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  • RMweb Gold

Dear ERs


I have a confession to make. I didn't get up until 7:30 this morning.

I therefore tender my resignation from ERs.





Gordon: I'll give you 3/1 they don't.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright and sunny here at present but rain showers forecast for later plus 'heavy rain' for tonight - at which point the folk shortly to move into the new build up the road are likely to find out whether or not their drains work and that rainwater usually finds the lowest point in a path etc - jerry cans are one thing but some of their building work falls into another jerry category I reckon (top notch brickwork tho', really impressive).


Ah well we might get a bit done in the garden before change of weather. And next door neighbour (left side) has just gone out on his old BSA, I love the sound motorbikes used to make - very nostalgic (and he's got a 'proper' 1960s Porsche 911- but it sounds a bit off tune, hope his watches run a bit smother than that).


Ah, cars with bags of electronics - not sure if it's a good idea but repairs can be quick when it's just one of the circuit thingies throwing a wobbly.

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New bin day today. Despite umpteen phone calls to the council, still no blue bags, so stuff is out the front in black bags. 'Customer Services' assure me they will take black bags. Bin men have already said they won't. Another gold star for communication of strategy......


Anyone want to place a bet?...



I am sure that you can just paint the black bags blue .......






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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all , grey and dreary haere at the moment , a bit colder too .


Talking of text messages , my dentists surgury text me the day before an appointment ,

thats one I can really live without .


Yesterdays loco rebuild went well , just some touching up and a couple of small bits to fit

and it's ready for service . Now just have to build the layout .


I'm not sure what will be occuring today , take it as it comes I think , but whatever is

happening in your day have a good one .

Edited by Sidecar Racer
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I must confess that this 'mobiles' boat has rather left me on the quay.....I don`t feel the need to be micro-managed by everyone (and their dog) whom has my ph. number. :no:


Everywhere I look these days, there`s cellular-zombies gazing into their palms, whilst walking in that peculiar gait they have (trying to keep the phone steady, so they can read the 'life-or-death' text)........everyone seems to want to hide under a hood, whilst bellowing mind-numbingly banal conversations such as: "He never!?!?"......"Where are ya?".......or my pet-hate: "I`m on the mobile!" :wild:


In this area there`s that many of them shambling about; I`m minded of a horde of radio-controlled monks in their hoody-habits.


......apologies, all this talk of text messages, has fair-nigh made me have one of my turns! :laugh:

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There are still a few shopfronts advertising 'Tattoos while you wait' and similar.

I presume they intended the joke but one can't be sure.


Text messaging is a modern phenomena that I subscribe to - I don't use them all that frequently, but they can be quite useful for sending quick messages to and fro. Trouble is, they can be misinterpreted and so one has to be careful what one sends by text.


Tattooing on the other hand isn't something I subscribe to. I can't really see the attraction.


I have a confession to make. I didn't get up until 7:30 this morning.

I therefore tender my resignation from ERs.


Resignation request denied...


In other news, apparently Cheryl Cole fancies Prince Harry. That's nice. Who on earth is Cheryl Cole?


<Wanders off muttering "I must be getting old...">

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Guest Max Stafford

Folks, I must confess to having an iPhone.

I rarely talk into it though and seem to use it mostly to see what's happening on here - cellular zombie that I am... :crazy: !

Raining somewhat here. Carlisle is a little close to sea level for major snowfall and I don't expect to see the white stuff today other than in my tea.

Hopefully when it clears the general conditions will be bright if cold. It's not like the weather conditions are untypical of spring; I remember several like this in the '70s and '80s in Scotland with similar combinations of warm and cold. In fact, the much filmed RCTS Scottish Tour of Easter 1963 shows similar weather variations as the backdrop to some very nice machinery!




Dave. (so daft they named him twice!)

