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Morning All,


First of all, sorry to hear your news Don - I hope that you find out some more information in due course.


The weather is rather grey over here this morning, and it is snowing on and off. I am currently in the middle of cooking lunch. I have got friends coming around today.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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Thanks all for the messages.

Robert, I hope you have an adequate supply of beer, wine or whatever your friends imbibe.

Good luck with the cooking. You have started early enough!

I always plan to have everything done by noon, so that when guests arrive we can sit and relax over drinks and I only have to bring food to the table.

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He did, in post # 2321 on the word "clearview" at the bottom left of his post.


Thanks Don! Didn't help that I was using the wrong search term. Was looking a day or two ago and couldn't remember the name!


I'll have to look on a proper computer, my iPhone doesn't give the post numbers!

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Spot on Don! How did you guess that?...


Mike, our main room is 26' x 16' and we have the Vision 500 plus a hood. This is the one of the smaller models and it will heat the room easily. No draughts and no smell of smoke at all. We just leave it burning at night and go to bed without the risk of fire. If you want it to run the next day, you can open the primary vent, wait a few minutes for the ash to glow and just add a few small logs and it's up and running in minutes. Lighting from cold is just a few pieces of newspaper and some kindling. It really is so easy and very quick to get a decent heat. As I said to DD, I empty the ash pan every three or four days of full running and just spread it on the garden. There are versions that will do hot water as well but our fireplace was a long way away from our hot water tank.


The glass stays clean unlike many others, so you do have the open fire appearance. We are burning Ash and Beech and 1m of logs will cost between ??50 and ??70 down this way. No doubt it will be cheaper in rural areas. Depending on your heat demands and hours of usage, 3m of logs will last between 2-3 months. The big plus for us though is that the heating stat has been turned down by 3 degrees C, so we will save considerably on gas consumption. The whole house is much warmer as the draughts and cold areas have gone.


Happy to answer any questions you may have....and I have no connection to Clearview whatsoever.



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  • RMweb Premium

As you said Mick "to each his own" - hobbywise.

Do they act like pets? recognize their 'owner', allow handling etc. etc.?


Morning all Yes Don apparently they can recognise the bearer of locusts and crickets and if handled when young can always be handled.

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Is that a cubic metre of logs, Gordon?

Not a bad price cut and delivered.


Around here, trees are always crashing down - quite a few in the road!

If I invest the labour, I have plenty of access to burnable timber with the blessings of the landowners.


How does it work on bank statements and the like?

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The fire will really roar if it's overdrawn......Sorry guys, best I could do this morning.


Yes, a cubic metre. You have to be a little careful though. 3 cubic metres is the size of our guys tipper, so he fills it to overflowing. Sad puppy that I am, after we had neatly stacked the pile of logs, I calculated the true volume without the spaces that are inevitable when you just throw them in the back of a lorry. The true volume was probably around 2.4m, but I guess that will be the same wherever you go....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Don I'm sorry to read about your friend in Germany.


I was having a conversation about woodburners at the weekend. Someone at the family lunch has had one and had to have his first one replaced as he was burning the wrong type of wood (pallets mainly) but he was very pleased with the fire. He now has an arrangement with local tree surgeons to dump their waste branches in his garden.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Miserable and wet hereabouts. That's an awful start to the day Don. Difficult to imagine how someone gets to that state.


Onwards, I need to build another building on the trainset...




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

What a wet morning! Looks like i'll have to do some modelling today...

Don, sorry to hear about your friend in Germany, must've been quite a shock.


We have a woodburner too which keeps the house warmed up during these months. I might have a go at lighting it because its getting colder in here! I'll take a picture if needed. It's an old 'Villager' AFAIK but we mainly burn coal in it (well, Dad's a steam man so what do you expect!) but we've been burning wood for the last week. Much easier with wood because if it has almost gone out you can just pop a couple bits of wood in, shut the doors, open the ventilation holes and within minutes it will be alight again. I'm pretty sure it was installed when my parents first moved here (some 18 years ago?).

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  • RMweb Premium

Firstly - Don, so sorry that you had such a bummer of a message - not a lot I can say there at all.


Second, Christmas was (thankfully) quiet with only me and Mrs 45156 at home, plus the dog. The boxes contained suitably train shaped items, but unforutnately, Mrs 45156 was not able to get a copy of Ian's book locally in time, so got me something else which luckily was a steam book that I didn't have. I'll get Ian's book on order soon.


Spent most of Boxing Day doing the council's wortk for them. I live on a corner plot, on the junction of two untreated roads, and spent a couple of hours clearing the compressed snow/ice off the junction, which was treacherous. Just as well I did, as we have had two days of refreeze so the roads are still bad - the bit we did is actually passable now. It did make us feel better that it was done, as two neighbours needed the attentions of the emergency Dr just after we cleared, and he was better able to get access - also one of them needed to be taken to hospital, and what we did helped the ambulance to get into the road. I now feel that I should bill the council for services rendered! I wouldn't get anywhere.


Back at work today, unfortunately, so will try to visit from time to time in my breaks - still can't get on at home due to naff PC.


As to the debate about stoves, we've got a Hunter Hawk 4Kw and when it's running well, it pumps out enough heat to enable us to switch the central heating off for a couple of hours. I run it on a combination of small coal and logs - mainly logs - coal just to boost and get it going, and it only needs clearing out every few days, the ash is just a fine tilth - mainly due to the fact that we only use well seasoned dry wood, and decent quality coal which is not prone to making clinker. I recommend it to anybody as a nice cosy addition to your domestic heating arrangements.


Happy week between Christmas and New Year..



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  • RMweb Gold

Pleased I might not have to oil my bat and help out then.


Do you qualify for South Africa?

Matthew could qualify for England, India and Pakistan on the birthplace of grandparent rule. However he never demonstrated any proficiency at cricket. He is only interested in American sports now.



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