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  • RMweb Gold

You are braver than me - 45 degree mitre, Lumberjack glue and 45 minutes in a right-angled clamp is my limit - they don't come apart again, the wood breaks first


If you ask me - mitred joints are much harder to do using hand tools than dovetails - to get a perfect 45 degree angle is by my dodgy sawing unachievable! Give me a chisel any day...


My father would always do the most exquisite joinery on even the most utilitarian woodwork. I think it was done so he he maximise the time in his shed.


No danger of exquisite joinery with me ;) I have low, achievable standards :lol:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Dinner last night was very good - been dead tired when we got home, though, and still am quite dozy right now. Only thing which really bugs me is that my shoulder's been aching quite badly since yesterday morning - not sure why :unsure: . Been using a hot pillow yesterday, which but provided only temporary relief.


Well - see y'all later ;) .

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A continuing story of the In Laws:


FiL decided he wanted to open a new Bank Account for MiL to use in emergencies (OMG).

He made enquiries and was given a carrier bag full of leaflets and information and duly opened the account.

Arriving home, BiL read the information to discover that, after six months, there was ??25 per month to pay in Bank Charges (robbing swine - this wasn't explained).

He decided to cancel the account and made an appointment with the Bank to do so.

Arriving early for the appointment, he left the carrier bag behind the counter while he went to the shops.

(Bear with me).

On his return, FiL went to the counter and pointed to the bag.

"I left that earlier, I'd like it back now please".

The cashier went red and looked ready to burst into tears.

"It's the nicest thing anyone has done since I've been here and now you want them back?" she asked.

Apparently, someone had left a large box of chocolates in the interim.


Mundane but usual for the In Laws.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


It is bright and sunny so I hope I haven't overslept by a couple of months!

Dd, I hope your father-in-law got everything sorted. I rather like our local bank branch. They seem to explain everything without being condescending. Matthew's former bank was awful.

My mother would never fall for the scams of doorstep con-men but some of the respectable looking staff in building societies persuaded her to make some dubious investments.



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  • RMweb Premium

As a bit of advice for all who may be planning a trip to Argentina, Paraguay or Uruguay: Do try to avoid stating that you will catch ("coger") the bus or train, as this will most likely result in an outburst of laughter! :lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

As a bit of advice for all who may be planning a trip to Argentina, Paraguay or Uruguay: Do try to avoid stating that you will catch ("coger") the bus or train, as this will most likely result in an outburst of laughter! :lol:



I always wondered about the etymology of "old codger".

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I cycled into town this morning - not the best idea of my life. It started to snow heavily shortly after I left and the roads turned treacherous. I managed to stay upright most of the way, but did fall off once having tried to take a corner too fast. I was dumped unceremoniously on the pavement, with nothing more than feeling a bit of an idiot (why does that always happen in front of people?!?)


Needless to say, I caught the train home again!

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Morning all.

Nice joint JAM, I couldn't do that.

Lounge suite arrived more or less on time. Now I need new curtains! My char very happy with my ex chairs.

I THINK! my holiday is booked.

After a whole week of trying the travel agent seems to have got all the connections sorted (after 3 mails to say "We are having a problem with xxx connection, we got than one sorted but are now having a problem with yyy connection" and so on.).

I electronicall transferred funds in payment within 30 minutes of their last e-mail saying "Delighted etc etc please pay...." That was on Thursday morning. No communication since, so am hoping........

Headlights on coming to work for the first time this year, but 7 3/4 oktas probably the reason. Hope for a couple of weeks still light enough to do without them till it's really starts to be dark at 6:00 am.

Hope you all have a good week.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Cold outside and still quite a bit of snow, and the forecast says it's to remain like this for the next couple of days. Still getting sorted out myself, though... :icon_yawn:


Have a good day!

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Morning All,


Took me half the morning to get to work today. As Dominik said, there is quite a bit of new snow here (around 5cm at a guess) and the roads are still covered with snow. It was somewhat slippery in places but most people seemed to be driving sensibly.


I wonder what today will bring?


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


I suspect today will mainly consist of making cups of tea. My wife has a cough/cold and won't be going to work today. She normally doesn't get colds in termtime but this one must have sneaked past her defences.

It was raining late last night but seems quite dry now.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Thanks Don!


Weather grey and miserable what I can see of it! Dentists straight after college today. I'll take that joint in to show my product design teacher so he can't say I haven't been doing anything over the weekend. From being his 'most lazy' student (!) I am now his 'top student' - let's just hope it stays that way!


Have a great day and i'll catch up later. (It's a shame i'm not often up early enough to visit ERs in the morning)


Jam :D

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