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Waverley West, Princes St Gardens and Haymarket MPD

Waverley West

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Thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated as always.



Superb images as always,it must be great to have a complete layout to enjoy operating. Could you post some latest images of the TMD side of the layout please? :)






Will do, Lewis. Glad to oblige. :D



Hi Dave,


26025 looks really good in that photo - I really enjoy looking at your shots of the trains running as you capture them so well. When my viaduct is finished you will need to come and take a few shots on trains passing over that whenever you are in Edinburgh. I'm glad to see so many trains running in your Ashes to Ashes time warped world - Did I possibly spot Gene Hunt at Waverley? Certainly wasn't so many trains today with the big overnight freeze! You probably ran far more than Scotrail today! Great to see your updates as always,





Well spotted Mark! I haven't seen him but his car is definitely crossing Waverley Bridge at the moment. I'd like to take you up on that offer to take some pics of your viaduct. Will let you know when I'm in the area.




Hi folks,


In a shock development, some black and white shots of Kestrel in the Edinburgh area in the 1980s have been unearthed from the archives, completely contradicting all the previous evidence that the loco had been exported to Russia.


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The loco is apparently pulling a railtour or a test train composed of Mk 1 stock.


The appearance of the loco resulted in mayhem amongst the gricer community as spotters flocked to the best lineside spots...


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Well, all right then, I made the last one up. That's the result you get if you let your 6-year old daughter play on your layout for a while unsupervised. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: The damage can be repaired, well at least I think it can.


More on this breaking story as it unfolds...




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"Good" to see that other kids behave like my own loved ones. Just a week ago, my 9 year old son overcrowded my layout with his toy cars in a similiar way. At least he is careful enough not to break anything. At a recent exhibition, he was responsible for laying out the cars. And he ended up arguing with two lorrydrivers attending if the trucks could have been parked his way in the real world!

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Sorry if this has been asked before, but the sheer size of the Waverley West thread makes it a little time consuming looking through all of it - how big is the layout?


Stunning layout.




Ask away Matt. It's about 5m x 2.2m at its widest (i.e. the Waverley end) and 2.0m at its narrowest.




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Ask away Matt. It's about 5m x 2.2m at its widest (i.e. the Waverley end) and 2.0m at its narrowest.





Thanks, is it portable / have you ever exhibited it? I'm building a layout set between the very late 60's to 70's at the moment and have been planning to use semaphore signals but the videos of your signals are tempting me towards colour lights.


One again, this layout reallly is one in a million.



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Thanks, is it portable / have you ever exhibited it? I'm building a layout set between the very late 60's to 70's at the moment and have been planning to use semaphore signals but the videos of your signals are tempting me towards colour lights.


One again, this layout reallly is one in a million.




Thanks Matt. No, it's not portable I'm afraid, at least at the moment and it would take quite a lot of work to make it portable.


As requested by Lewis (Arpleymodeller), here are some shots of the depot side with some slightly wonky tower masts. This side of the layout is to be more or less completely redone at some point as a scaled down version of Haymarket depot. I just need to decide exactly what I want to do, find the time and courage to do it and get a round tuit, which I can't seem to find anywhere. :D


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Plus a few other miscellaneous shots of 47461 after its recent visit to the works for weathering (!!??). This loco had been more or less ex-works up until now but I prefer my locos with that "in service" look...


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My TPOs are now nearly finished. I'm also currently working on some new ScotRail station nameboards to update the layout to 1986, as well as some replacement platform lights which match the real ones much more closely.


Then there's a Coal Sector 26 to do, static grass and general vegetation to have a go at, the depot side to completely redo, the 08 station pilot to be renumbered, buffer beam detailing on my 108s and 47s, the air pipes to fit on my 47/7s and a large logo 47/7 sounds nice too, not to mention better relay boxes, water taps, cables and other details in the station area... Apart from that I'm a bit stuck for ideas as to what to do at the moment. :D


Hope to post some pics of some more progress soon.




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attachment=72403:47640 on shed 2.jpg]


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Hi Dave,

Wow - Waverley West never ceases to amaze me. Your skills, both modelling and photographic, are superb. Keep going with them - they bring a huge amount to enjoy to a lot of people ... me especially!!


Also nice to see some more detailed shots of the shed scene - modelling a shed at the moment, albeit in O gauge, its given me some idea's for the back area of the depot! Hope you don't me me borrowing the odd one or two ;)



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Hi Dave,


I'm glad you still have so much work to do on your layout for 2 reasons, first it means we will get to see your updates of all the new little details and stock as and when they appear which by the sounds of that list will take a fair while to do and second its nice to know other people create massive jobs list for their layouts as mine seems to grow with every little bit I think I have completed!


Nice updates and if you want photos of Haymarket shed there is a road on part of the old track bed for Princes Street Gardens with a large layby which provides great shots of the depot now. The old shed building is still part of the depot and there is a road on that side too but at a lower level. There has been an extra new building at the station end built in the last few years and all the storage tanks have also been replaced in the last couple as well. Shame though there aren't any nice locos like on yours anymore!


Great photos as always,



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Nice updates and if you want photos of Haymarket shed there is a road on part of the old track bed for Princes Street Gardens with a large layby which provides great shots of the depot now. The old shed building is still part of the depot and there is a road on that side too but at a lower level. There has been an extra new building at the station end built in the last few years and all the storage tanks have also been replaced in the last couple as well. Shame though there aren't any nice locos like on yours anymore!


Great photos as always,





Thanks for that info, Mark. Brilliant. I was wondering what access in the area around the depot is like these days and whether it would be worth a trip, as I need some shots. I've been past on the train a few times but it's always too quick to get much of an idea. I don't have the space to model the depot closely, but hopefully I can get the feel of the place.




