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  • RMweb Gold

Glad to hear mostly everyone is OK on this rather damp Monday morning!

Took me at least an hour to get out of bed this morning, I kept falling asleep :lol:

Hope your nerve doesn't persist John! Doesn't sound too pleasant :blink:


Good to see all the usual suspects here this morning, and I guess I will be back on around 4pm. Not cycling in today, far too windy and wet and i've been told i'm not allowed to cycle in...


Have a good day!

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Morning all. Very misty here, 15 miles inland from BoD.


I don't know if I'm suddenly allergic to something at my parents' or if my cold's still lingering on but I've woken up choked up again and with a sore throat. If it's just the cold then it's been lingering for a full 4 weeks now!


Thanks BoD for the link for the exhibition. Sadly I think I'll have to miss Darlington show, as I'm down here the following weekend anyway, and my petrol bill will be off the scale at this rate!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Rain has been lashing down hereabouts this morning. Been quite a good weekend despite the weather. A crew of 3 grumpy old men have probably made the pubs of North Cornwall financially viable through their efforts which is just as well as there was hardly anyone else about. Now all I need is a couple of days off to recover. Unfortunately it appears I have to go to work! Have a good one all.




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Morning All,


As already reported by other Hampshire "Hogs" who roam here, things here are very wet! Probably about 7 Oktas here and was lashing down when I got up, it has eased a little since, but the full waterproofs were required for the cycle to work! The upside of the rain is that with reduced grip it was a very fast run into the office this morning!! biggrin.gif


I hope everyone has a good week! only 4 days this week as I'm taking a Warley Extension (Sounds more like a Mornington Crescent Move! unsure.gif )


Keep Smiling!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Just back from a drive along the A13 to take Matthew to college. There appears to be a new bus timetable that has no buses on the route for 2 hours (7.30 - 9.30). This would appear to a strange timetable change.


The weather is cloudy with some rain here at the moment. Nothing too exciting planned for today unless cooking butternut squash risotto for dinner tonight counts.



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Wet and windy down here, so internet connection in on and off continually. Overhead line between some trees is the problem as every time the wind blows, the trees pull on the cables and break the connection....


Have a fun day. Hope you have left some beer in the South West Dave....

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  • RMweb Gold

That's not a quick job, Gordon.

They employ contractors to cut the trees back on an area schedule.

Then it has to be repaired.


My mother in law had a lot of trouble with even voice communication over her tree affected telephone lines. It didn't get any better after the trees were trimmed. I think without the trees the cables moved more when it was windy. Eventually they did replace the cable and it seems OK now. However she doesn't have any internet.



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28 forecast today! :D

You do seem to be having a bad time Mike. I hope the hot toddy worked, even if only to help you to a good night's sleep.

Good morning all.

No news so here endith the lesson.

The theme for todays sermon is taken from the first book of St. Nigel Gresley..........

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28 forecast today! :D

You do seem to be having a bad time Mike. I hope the hot toddy worked, even if only to help you to a good night's sleep.

Good morning all.

No news so here endith the lesson.

The theme for todays sermon is taken from the first book of St. Nigel Gresley..........


Been awake an hour roughly. Just had a lemsip and hoping to get back to sleep shortly for a couple of hours at least.


And I'm so pleased you picked the LNER CME. Much better than the other 3 of the Big Four railway companies... :)

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Morning All,


It's a right gloomy one here this morning. Damp, with misty rain coming down and still very dark. I really have trouble getting out of bed on mornings like these.


I've also got a bit of a cold at the moment - nothing too bad, but annoying. The head cold from a few days ago seems to have turned into a scratchy throat and cough now.


Oh well - it goes with the time of year!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium



Sore throat over here as well <_< . That weather we got here does get to me - including my mood, which in turn worries me greatly as I know I am overly sensitive towards myself and even the slightest feeling of uneasiness triggers all sorts of unwelcome and completely exaggerated thoughts. However, I would think knowing them to be such already goes a great way to solving the problem :) .


First of all - some tea and breakfast can't be wrong, can they?


Later ;) .

