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Steamport Southport

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  1. I beg to differ. The North East was and still is massively industrialised and don't forget the amount of slate and other minerals that was coming from the TLC. I'm afraid people are failing for the myth of South Wales being some kind of industrial powerhouse and the rest being farmland or countryside. You can mention Llanwern, but what about Brymbo and Shotton? Hardly insignificant. So important even the predecessors of the LNER wanted a piece of the traffic. I would have thought some one from the North West would know a bit more about the place on our doorstep! Jason
  2. It is surprising the things you forget when you change interests. I detailed loads of the Lima ones back in the day! I would certainly hold fire before embarking on any major surgery as if they've made the model like they did with the 00 version the early condition version might appear. Jason
  3. I love these tournaments as all those that never normally watch football come out of the woodwork! For a good laugh listen to the radio phone ins.... Classic on Talk Sport last night of a "fan" moaning as he's spent "good money" attending so England should be entertaining. So? That's you problem. If you want fun then go to Butlins! I doubt those fans who travel all over the country or even world following their club team have any sympathy. TNS for example are starting in the Champions League on 9th July and have then got to go to Montenegro the week after! I can guarantee none of them will be moaning. Jason
  4. Bachmann make the 94XX. Probably one of the best shunters on the market, if not the best. It would pull a shed down, crawl or run at high speed. I really think we are over thinking this.... Jason
  5. Sort of thing you find in novelty shops next to the tins of Tartan paint!
  6. Could also be that K's Kits were a bit more common and readily available than Wills kits. They seem to pop up more on eBay than Wills do. You could pick them up in Beatties and Hattons certainly sold them. You had to go to a specialist model shop for Wills (and others). I definitely bought my first loco kit in Beatties, which was the 14XX. I have no idea why I picked that one seeing as I already had an Airfix one! Probably price. Jason
  7. You'll need to get rid of the central headlamp and reinstate the headcodes. ISTR they also didn't have the jumper cables when first built, although I think they all had the places to attach them, but I can't remember when they actually got them. About 1973 ISTR. If you look here there's a couple photos of one in original condition. https://www.norgrove.me.uk/class50.htm A bit more work than just a repaint! Jason
  8. Pretty much. I've had numerous checks depending on role. Currently manager of a charity shop although I don't really have much interaction with any of our volunteer youngsters as they mostly come in during the weekend. I'm mostly in early to mid day, with occasional afternoons when they're at school! Also worth bearing in mind that it's also not just age related. Safeguarding to use the proper term includes vulnerable adults as well. So it's probably a good idea to have a basic safeguarding policy anyway. Maybe ask in your local CAB as they'll probably have the information in an easy to read booklet. Some details here from the NSPCC https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/safeguarding-child-protection/writing-a-safeguarding-policy-statement#:~:text=Safeguarding and child protection procedures are detailed guidelines and instructions,a child's safety or wellbeing. Jason
  9. Probably cheap as chips when available. I'm afraid it's the Amazon logarithms. That's why you get books that cost £5 listed for £100 plus, and the price often goes up when someone looks at it as the computer seems to think it's in demand!
  10. There was enough traffic for it to still be of use. Especially livestock traffic. Notice the amount of horseboxes in these images of it just pre war. http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/w/welshpool_1st/index7.shtml Don't forget the huge mixed gauge cattle dock is still there. Jason
  11. Balanced Sentinel. The ones with the curved bodies. https://sdjr.co.uk/locomotives-stock/7109-joyce Jason
  12. I think you must have missed the vacuum fitted GWR Toads! It was mostly AA21, the one similar to Rapido make, that were fully fitted. The vacuum dome is between the sandboxes at the veranda end. We had one in Southport, now at Didcot. http://www.ws.rhrp.org.uk/ws/WagonInfo.asp?Ref=9045 http://www.gwr.org.uk/nobrakes.html You could probably bash one from a Rapido one or a good excuse to use up an old Ratio kit. Jason
  13. Again. What are you on about? I've not complained about the cost.... I just said it would have been better in private hands and was fine when it was under the stewardship of Riley's. I would rather the NRM had spent the money on overhauling the Coronation instead of Flying Scotsman. For the record. I've put my money where my mouth is numerous times and currently supporting three new build projects financially. That's as well as being part owner of a few locomotives*.... *Nothing substantial, but those few hundred pounds here and there soon add up Jason
  14. What are you on about? We are building new ones!
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