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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,

Looks wet and horrid out there, not venturing out today. At least that's the plan. Looks like I may have to get my finger out and do some work on the trainset over the Christmas break as there is a possible (very) late booking for an outing in January!




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  • RMweb Premium

at that stage the stockpile was 2000 tonnes, and the capacity of the hoppers was 6500 tonnes - hopefully the supervisor will have some explaining to do now, as the lack of grit caused a lot of problems also on the A683 which is a main road off the M6 across to the Pennines.



Guess that sort of thing - sadly - happens when the powers-that-be revere only the Holy Budget rather than actual requirements... <_<

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  • RMweb Premium

Guess that sort of thing - sadly - happens when the powers-that-be revere only the Holy Budget rather than actual requirements... <_<

Indeed - it makes me wonder what the ??135 a month I give the council actually goes on - still, they're pretty good on social related issues and have just masses of workers covering that area of things - one wonders who sets the priorities???


Oh yes, and I pay ??810 a year to them for the honour of parking the car on one of their car parks which currently resemble a skating rink. A colleague parked in the street nearby the other day, her car slipped sideways with the road camber, and she then collected a ticket because she was not parked within the indicated bays and the ticket showed the reason as "car inconsiderately parked",

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  • RMweb Gold

I had an uneventful trip round to the other side of London (near where the M25 joins the M40) today. Only excitement was some muppet driving a van (they overtook me as well) with the front nearside tyre missing driving on the rim.


I've been cooking this afternoon making a starter (it is from Delia Smith's new book so it should work) for tomorrow.


I was very glad to read that BoD's boiler was working now. At least the turkey should defrost in time for tomorrow.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and a very happy and peaceful Christmas.


I don't normally post on this thread but Jumble the cat decided on an early start (elderly felines can be most inconsiderate sometimes) so here I am. The cat woke our pooch up, so there was no chance of a lie-in after that!


Anyway, a Bachy BR3MT arrived on shed today so the traditional Christmas morning running session will definitely go ahead.

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  • RMweb Gold

Merry Christmas one and all.


I was a bit disappointed this year. All I got was a postcard through the door saying "Sorry, but you were out when we called ....."

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Morning All,


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas wherever you are, and whatever you are doing.


I must confess to feeling a little melancholic this morning - Christmas is after all a family time, and one third of mine is missing :icon_e_sad:


Still, I have been sparing a thought for others. Those who are less fortunate than me, who are alone and out in the cold. Those who have no family with them, and don't have a goose roasting in the oven.


May 2010 be filled with joy, happiness and modelling success for all of you!

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Morning All,


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas wherever you are, and whatever you are doing.


I must confess to feeling a little melancholic this morning - Christmas is after all a family time, and one third of mine is missing :icon_e_sad:


I know exactly what you mean Robert!


May 2010 be filled with joy, happiness and modelling success for all of you!

Not to mention January, February, March, April, June... :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, that's me in Leipzig now :) . Not much snow left, though - but windy it is. The goose we'll be having for dinner is in the oven already.


Good thing to be on vacation, particularly after those exams!


And merry Christmas once again to all who celebrate it on the 25th ;) .

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Kids and old people everywhere....


Can't move for tripping over new pairs of slippers and bath gel. Kitchen worktop looks like an explosion in a chemists. Conversation is up about 10 decibels as various hearing aids have been left upstairs....


Eh.....? Seems to be the word for today...biggrin.gif


Managed to escape the breakfast melee for a few minutes.


Second wave will arrive today and third tomorrow....Keep smiling.

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Morning all.....


Very unstressful day yesterday :)


We had decided to have a xmas eve main meal instead of the usual xmas day feast. Worked a treat as yesterday was a lot more relaxing and all were able to enjoy the day.




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