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The Maxwell Colliery Loading Point


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Sometime off from real work has allowed me to make some progress on my layout. Boards 1 and 2 have been rewired in terms of new droppers and bus wires (photo of one end of board 2 attached) and board 4 wired for the 1st time. Board 3 to be re-wired on Monday/Tuesday. Board 1 has now had some plywood formers and chicken wire added to start the scenics and Board 4 has had a couple of plywood formers installed and the road underbridge started to be incorporated. I have also widened the road end on the outside of board 3 as it was a bit narrow. Hope the attached photos show the progress I have made.


Given todays date, can I take this opportunity to wish all RM Webbers all the best for 2012 and hopefully will see some of you at Ayr (where this layout makes its debut in mid September under my own steam - opps sorry that should be diesel!!) and then at Falkirk in November when it represents my club - the Glasgow and West of Scotland MRC.


Unfortunately the photos have not uploaded. I will add them as soon as the techniissues have been resolved.


Hopefully the photos wll appear this time and I have added a few from today. Board 3 almost rewired . I need to get it finished by tomorrow as my real work starts again on Wednesday.











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as if I didn't have enough work to do to have the layout ready for the Ayr Show in mid-September I decided to go ahead with another scenic 4 ft board to allow the trains to amble through the countryside more. I have attached some photos of the new board construction. The photo of the hardboard shows the approximate line of the new track (ignore the bit going off to the left - thats just because I used whole lengths!!)


in addition to this work, I started the paper covering of board 1 to see what impact the chicken wire or no chicken wire has on the formation of the landscape.








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extra board now complete in terms of main framing and half of track supports fixed. The picture showing the reduction in width of track support is where I intend to have an occupation under bridge from a farm. Next stage is remainder of track supports and then the plywood sides.







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an update: spend time on the demu stand yesterday at Irvine (Kilmarnock MRC Show) and pushed on with the cladding of the loading tower and its roof.


today has seen (on the extra board I have built) the plywood added for the farm (intially these will be the metcalfe kits until I can get time to scrathbuild replacements) and the occupational underbridge which will be where the 'coos' will get under the line!! One side ply face also added.










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thanks to those who have made comments about the layout.


I have just about finished the main woodwork of the additional board. These photos hopefully show what I am trying to achieve in the way of the empty or loaded coal train ambling through the countryside over bridges and through small cuttings! No mor activity this weekend as I have my real work to do tomorrow but after all the woodwork is complete its time to paint the plywood as has been done with the other boards.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Max,


I like your project very much :good_mini: . Just one thing I'd like to suggest for your rapid loader though. I would consider a gate at the base of the funnel - a simple sliding affair would do, and with this you will be able to accuarately control the flow of coal to each wagon. Your funnel arrangement can then be kept topped up. I think it will go better than guessing when, and how much coal to drop down the chute.


The real things use clam-shell doors, and as far as my research has turned up the NCB had a fairly standard design for the loading bunkers themselves with only the cladding varying from mine to mine. Google Welbeck Colliery rapid loader for some photos of the bunkers there - they are facinating. Also there is a video on YouTube showing some shots of trains loading at Silverwood Colliery and the operation of the clam-shell doors. Plans for the loader at Gasgoine Wood can also be found online complete with measurements.


Thanks for pointing out your thread over on Kinsley - It's great to see other people doing similar stuff.


Best wishes,


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  • 4 weeks later...

Now that Model Rail Scotland has come and gone I managed to make some progress on the Loading Point on Saturday and yesterday - first in a while!!. First up was the painting of the additional board I built and then the point control panel. The panel takes into account the further boards that will be added in the next few years - completion just now only needs the requirement of the 2 sections at the bottom of the panel and the fiddle yard.


Next up will be tracklaying and wiring of this additional board.







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have now got the cork down and track laid on the 'extra board'. Now gives a better length of run for train running slowly through the landscape.


also tried an area of base paper (actually they were scrap drawings!!) to see how the scenery might look - lots of work to be done for this!!





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  • 2 weeks later...

some good weather and lack of having to do office work at home today has allowed me to push on with the formation of 'scenery base' on a number of boards. Photos of boards 2, 3, 4 and 5 - hopefully in that order.