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quote name='yellowvanman' timestamp='1292515841' post='281734']

Hi Dave , just sorting out some old pics and found this (very poor pic) but shows sign and station bits and bobs ..1985ish ..thought may be of use , keep up the good work and keep posting those excellent pictures cheers YVM..



That's just the kind of thing I'm looking for YVM. Cheers. Tracking down general shots of the station has not been too difficult but finding shots which show particular details like that at a particular time in the station's development has been surprisingly difficult. I'm still looking for a shot which shows the relay boxes in the area around the entrance to '"W" tunnel (the left-hand one as you look towards Haymarket). It doesn't seem to feature in many shots.


Looks like I'm going to have some fun modelling those details!


Cheers and thanks again,


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Hi folks,


As Christmas is getting very close now, I doubt I'll have time for any more updates over the festive period, so I just thought I'd thank everyone who's posted on this thread for their friendship, input, help and feedback and wish all RMWebbers a




With the in-laws arriving tomorrow, modelling time is going to be at a premium over the next week or so. I've been installing my new platform lights over the past couple of days (7 down, 3 to go), so my target is to get those done over the holiday.


Santa is hopefully bringing me a short rake of the new Bachmann autoballasters for my long-term Waverley 2006 project (well, alright then, I admit, I just couldn't resist them). Cue Kestrel at the head of the rake for some time-travelling mindless festive fun. :D So much for exhaustive attention to detail and accuracy on Waverley West. :unsure:


Festive Greetings and Happy Modelling everyone!


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Merry Christmas Dave, loving the shots of the TMD, especially the one with the side of the Large Logo 47. I had to look twice as I thought that you sneaked a prototype photo in! Which one is it, 644? Seeing your 461 takes me back to my first layout as a boy set in Glasgow with Lima 47s including 461, 640, 643 adn 644. I did really like Eastfield's 47s.


Thought of you the other day when I came across some video shot at Waverley and the surrounding area in 1994. 37/4s on MK2s……..right up your street!


Is that 617 YVM?



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That's the result you get if you let your 6-year old daughter play on your layout for a while unsupervised.

I paniced the other day when my (very nearly) one year old son picked up a kit built loco!


Oh, and great photos as ever :D

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Hi Dave,


Merry Christmas to you, it has been great following your updates this year and I'll look forward to more of the same next year. I know I'll look forward to your 2006 stock fleet - especially with class 60's on engineering trains in the station itself!


All the best,


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Hi Dave, I haven't had a chance to check in recently and had missed the depot scene. Fantastic! I know sound units can make a loco seem alive but personally I don't think they do much for a layout on the scale of yours. They also do nothing for still photography. Your photos however have captured the atmosphere brilliantly. I can smell the hot oil and hear the ticks and clicks of cooling locos and background thrum of idling engines. Lovely.


More than anything else I believe that's what layouts are meant to do - give a bit of escapism. I can really imagine walking up that brae, as I have done countless times, into the depot and seeing the line-up. Very nice. And a great deal more interesting than the current scene - jam packed with broken 170's that can't cope with the cold.


Great work. All the best for the new year, please keep posting.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Alex - Thanks. The 47 is currently numbered as 640. I'm thinking of changing it at the moment, possibly to either 636 or maybe 578, as the black headcode is wrong for 640. I've become a little fussier these days about things like that. Those 37/4s in the video - what routes were they on? I believe they worked Glasgow/Edinburgh - Inverness sometimes, didn't they? I'd be very interested to know as my 37401 doesn't see a whole lot of use, as I didn't think they were all that common at Waverley??




Hi folks,


A belated Happy New Year and thanks for all your wishes.


Although I haven't posted for a while (or should that be because I haven't posted for a while?), I've actually been quite busy on the modelling front and a fair amount of progress was made over the Christmas hols. Improvements include a new wall section next to The Mound tunnel to replace the one with the obvious crease, replacement of the station signs with ScotRail versions and replacement of the platform lights with new ones that match the ones dating from the 80s much more closely.


Three 47/7s have also gone into the works for various improvements, including fitting of the air brake pipe, new RCH jumpers, drivers, buffer beam detail, etc. etc. ScotRail 47715 has now emerged and 47707 just needs testing. 47702 is being renumbered 47701, as again the black headcode is wrong for 47702 and that will emerge a little later.


I've also had a few photo sessions so here are a few shots. Hope you like them...


First up, an overall view of the station area showing the new platform lights. These are modified Brawa. They're not a perfect match, as the lamp heads are a bit too large, but they're not far off. Definitely a big improvement anyway.




The new ScotRail signs take the station into the second half of the 1980s...


The first one is a bit wonky. Must remember to straighten it before I take another photograph! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:




That's me on the trolley by the way, or will be when I've finished painting him...




Next, a 105 leaves Waverley for Kirkcaldy...




47461 leaves on a TPO train bound for Aberdeen...






Another general view...




ScotRail 47707 has been fitted with full buffer beam detail, a new driver, weathering, new RCH cables, oh and a kitchen sink. ;)




Close-up of an HST as it leaves for Aberdeen...




And finally, another general view. I'm very pleased with the new lights and they match the prototype ones much better. The bases of the signal posts have also been painted black.




Currently in the works is 47702 and a Coal Sector 26. My immediate plans for the layout include detailing the station area but I'm finding this a bit daunting at the moment, so I've decided to pick a smallish area and then detail it and then move on to another area. I've been trawling books and some cab ride videos from the 80s which are very useful for detail.


I've just booked my tickets for Model Rail Scotland, so hope to see some of you there.


Well, better go and do some work I s'pose.


Cheers for now,


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