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We??™re being hit by a ???Pineapple Express??™ ??“ a warm weather system carrying lots of moisture from the Pacific (supposedly all the way from Hawaii ??“ hence the name). Since yesterday morning, we??™ve had over 4 inches of rain, and there??™s at least that much more forecast for the next couple of days. Last week, there was snow falling on the local mountains ??“ this rain is going to melt most of that and wash it off. Lots of rivers are rising fast, and a general flood warning has been issued. No reason to go out in it though, except perhaps to see how the local creeks are running. People are wondering if this is an indication of a wet rather than cold winter and, with the Winter Olympics due to start in February 2010, some people are starting to worry. unsure.gif



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Sore throat over here as well <_< . That weather we got here does get to me - including my mood, which in turn worries me greatly as I know I am overly sensitive towards myself and even the slightest feeling of uneasiness triggers all sorts of unwelcome and completely exaggerated thoughts. However, I would think knowing them to be such already goes a great way to solving the problem :) .


I know within a little what you mean - this weather really is totally depressing. Yesterday it didn't even get light properly :mad: - there's no sun, and it gets dark so early that I can't even go out on my bike - Bah! :icon_grumpy:


If it's any help Dominik, why not take a break from the revision and go for a walk? It's a great way to put your thoughts back into order. Plus, exams are merely an opportunity to show somebody what you have learnt over the past few semesters - Can't be too tricky can it? Take the opportunity to enjoy showing them what you've learnt.


You might have said before, but what course are you doing?


First of all - some tea and breakfast can't be wrong, can they?


Certainly not! I'm just having some coffee :icon_thumbsup2:

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Good job I don't come on here to be cheered up!

Sorry to hear of various ailments - best of luck for speedy recoveries.

However, I detest Winter (mostly) and can't get away from it at the moment due to commitments.

Just the absence of light during the day is enough to give me the megrims.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!

Managed to get out of bed today ;)

Still quite dark out there but it looks to be a high Okta count.

Took the plunge and started a gallery late last night. Still need to run more shots off to put in the gallery though, it's looking a bit bare. Don't know who rated one of the pictures, but thank you!

Our cat also seems to be eating like there is no tomorrow, plus she must be going in and out constantly - we need a catflap! She is getting quite old and she seems to quite often forget she had just eaten :lol:

Dominik, I agree with Robert, go out for a long walk and take a camera or something to relax your mind - usually calms me right down.

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  • RMweb Premium

I know within a little what you mean - this weather really is totally depressing. Yesterday it didn't even get light properly :mad: - there's no sun, and it gets dark so early that I can't even go out on my bike - Bah! :icon_grumpy:


If it's any help Dominik, why not take a break from the revision and go for a walk? It's a great way to put your thoughts back into order. Plus, exams are merely an opportunity to show somebody what you have learnt over the past few semesters - Can't be too tricky can it? Take the opportunity to enjoy showing them what you've learnt.


You might have said before, but what course are you doing?



English and German philologies :) .

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  • RMweb Gold

I love autumn and winter.


The colours, the crispness. Walking is a new experience and the views are so clear compared to the hazy views in summer. The patterns formed by frost and ice are a work of art that you can spend a whole day photographing. Wrap up well and enjoy.


I like days with a snow white collar,

and nights when the moon is a silver dollar

and hills are filled with eiderdown stuffing

and your breath makes smoke like an engine puffing


I like days when feathers are snowing

and all the eaves have peticoats showing

and the air is cold

and the wires are humming

but you feel all warm......

with Christmas coming.



Then I slipped on ice earlier in the year and cracked a rib. Now I think winter is crap.


Morning all

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Morning guys....Gets more like a hospital ward every day.biggrin.gif


Just to add to the list of casualties. There I was adding some shelves to another wardrobe yesterday, when I kicked over a box a screws. Only problem was I lost my balance and ended up standing on them. Not the thing to do in bare feet. Lifted my foot to find two screws sticking out of the sole of my foot. Jeez that hurt and I had to unscrew them to get them out. blink.gif


Not to be recommended....


Edit: How are the ribs these days BoD?

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