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Slaters PO Wagons

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Hello all.

I'm building a Slaters kit for a PO wagon-one of these-(http://www.lbscr.demon.co.uk/models/wagons/DS-photos/Thomas-Meakins.jpg)On the instructions it says they would normally have brake gear on one side only, which is fine.If this is so ,would it still have the V-hanger on the non-brake side or should it be cut off?

Thanks in advance



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My layout is set in 1910 so I'm assuming the wagon to be in pretty much original condition.As for the boltheads,there doesn't seem to be any so I may have to ADD some on the brake side.



Yes, the requirement for either side brakes wasn't formulated until 1911 – and many wagons were scrapped in the '20s and even into the '30s without ever receiving the second set.


From memory the outer V-hanger in the Slater's kit incorporates the necessary bolt heads.





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Yes, for your period one set of brake gear should be adequate for most POs. I am actually removing the second set from some of mine as I think I have been too generous in the past!


One point to watch is that with a single set of brakes the handle is usually (right handed) towards the fixed end. (Where there is one fixed end and one end door that is.) Mentioning this because it's a mistake I have made! And felt rather stupid about.

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Thanks for all your replies.The offending articles have now been lopped off.Thanks for the tip about the fixed ends Poggy, something I never knew.Luckily it doesn't apply to this wagon as it has two fixed ends and a side door.



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