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Guest Max Stafford

Don, they say nasty bolts from the blue land home on quiet Tuesday afternoons, there's the proof! I'm sorry to hear this but I suspect as others have stated that this one will be back to bite the company in the @rse, so don't despair. I do hope you find a way to keep connected with us here as I too enjoy your gentle wit and banter - often a healthy counterweight to my own general lack of subtlety.


As promised I've been plodding on with the loft clearance - six bags of rubbish and a pile of old cardboard so far. That said, three of the bags are clothing which will be laundered and put in the Sallybash clothes bank.


Phil, I'm glad your meet went well enough.


Robert, that radio is lovely!



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  • RMweb Gold

I go away for a day and then come back to hear about Don sad.gif I'm gob-smacked.

I really hope you are able to gain access the internet at least occasionally, Don, as it would be a great shame never to hear from you again.

You've been a true friend to all of us here on ERs in particular and I wish you well for the future!

Thanks for your support ever since we have met on here and I'm sure you will be sorely missed - not only by us, but by your colleagues.

Please do try and keep in touch!


All the best,


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I'd almost forgotten these, and as soon as the nomenclature appeared here, I recalled just about every one of these and its function, pin configuration, and power rating. So your radio had a continuous audio output of about 2W peaking at 4W.


Yes, you've hit the nail on the head there. Although it probably varies a little because there is some pretty elaborate switching to enable various "effects". There are "speech", "orchestra" and "solo" buttons which change the configurations of the receiver. One of these configurations is to switch the output stage between triode, and pentode mode by connecting the screen grid to the anode. However, it is basically a single ended audio amplifier.


I'm just posting to reply while getting my head round the bad news about Don - I answered him first.


I know - I was putting the radio post together when Don posted. I just went out for a bike ride, and letting my mind wander (as it often does when I am riding) it occurred to me that although I have never met anybody from ERs, I regard all the regulars as friends - and therefore I feel exactly as I would if it was a friend who had been made redundant, and I can't really get my head around it at the moment.


I very much hope that we see Don around here again. As I said in my earlier post, it won't be the same without him - he has been ever present since I first started posting in ERs.


Redundancy is a horrible thing - I've been there twice :(

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  • RMweb Premium

I can only echo what all the others have been saying about the matter with Don :( . That must be a truly paralyzing kind of message to be given out of the blue... I, too, hope you'll find a way to get some web access, Don - it'd be a shame for you to be cut off from us.

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Don: I too am sorry to hear the shock news!


My first reaction is 'do you have any form of recrimination'? tribunal, redundancy notification procedures, etc. to which you can turn? How many of your colleagues are in the same boat?


On a different tack, if you are declared 'with immediate effect', then you have no obligation to 'wind up' as you put it. Having been declared redundant effectively states that there is nothing to wind up!


I sincerely hope that you can get back onto the forum, both for your friendship through this medium and also for your advice and humour in all the threads in which I find you.


Now, may I propose a toast?


Here's to the first day of the rest of your life!


I'll drink to that!

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Hi Guys,

I have just been made redundant with IMMEDIATE effect. Shock, horror!

I will be around for a couple more days, winding up, but this is effectively Good Bye.

I consider you all my friends and I will miss your friendship tremendously,

but such is life.

With very best wishes



I am gutted on hearing this Don... You are one of the really good guys. Anything I can do to help just ask..(even in sending emergency brandy supplies :)


Cheers my friend

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Hi guys,

Thank you very much for all the good will messages.

I will turn 71 on Friday, so it was to be expected. For years I was referred to as the "oldest" programmer, not the "Senior" :lol:

I will have to wait to see how my income works out before deciding on whether I can afford internet access at home.

As Gordon said, we go back a long while on ERs, so I WILL MISS all of you.

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It's a bit like the status quo has been thrown out of kilter, Don.

I do so hope that it turns out you have access to sufficient funds to enjoy life to the full.


Not a very happy birthday for you but at least we can wish you many more in happier times.

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Morning All,


The weather is better than my mood this morning - I probably should stay away from posting, but I wanted to at least drop in and say good morning.


Sometimes this world seems ever so much more cruel than it needs to be. I woke up to an e-mail from the girl in South Carolina this morning. It was tantamount to a "Goodbye". It was a very nice mail - but it is difficult to interpret "Do not worry about sending me anymore messages, because I am extremely busy" and "I wish you good luck and happiness throughout your life." any other way. :(


Maybe it is for the best, because I can move on - and I need a long distance relationship like a hole in the head. However, it doesn't feel like it is for the best at the moment. Oh well - life has to go on. At least I still have a job.


Don, I'm feeling for you - I very much hope that you will be able to log on in future, and that you will enjoy your retirement.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


It seems that we're rising to bad news all round - Don with his enforced retirement, and Robert with his lady friend's farewell.


Commiserations to all who are labouring under ill tidings this morning. I think that in the circumstances a discussion about the weather, and the other usual drivel that we put on ERs can take a back seat this morning, at least as far as 45156 is concerned.


Let's hope that nobody else comes up with anything else today.


I'll check in again later to see who and what's about.


Regards to All.


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  • RMweb Gold

Hi guys,

Thank you very much for all the good will messages.

I will turn 71 on Friday, so it was to be expected. For years I was referred to as the "oldest" programmer, not the "Senior" :lol:

I will have to wait to see how my income works out before deciding on whether I can afford internet access at home.