Edited by Max Stafford
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  • RMweb Premium

Everywhere I look these days, there`s cellular-zombies gazing into their palms, whilst walking in that peculiar gait they have (trying to keep the phone steady, so they can read the 'life-or-death' text)........everyone seems to want to hide under a hood, whilst bellowing mind-numbingly banal conversations such as: "He never!?!?"......"Where are ya?".......or my pet-hate: "I`m on the mobile!" :wild:


Though this may sound funny, it is very rare for me to actually use my mobile for phone calls...and I'm entirely with you that it can be extremely annoying to be listening to phone calls and other conversations of other people, especially on the train. Thankfully, I can shut them out well enough by plugging in those earphones and listening to music, and possibly browsing the 'web... ^_^

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  • RMweb Gold

I have a mobile 'phone - it also does something called 'txt' (which doesn't really bother me and so I haven't bothered to find out how it works except to delete stuff sent to me) and that's it, and I can even remember my mobile 'phone number. I occasionally use the 'phone element to make calls (a £10 top-up lasts around a year) and of course people can call me. And I try to keep my use of it in public places private (e.g if I use it on a train I will go out to the vestibule).


As far as I'm concerned that's it - I have a camera (well several actually) to take photos, I have a computer to get onto the 'net or occasionally play games (very occasional as games for Macs are fortunately in very short supply) and I've got a library of several thousand books which I can read for pleasure, leisure or learning.

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There is a God up there. Bags have been taken. :)


It may not seem much compared to World Peace, but I just couldn't face the "You're 17th in the queue' and that 'effin music again. No wonder I'm up tight by the time I get to talk to someone.


Visions of the car hire desk in 'Trains, Planes and Automobiles' keep flooding back......

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Guest Max Stafford

All the photos I upload here were taken with my phone, Mike. I do have a rather nice Fuji DSLR camera, but I'm much too incompetent with the thing to make any practical use of it. Would anybody like to swap it for a nice model loco or something? :derisive:



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  • RMweb Premium

I turned my phone on this morning and got a text from three days ago , thats how often

I use it , mine is kept for when I'm out and well away from home in case of car problems

etc. Use it to talk to people , whatever for . :O

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  • RMweb Gold

All the photos I upload here were taken with my phone, Mike. I do have a rather nice Fuji DSLR camera, but I'm much too incompetent with the thing to make any practical use of it. Would anybody like to swap it for a nice model loco or something? :derisive:


Trouble is you're modelling the 'wrong' railway Dave ;)

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Morning all (just). It's trying to snow sideways on and off in Edinburgh. Pretty manky morning.


I'm an iPhone addict. But I don't make many calls on it. Mostly text, Twitter and web. I don't really play games any more, though I used to enjoy Command and Conquer and the Settlers when I had a Windoze machine.


Off to a meeting across town about Asbo hedges. Tony, I'll be thinking of your leylandii.


My coat rack's by the front door, close to the kitchen and I keep getting a whiff of last night's curry off the collar of my jacket...

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  • RMweb Gold

Now that I'm getting forgetful (allegedly) the phone is useful. I left the shopping list at home and rang Matthew to ask him to dictate it to me. As I was already forgetting the first item by the time he had finished I asked him to email it. I only really got used to sending texts last year when Matthew was in Vietnam.


Anyway I'm off to Chemsford now for MoT (with car)

Edited by Tony_S
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Good Lord. I actually slept for the first time in Yonks for seven straight hours! Off for a coffeee will be right back.


Best, Pete.


You`ll surely feel much better today, Pete.......concentration really suffers after a chronic lack of contiguous sleep. :sungum:

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Dull today - started off very heavy rain about 05.30 beating on the roof, woke me up having fallen over about 04.30 (I think I was awake for an hour out of every two from about half ten last night - this leg is a bit painful, and makes lying quite awkward). No sign of any white stuff, though we have a "yellow" warning again, but as with Dave, our closeness to the coast makes snow an unusual event here.


I've got to say I'm with Mike on mobiles - I can't send a text message, and can't access the mobile internet - and my mobile causes a lot of mirth when the younger generation see it - just a little Nokia which I plan to replace with one of these big button/big screen jobbies soon. I had to contact my phone supplier yesterday as they messed up my bill - and the guy who sorted it said he'd confirm the refund. He offered a text message, and I asked for a letter. Today I switched on the mobile to see if it needed charged, and lo and behold - peep peep peep - "you have a text message" - surprise, it was from the phone supplier, confirming the credit - despite the fact that I'd told him that I don't normally use text messages (something which he found a bit hard to believe!)


Regards to All


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