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Details of the 'Doncaster Rover' 1979 needed please?


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A plea, if I may?



I wonder if anyone can help regarding a (LCGB?) railtour I travelled on in the late 1970's? (21/01/79)


I've done a search both here and on the excellent SixBellsJunction website and can't find any reference to it, although I have found some photographs on the web (on a Fotopic site), taken at Stockport on 21/01/1979 which was called the 'Doncaster Rover'. This would fit the time I had in mind, the weather, the destination, and the loco hauling at that point.


Now that I'm getting on a bit, my memories are a bit blurry, but what I do remember is:


We boarded at Liverpool Lime Street - the loco was 40 106 (in green). I don't remember Stockport, but I seem to remember that the 40 was taken off at Guide Bridge and replaced by 2 Class 76's, which would imply that they in turn, were taken off at Sheffield.


Again, I don't remember what provided onward haulage to Doncaster.

The day started cold but bright, but by Guide Bridge, there was snow on the ground, and by the time Doncaster was reached, the snow was joined by thick fog. My main recollection was that I was in the last carriage (a compartment Mk1) and it was FREEZING!! :sad_mini2:

(I don't think that any steam heat available made it that far down the train, and I don't suppose that the 76's were providing any anyway!)


Once at Doncaster we made our way around the works and there were (IIRC) 11 Deltics there that day. :blink:


A couple looked very folorn (Nimbus? St Paddy?), and I was shocked to see them in such a state. There were Class 50s (being refurbished?) and Class 56' being built. I also recall (because it remains the only one I ever saw) a Class 71 tucked away in a dark and dingy shed, undergoing what looked like body repairs. Was this the preserved one actually undergoing preservation?


All I have left are photos of 40 106 and unidentified Class 76s at Guide Bridge, plus some of some murky shapes at Doncaster - the old instamatic didn't work well in fog...


I have no details of loco numbers, the route taken there and back, timings, or what was on Doncaster Works. Any info would be appreciated.


Can anyone help?




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Thanks. Yes, they're the only ones I found.


I must be losing it - it didn't register with me that 40 106 was at Doncaster - I could have sworn it came off at Guide Bridge 'cos I took a photo of it there detatched from the train.... hey ho.


I hadn't thought of the gallery owners either, so I'll give them a whirl - thanks again.

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Dont know if this will help but did a tour on 2/12/78 with 40106 where we had 76030 as pilot from Guide Bridge to Rotherwood. Tour started at Crewe, I recall a photostop at Penistone in rather a lot of snow, the 40 was providing steam heat - at least over Woodhead.

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  • 3 years later...

I too had a hazy recollection of this railtour.  I was only 14 at the time.  SixBellsJunction provided the first missing link & then I found this discussion.  The 71, the only that I saw too, was 71001.  I had helpfully annotated it in with "DR WKS" in my Combined.  Passing Tinsley we saw 13002, again I know this as it was the only one I ever saw.  I can't recall how I joined it though - I thought I boarded at Warrington Bank Quay but maybe we took a DMU to Piccadilly & joined it there ?  This would have been my one and only trip over Woodhead and it seems the only time I was pulled by a 76.

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  • 1 year later...

Only 2 years late, I think I've worked things out. Apologies to those I may have confused... :sorry:


I went on two LCGB railtours in 1979: 'The Doncaster Rover 2' on 21/01/79, and 'The Woldsman' on 21/04/79. I merged the two tours
together in my (simple) mind, as both went via Guide Bridge, and both happened on the 21st of the month. It was 'The Woldsman' that had
2xClass 76 haulage over Woodhead, and 'The Doncaster Rover' was hauled by 40 106 throughout.
The photo I took of '106 detached from the train was at Stockport!   :fool:

Sorry about that.


By way of apology, I've recently re-discovered and scanned some of the (admittedly poor) photographs I took of that very cold Doncaster tour
and have attached them here.


40 106 run-past at Stockport (which was where the cold really started...)



Line-up at Guide Bridge Class 76 and Class 506 EMU



Pair of 76's at Guide Bridge (1)



Pair of 76's at Guide Bridge (2)



The afore mentioned 13 002 at Tinsley



71 001 was at the back of a small low-roofed shed (paint shop?). It was either foggy in there too, or the instamatic was struggling to get enough light...



The other photos taken at Doncaster are just murky blobs - shame, as they were all the Deltic pictures.

Anyway, I hope the above explains things - cheers.




Edited by billy_anorak59
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  • 4 years later...

..was on this railtour with 40106 -  still got my ticket somewhere - seem to recall it took a wrong route somewhere not far beyond Edge Hill and the whole train had to reverse -  travelled in either an SK or a CK - bright sunshine at Stockport but by Guide Bridge was getting really murky - I too have a sllde of the 76's at Guide Bridge - had my head out over Dinting viaduct and also approaching Woodhead tunnel - thick snow ! Doncaster works was snow covered and thick mist probably mixed with all the industrial grime from back then - was 14 back then in 3rd year of secondary school so had a kodak 126 with slide film in  - took a few shots but obviously the weather didn't help - recall Alycidon in bits in the shops having its sandbox fillers and small cabside windows plated over - quite a few Deltics outside waiting attention , also outside a 56 with an end whacked in possibly 029,St Paddy in the snow,50009 and 50037 - will have a better idea when I dig my slides out of what was there - seems a long time ago now but still remember it - a highlight of my youth - mentioned to someone at work not too long ago about having been over Woodhead behind 40106 and they went off in a mood - would never have thought it would have that effect - when I see him next time will have to mention that I went to Stranraer behind 40033 on the Ayrshire ranger in Sept 83 and see what effect that has !

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