As Gordon said, we go back a long while on ERs, so I WILL MISS all of you.




I do hope the income will run to internet access as I'm sure you wouldn't want to be wandering round hotel bars looking for free wifi!





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Guest Max Stafford

Robert, I've been in your shoes in the past and as you've stated, a long-distance relationship is a tough thing. Although it feels far from it at this moment -I've little doubt of that- it's better to have come to an end in this manner. Taken relatively, I'm sure this isn't the worst moment you've experienced in recent years and you're a mature guy who knows how to look after himself. You will feel better soon, I assure you of that. You've got friends on here and 'out there'. Keep yourself occupied with your modelling, your bike and whatever else it takes and you'll feel a lot better before long.


All the best.



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  • RMweb Gold

It is very sunny here so I'm going to start reducing a large pile of washing.

We took Matthew to Docklands last night to a Chinese floating restaurant. It was a very easy journey there (and back), train to Limehouse then DLR to Crossharbour.

I haven't done much so far today, just put the bin bags and various recycling containers out. Next on the list is more tidying up ready for all the visitors this weekend.



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Morning all...smile.gif


Last day of sanity 'cos dear old Mum moves in tomorrow. Apologies to all our neighbours for the booming TV. Poor old girl is a bit mutton.


No doubt it will be Deal or no Deal, Emmerdale, Eastenders and Corrie from now in..


Bless 'er...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


That's a tough one Don and the timing sucks. Hopefully you will find a way to get internet access as with the extra time on your hands you will "need" the forums. How will you cope without a continuous stream of drivel carefully thought out discussion?




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all...smile.gif


Last day of sanity 'cos dear old Mum moves in tomorrow. Apologies to all our neighbours for the booming TV. Poor old girl is a bit mutton.


No doubt it will be Deal or no Deal, Emmerdale, Eastenders and Corrie from now in..


Bless 'er...



My mother in law is a bit deaf but has the television on low and turns her hearing aid up. She did think the World Cup vuvuzela noise was a fault with the hearing aid and she had been reprogramming it until we explained what it was. Will your mum be helping with the workshop tidying? When my mother visited, if I did some DIY she kept making tea for me. I think it was probably due to her family all being builders or decorators and was a reflex reaction.





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Will your mum be helping with the workshop tidying?


Help? That's where she'll be living......biggrin.gif


She also has a hearing aid. Every so often we will hear this whistling noise and wonder what is going on. Experience has now shown it will be her hearing aid that has been left switched on somewhere and feedback is kicking in. It's a great homing device once you realise what the noise is.


I really hope young Don can find a way back here. I shall miss his friendly banter and Thabo updates.


Just in case, a very happy 71st birthday to you for Friday.....Cheers!

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  • RMweb Premium

Greetings again all


For once, I've actually left W&S and gone a-hunting round the layout and information topics, and hey - I discovered that there is life on RM Web apart from drivel and banter informed discussion and that it all seems to relate to model railways - and there was me thinking that this site centred on ERs and closely related topics like the games and things....


Robert, I think that Dave's post hits the nail on the head - we all got dumped from time to time, either by circumstance or by design, and it does hurt - but we get over it in the end.


I'm pretty sure Don won't be bowing out yet, because you can't keep a good man down. Don even if you do need to visit an internet cafe to get in touch, do so whenever you can, you will always be welcome on here, and we'll be looking our for you.


Back, then to the drivel - it's actually dry here today, which makes a change. Looking out the North facing window, it's not too bad, but looking to the West which is the direction that the weather is coming from, it's pretty black looking. My progress appears to be stuck a bit now, as my leg seems to be stiffening up, not freeing up - if it doesn't improve, I'll ask the hospital to arrange for a home visit from a physio.


The ERs seem present and correct today, apart from Phil H. - Edit. Just checked and he's lurking!




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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all...


I admit I forgot to report in this morning :unsure: . I see there are more unpleasant news - I'm sorry to hear it did not work out, Robert :( . I just posted a new round of photos on my RMweb blog - perhaps this'll cheer up all of you who may need it right now?


We'll be out for dinner with some friends tonight - most likely at an Indian restaurant.



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Afternoon All,


Thanks for all the kind thoughts and words - Yes, I will bounce back, I have no other option, it is just going to take a little time.


I am back to work tomorrow, so that should take my mind off things to a certain extent.


I went for a bike ride this afternoon. I always find it is good for thinking and getting things into perspective. The weather was nice, and I stopped for a while and sat on a bench in the middle of the forest, thought about her, smiled a little, cried a little, listened to the birds and thought about how insignificant all this is in the grand scheme of things - not that it makes it hurt any less.


I know "what if's" don't count (I've been through enough of them in the past couple of years!) but I can't help wondering what would have happened if we had met sooner, and why it is that we have to break off contact completely. I just don't understand it.


Oh well - life goes on.


Have a nice evening everyone...

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Good morning all you happy Early Risers!

It rained overnight and as far as I can tell, it's still overcast.

Today could be my last day as I have just one job outstanding, but then it might not be :unsure:

I will make a last post before logging off for the last time.

Watch this space. :lol:

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Morning All,


It is not a bad morning here weather wise - although it is definitely starting to cool down a little bit now. Although it is still quite warm during the day, there is a definite morning nip in the air.


Today looks like it is going to be quite a busy day, so I had better get on with things.


Don - that all sounds a little intriguing! You seem to have a lot to do for someone who is "redundant" :lol:


Have a good day everyone...

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