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Michael Hodgson

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  1. If we do that we are causing your guys extra work, potentially outweighing any saving you might make on P&P costs. Obviously it's up to you to work out what works most efficiently for you, but I would have thought it would help your profit margin if your software could automatically combine those orders for you. As it is, I'm very happy with the way my orders to date have been delivered, and I have no preference of DPD vs Royal Mail - we happen to have an excellent postie. The one carrier I dislike is Parcelforce, but my impression is that the disparity of preferences is largely dependent on the quality of the staff in each distribution point.
  2. First thing I noticed. The MSC didn't have a lot of signals.
  3. That reminds me of when I was working in Sri Lanka, and I read a description of some felony in the local newspaper, along the lines of "the police are looking for a dark-skinned man wearing a sarong". Well, I thought at least they can rule out the 50% of the poulation who are women, but I didn't rate their chances of finding him if that was all they had to go on. To be fair to the police, it's difficult. If they name the individual or otherwise make him idenitifiable, he could be lynched by neighbours, and in most cases he is innocent, at least in law, because he hasn't yet been arrested or even charged, never mind convicted. We have paedriatic consultants attacked when the press have reported crimes by #######s. And if they do catch him following a lot of publicity, is it possible for him to get a fair trial? The reason the public don't trust the police these days is that they rarely see them in a postivie light - in days of yore, everybody knew the village bobby and would chat to him. Nowadays, the local police station (if it still exists) keeps its doors locked to keep the public out. There often isn't a desk sergeant to whom you can report a crime, so how do they hope to obtain information from witnesses if they make the place look like a fortress with keep out signs? It is said the police have lost the trust of the public - but for most younger people they never had any trust to lose. Many ethnic minorities have suffered bad experiences in the past at the hands of prejudiced officers - who can blame them for not trusting the police even if they have managed to weed out their racist rotten apples.. If the police show no interest in common "minor" offences like shoplifting and malicious damage, the public has a right to see the law as ineffective. This is quite true, but we now have a prime minister who used to be DPP, and who has not yet got his feet under the desk at No 10, and I will give him time to see what emerges although I am not optimistic. Ideally he will have realised and will do something about the wrongs of having a CPS that is afraid of bringing prosecutions which might prove unsuccesful, and who have the power to hijack private prosecutions if others try to pursue their legimate grievances in the criminal courts. It should be the role of the judge and jury to determine whether the suspect dunnit or whether he should go free; on the other hand, the Horizon affair has highlighted the inadequacy and incompetence of the system for resolving claims of miscarriage of justice. It's not just the NHS that is a broken system.
  4. Looks like they are both run by the same people - appears to be only one front door.
  5. If it were, you could always name it Jacob Rees-Mogg!😁
  6. Revere & Boston in teh same sentence brings back memories of Teddy Boston's Cadeby Light Railway running round the rectory churchyard
  7. Production delays and problems with shipping one can understand but it looks like this update regarding production is also coming by the slow boat from China. And we still don't seem to know who now owns the tooling, so it doesn't seem likely that Batch 3 is going to happen any time soon - unless the new owners are keeping theit cards close to their chests and maybe there's something in the pipe line that might even overtake Batch 2! Given the overwhelming success of batch 1, it seems there's business opportunity being missed. The project does seem to have lost its impetus.
  8. I assumed the council only paid for the band stand itself. Back in the day I remember seeing brass bands playing in band stands, at least in the North. They would usually take collections in the form of a hat with a simple notice board and people who stopped to enoy the music would generally make nominal donations. I thought the instruments were generally funded by the colliery or company whose name they took, and party by the musicians themslves who were largely amateurs playing instruments as a hobby. There were local competitions with prize money.
  9. Failing that, if there's demand no doubt one of the transfer manufacturers will fill the gap
  10. My understanding is that the Automatic Pilot will obey a TCAS Resolution Advisory if Automatic Pilot is engaged. This would usually be the case for most of a long-haul flight - the boring bit when the pilots might as well be reading a book. Though they would be expected to put their book down if TCAS or any other monitoring systems suddenly starts shouting at them! The crew would have to react if it were not engaged (more likely at take-off/landing) . And of course only larger airliners are fitted with these systems - light aircraft typically don't have TCAS, but can of course present a collision risk to bigger aircraft. TCAS should be still able to detect such aircraft as long as they are fitted with working transponders.
  11. I am having a clearout - free to a good home, first come first served . Too heavy to post in bulk, so available to collect from North Hertfordshire, or for P&P if you just want the odd issue (happy to look at lists of particular wanted issues) Railway Modeller Modern Railways Railway Magazine Railway World Push & Pull (the KWVR house magazine) Vintage Carriage Trust Members Newsletters Steam Days Steam World Steam Railway Many years from about 1970, though more patchy in recent years, and mostly the first five of the titles above Some complete years, some even in Easibinders, but typically the odd issue missing I had been listing some of these on ebay and through https://www.magazineexchange.co.uk/cw/ but with relatively sales, and I now need the space So unless I get expressions of interest by 31st July, they will be going to recycling.
  12. Always good to see wiring neatly loomed up like that. It's not so much a case of making it easier to find faults - the faults are less likely to occur.
  13. Sadly I think not. When I visit any municipal park there's still a bandstand but no band. I'm not religious but I always enjoyed the Sally Army playing Xmas carols and happily made a donation - but I've not even heard them in recent years. The kids just want to listen to whatever it is they've got on their phones. The brass band and I are relics of another era.
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