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O Gauge Kit Instructions


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Recently purchased a C.Taylor Models GWR 45XX kit off ebay. Really nice kit but no instructions, wondered whether anyone has a copy before guess build it!!


Also got an o Gauge Beattie Well Tank, from i think comet, again looking for instructions


Many thanks


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  • 2 weeks later...

Why bother with instructions, most of them are cr&p and you have to work it out for yourself anyway.




Ps. its more fun that way.


A bit like JLTRT then, the instructions I mean.


" Right where's my coat ". B)

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  • 7 months later...

Hi All,

Do I get the impression that 0 gauge loco kit building, is a real challenge because of a lack of good instructions

I have just started a JLTRT 2251 kit and they describe this as a " starter Kit". There is very little instructional help, and at over £350.


I can appreciate there are several good modellers who cope with these challenges but what about the rest of us??


Thankfully members/modellers help one another, and I am truly greatful.



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Quality (or lack of) instructions has no scale limitations.

There are good and bad examples of both.


It has also nothing to do with price. (neither has the quality of the kit)


There are also some kit manufactures who seem to play on their name rather than their quality.


To be honest, I think that some of the kit suppliers that make a play on their kits being difficult and word their instructions accordingly.

... and perhaps a few kit builders too who wish to uphold that mystique that unless you can build a kit without instructions and only have a huge library of reference material at your disposal can you claim to really build one of the kits.


Then there are some of us who believe every kit should come with a clear photographic step-by-step manual - if only to be able to show everyone that at least someone can build it.


As for missing instructions - particularly that Scorpio 14xx why not just write/phone them for a copy. If the instructions are anything like their other kits they are "adequate" and should be worth seeking out. Their newer ones are better than the older ones. I believe 14xx is an older kit. The 2021 (as pannier) kit amounts to 18pages of exploded diagrams and detailed instructions. Though a few photos would help.

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