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love the flow of the track work. hope when it's all finished you'll be coming south of the border to show it!!!


thanks for the comments. Have the week off work after the easter weekend so will be spending most of that time progressing the layout further. As regards coming south of the border that will be up to others ie exhibition managers to decide after it has been seen at Ayr and hopefully Falkirk this year. Max

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  • 1 month later...

Its well over a month since I posted. Things may look as if they have slowed down but I am still beavering away when time and no real work permits. Last weekend most of the boards were erected in the garden and the tracks were sprayed courtesy of Stephen Cunningham of Ayr MRC which was very much appreciated - watched over by Mike Bartle (also of Ayr)!! This weekend I have been busy with the cork and some plaster infills. Photos show the boards together, the sprayed track and then the second end and actual end boards - the latter showing the proposed road bridge on the entry to the fiddle yard and the cutting either side. The apparent gap on the left had side of the track would have been the location of a former signal box. Debating now about the type of road overbridge - thinking along the lines of a stone or brick arch arrangement. 4 months to its debut at Ayr so got to keep going!!! Off work tomorrow so need to complete the unerboard wiring on the 2 boards on the photos.














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Only 4 months until you show it? ...... nothing like a deadline to keep you awake at night Max! Keep up the good work.


thanks Wibble - u are so right. Any sleep I do get is interrupted by nightmare thoughts of what will I do next. As I was on holiday today I got boards 3, 4 and 5 up together in th shed and tested the wiring with a pair of 26s. No problems so ballast work next although I have still to do the underwiring for board 6 and thats the main wiring completed. Max

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gave the ballasting of boards 3, 4 and 5 a go today along with some trial scenery scatter. Had bought some paint yesterday to apply to the paper formers I had set up for the scenic bases but the green was a little too garish hence you may need sunglasses to look at a couple of the photos. In addition, I had not left enough track base wood beyond the track width to safely stick said paper and the result has been the requirement to solidify some area with modroc to prevent subsidence!!. I have also used the modroc at the baseboards joints.


real work tomorrow prevents any planned progress. Any RM Webbers at the Kyle show at Stevenston next week say hello. I will be on the DEMU and Scottish Modellers stand working on the loading tower. Max








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As regards coming south of the border that will be up to others ie exhibition managers to decide after it has been seen at Ayr and hopefully Falkirk this year. Max


I have now been informed that the layout will not be appearing at Falkirk in November. This decision was nothing to do with myself. Its only outing this year is its debut at Ayr in September. Max

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Hi Max,


I know i follow your build closely on the DEMU forum but whilst I'm on here just thought I'd add how good the layout is looking. It sounds scary how close Ayr is to coming round but I know we will both be ready in time! I am looking forward to seeing it in Sept!


Hope you get some modelling done at the show and will see you at Perth.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Its been a while since any update but I have not been idle. Have completed all baseboard wiring, been undertaking more ballasting, mod-roc ing most boards and have tried a small area of fencing, ground cover and trackside coarse vegetation. Ignore the garish green paint - all I had available. The dark green grass will be toned down somewhat once I get a wide selection of scatters at the Perth Show in a few weeks, along with some more suitable graded ballast, hedging, trees etc. The light grey scatter alongside the double track will become the vehicle service road - there is a part similar arrangement at Renstrie. There is no full coverage of green paint opposite the location of the loading tower as I want to create a ploughed field at that point!!! As I am on holiday for the remainder of this week things should move on further again!













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got some work done on boards 5 and 6 today - primarily mod-roc ing again. Also completed the occupational crossing although the 'rail' sides are not fixed in place yet. Photo also shows the cows that will be used at the bridge later!! Due to timescales being a little tight to the Ayr show, buildings (except the loading tower of course) are Metcalfe Models and tried a couple out today - the 2 photo show the farmhouse and barn in different positions but it is likely that the latter shots will be the eventual location for each. The photos do not show the result of an earthquake but the boards were not fully joined to allow the photos to be taken. Board 6 where the track doubles out before entering the fiddle yard still has a bridge to be built to form the scenic break! Lastly I tried out part of the ploughed field on board 3. Its not perfect but once painted earth brown it should suffice. Difficult bit will be matching the rest up! The 2 'abandonded' tracks on board 6 are meant to represent previous lines to other mines in the area. These will of course be 'overgrown' when the layouts finished!












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