it down with suitable weathering - the photo linked from @SRman looks to be balanced on the yellow side, but some dirt would have darkened it appropriately.


Thanks all for the helpful resources!



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