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Pattyndenne (Formerly Peasmarsh Road) - SECR / Light Railway Micro Layout


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Progress on Pattyndenne has slowed as of late. There are still a few little jobs to do (new pelmet, change the lighting setup, replace misspelt station signs etc.) but these haven't really been inspiring enough so are currently being put off. 



I've been distracted by a new project. The recent acquisition of a pair of Bachmann quarry hunslets prompted me to start thinking about building an 009 layout. This morphed over time into a dual gauge industrial scene, originally intended to be a pit village (hopefully with working coal drop/chute to allow the 009 tippler wagons to load the standard gauge). Although i'm planning on following the cameo format again, I thought i'd employ a more complex track plan, so it's a bit more focussed on play value than Pattyndenne. 


The layout is 1500x500mm with a 600x200mm fiddle yard. Buildings so far are a mix of MS models 3d prints, an old scenecraft shed, and a Fair Price farrier. Undecided whether to make a separate layout thread for this or post it here.



Things aren't ALL industrial though. I've been weathering up my Hornby SECR terrier, as well as some more stock for Pattyndenne. I'm still toying with the idea of switching the couplings for the Pattyndenne stock to Kadees to allow hands-free shunting but the price is putting me off for now. 



Further distraction has been caused by the sudden (surprise) acquisition of a Dapol O gauge Jinty and Terrier - the prices were just too good to turn up! They'll have to wait a while for a home though.



Edited by Willl
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Much progress with the new industrial layout thingy.


Hills built up with polystyrene left over from Pattyndenne. As much as I was reluctant to spend £5 to buy a sheet of something you normally get for free and then throw away, it's definitely gone further than the overpriced and frankly pretty disappointing expanding foam I have previously used.


I then spent many many long hours painting the track. Everything was first given a quick blast of brown spray paint, and then dry brushed with white acrylic. Then followed what felt like an eternity brush painting each chair and the rails in a slightly lighter, but frankly almost indistinguishable brown! The bullhead track is a real pain to paint as you can't run a brush along it in the same way as you can with normal code 75 or the 009 track. Fortunately I won't have to do that again for a while!




The layout was designed with composition in mind. The idea is you'll be able to look up from the standard gauge shed and see the narrow gauge locos in the background. The two sheds also act as view blocks for both the fiddle yard exits.


The Dapol shed is just a placeholder. I've got an MS models corrugated shed all painted up, but it wasn't on hand when I was taking photos.




The narrow gauge swings over the standard gauge and then heads perpendicular towards the front of the layout. This will help disguise the fact that the standard gauge runs straight up to the end of the baseboard, as if carrying on down the valley. 




Once the backscene and enclosure are on this view won't really be possible, but it pleases me greatly. I'm trying to decide whether the halt works here or if it should be next to the shed as above. 




The gaping hole in the cliff / embankment is where the tipping mechanism / chute will be. I've not figured out if I actually want to go ahead with this, for fear it will make the layout feel too toy-like. I've also struggled to get the tippers to work consistently, and for whatever they're filled with to actually go down the chute rather than just piling up and derailing the wagons when you go to pull away!

Edited by Willl
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7 hours ago, Captain Kernow said:

The new layout is definitely looking very good, but I'd certainly consider starting a separate thread for it, to do it justice if nothing else.


Sounds like wise advice. Think i'll have to come up with a name for it then! 

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Posted (edited)

A few minor jobs done on Pattyndenne this weekend just gone.


At last the new station running in board is fitted



The layout also has its first human inhabitant. This chap seems to be waiting for his horse to come back.


One thing I love about the micro layout format is the option to run the layout outside (weather permitting). It really comes to life in natural light, although the sea foam trees are a tad vulnerable when exposed to the scale equivalent of typoon level winds!



I've not got around to making a dedicated topic for it, but the colliery layout is also proceeding at great pace.



Edited by Willl
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

This weekend I finally got around to correcting the lighting setup on Pattyndenne. I removed all but one of the warm white LED strips from the roof of the lid and added two to the front of the 'arch'. With the original RGB LEDs set to green (which weirdly actually produces blue light!) it gives a decent impression of natural daylight. It doesn't really come across on camera but it's much less yellowy now. 


(The photos make the lights look much brighter than they actually are, especially the bright spots on the back scene. These aren't visible in person)


I'm still planning on replacing the lid with a hardboard construction, so this is more of a proof of concept to see what level of lighting is required. 


I also added the big oak tree at the right hand end of the layout. It needs some more foliage and a few sea foam trees/taller hedges to make it a bit less prominent. When viewed from the front it blocks the fiddle yard exit nicely, although when looking down the layout it looks a bit odd as you can see the back scene through the foliage. Still a bit more fettling to do on this, then I'll wire up the signals and it should be job almost done. 




Edited by Willl
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