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SR Cast Iron Gents colours ?

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Not the strangest question I've ever asked, but.....hmmmm !! SR cast iron gents urinals, what colour ? I've seen pics of GWR examples, some heritage lines paint them black, did the southern have a particular colour ? Likewise was the scheme used into BR days ? I I'd like to incorporate one into a model, it's an interesting feature !, but if I'm going to do it then do it right ! Any ideas on my dilemma ? ! 

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  • RMweb Gold

I confess I've never seen a Southern cast iron gents'.  


There is a copy of the BR(S) station painting scheme from 1949 (updated to 1960) in the wild, which is used by a number of heritage railways and which helpfully gives British Standard (BS) shade equivalents for the former Southern Railway station colours.  This shows examples of most structures but not a cast iron urinal.


In the circumstances my best guess is that it would be painted in the appropriate shade of green, i.e. SR no. 3 (BS381c/276 Lincoln Green) pre-War and SR no. 3A (BS381c/221 Brilliant Green) post-War and into BR days.  But I stand to be corrected...




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  • RMweb Gold


I believe, and i'd need to check my copy of Southern Nouveau to confirm, they would have been painted in standard SR Green. In BR days this would be standard BR Southern Green. 

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Wow such quick replies, wonderful ! I must confess I've never seen a pic of a real example, but its a neat feature to incorporate. I kind of thought there might be a bit of imagineering involved but hey, if it looks right !! Thank you astropsidings for the great link ! An absolute mine of info, much appreciated on that one !! As for the gents.... green it will be !

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  • RMweb Premium

The Bluebell Railway has 3 stations that will have a 'Gents', it's a couple of years since I've been down there, I would guess that they were built by the LBSCR but don't now know what sort they all are, but maybe worth checking them.  Do you mean inside or outside ?   

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1 hour ago, Geep7 said:


I believe, and i'd need to check my copy of Southern Nouveau to confirm, they would have been painted in standard SR Green. In BR days this would be standard BR Southern Green. 

Oh well, yes, definitely green if it was the French influence ...



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There weren't very many of them on Southern stations, Colyton in Devon was one - and still there on the Seaton Tramway - but they were definitely green as that was the standard colour for miscellaneous metal items within a station curtilage (grey elsewhere).

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I used SR green on one I did years ago. I can't vouch that it was correct, but more importantly, it looks right.

This is it on my old layout, so an old photo from a long gone camera. The loo now sits on my current layout, but I don't seem to have taken any photos of it, there.





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