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Benelux depot open days 2011 ?

m davies

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Not sure if this is the right forum, but, does anyone know of or where info can be found for overseas depot open days please?, specifically Holland and Belgium, I really need some detail shots of some locos under consideration for scratch building and it seems a field trip is going to be the only reliable way to get them.


Any help greatly appreciated.





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Really depends on what stock you need to photograph. Anything in a museum can be accessed during opening times and contact can be sought for special dispensation to cater for special needs, but working depots; you might as well forget it. Let me know what you need and I may have (or not) something from my collection (only Dutch!!). Otherwise, google for "Nico Spilt" and see if he has anything of use on his website (do note, I don't think he has English pages nor captions, but it never hurts to try ;))


Do they not have open days in Holland?, I'm sure I have seen collections of locos at special events or depot visits, I'll try and find them, most are collected from Flickr collections, I know there was one or two in Belgium last year, perhaps not a working depot but open days in yards where there is a collection of locos available for people to look around.


I'm after detailed images of running gear and bogie's, cabs too for classes....wait for it!, NS6400, NS16-1800, any G1206 but ACTs will do, G2000, Deutz DHG1200BBM (Strukton), Br110, Br151, Br185, Br189, Br294, HLD77, HLD55, HLD62, HLE26 I have reasonable drawings for most of these but really lacking details on the DHG1200BBM. General photos I have plenty of (about 3000) and some are very large high quality digital which show some details, but always the missing bits in the dark areas :). It is the detailed areas I am short of and I prefer large digital images 1900x1200 at least, picky ain't I LOL. Attached a sample of the sort of thing I'm looking for from my collection, in this case 70 001, it shows the traction motor and fixings as well as other details not normally seen in normal lighting.


Also a link to a perfect example of what I am looking for DB Class 294 Exterior - (6) right click the image and select original for large size, in this case 1600x1067 which is just workable to see all the required details.


I've also attached a crop of an image from Flickr (ownership and copyright lies with original author, shown here for indication purposes only) of scrap or spare NS6400 bogie's and what looks like a spare NS1700 bogie in the foreground, these are a great help but more views from different angles would allow perfect shaped bogie's to be made, sadly I do not know where this picture was taken or else I'd try and visit my self.


The project loco/s will either be 7mm working (O gauge) or 10mm (gauge 1) static.


I do have some of my own from older 35mm collections specifically DSB My, DSB Mz, HLD54, HLD55, the SNCB ones from depot visits many years ago, the DSB ones from sneaking around Aarhus depot in the 80s.


Kindest regards





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Open days are rare here, they cost a lot of money. Think catering, theft-prevention (yes, there are some that loony) and lost working hours.



These aren't Dutch, neither Belgian, but German... Only the BR189 crosses the border, but only as freight.


As for the rest of your list: if it isn't NS-R stock, I won't be able to help you. So that realistically only leaves the 1800's. Unfortunately for you, these have been taken out of service last September. Earlier this year some have been reactivated, but their remaining time is limited and chances are they will be taken out of service again soon. The same goes for most of the DBS 6400's btw... The economic meltdown forced the owner to set aside large quantities of these loco's, of the once 120 strong series less then half is still operational. This series date from the early 90's, so are due for a major overhaul soon. That takes a considerable sum the owner doesn't want to spend as there are plenty of alternatives available (BR189 e.a.)


I have hardly anything of the 1800 I'm afraid, and absolutely nothing in those high resolutions. Note that these are 1024x768pix and about 250-350kB each!


Leiden, Jan 30, 2009. NMBS Reeks 11.8 failed, was set aside at Leiden (where they normally don't stop) and picked up later by DBS 1616.


Before (new motor)


After (send off for maintenance)



FYI: these motors are about 6 ft high... See the fuel drum for comparison ;)


Excellent collection of images, thank you very much, they cover many areas I was lacking on the NS16-1800 locos. The motors are very big, mono motor bogies seem to have been all the rage in Europe in the 60-70's, I've seen the HLE26 bogie, like the NS1600, it has a massive motor!.


Do you by any chance have similar views of NS6400, G1206 or DG1200BBM, all of these work in Holland, the DG1200BBM being the hardest to collect information on. I am surprised that the NS6400 are being stopped, but as you say they are getting old now and are one of the few remaining diesel electric classes from Voith/Vossloh or who ever they call themselves these days LOL


I thought Br110 and 151 worked into Holland, though only on the 15Kv AC sections just inside the border somewhere around Venlo ?. The Br189s appear to be taking over almost all cross border freight these days, I added the German locos in as they are others that I am looking for information on, rather than saying Br185, I should have said TRAXX locos, I think the MS series can work into Holland?, I'm sure the Belgium HLE28 can at reduced power.


It is a shame about depot open days, its getting the same in the UK, there used be lots of them every year, now there are only a handful here and there, health and safety gone mad in some cases!.


Once again, thank you for the images, they are very helpful.





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Youcould keep an eye on what the railtour groups are doing I've been on tours that have stopped folr an hour at Kinkempois and Antwerp Nord run by Mercia Charters http://www.merciacharters.co.uk/ not really long enough to do multiple loco's but both have such a wide allocation you could probably find something worth photographing.


PFT/TSP do some quite interesting railtours, but the English on their website dosn't work http://www.pfttsp.be/index.php?lang=fr_FR they ran a tour that missed 6 of the advertised photostops out, so only managed to have 20 in a day!


News of overseas events often appears here as a retrospective report, or by the time advanced notice appears in Todays Railways (Europe), all the cheap Eurostar tickets have run out!


If you hear anything please post it on here!



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Alternativly you could always try one of the STARS European tours, designed as depot and event tours .. might be helpfull ..


http://www.stars-tours.org.uk/ for the main front page


A typical Belgian tour .. http://www.stars-tours.org.uk/2011%20THE%20BELGIAN%20rapide%20TOUR%20RERUN.pdf


Their only Dutch tour it would seem .. http://www.stars-tours.org.uk/Revised%20Nederlandse%202011.pdf





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As I said, I can't help you with any of the freight stuff, nor anything foreign. I am aware some German stock made it into Dutch border stations, but when these are stabled there, the location is too far from the platforms so with the limited spare time during my shifts I can't make it back and forth and do the stuff I need/want to do normally :P I'd suggest to start practising your German and ask on DrehscheibeOnline (DSO), which is a large German forum and full of enthusiasts that most likely can help you. Hunt around for an URL, 'cause I don't have it...


Sorry I mis read you reply, thanks anyway for what you have supplied.


I am practising German, badly LOL, I do have a link to Drehscheibe ( http://www.drehscheibe-online.de/index.php ), one of my more regular places I haunt, however I've been trying to register for three years with no success, perhaps its time to try again.





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Youcould keep an eye on what the railtour groups are doing I've been on tours that have stopped folr an hour at Kinkempois and Antwerp Nord run by Mercia Charters http://www.merciacharters.co.uk/ not really long enough to do multiple loco's but both have such a wide allocation you could probably find something worth photographing.


PFT/TSP do some quite interesting railtours, but the English on their website dosn't work http://www.pfttsp.be/index.php?lang=fr_FR they ran a tour that missed 6 of the advertised photostops out, so only managed to have 20 in a day!


News of overseas events often appears here as a retrospective report, or by the time advanced notice appears in Todays Railways (Europe), all the cheap Eurostar tickets have run out!


If you hear anything please post it on here!





Alternativly you could always try one of the STARS European tours, designed as depot and event tours .. might be helpfull ..


http://www.stars-tours.org.uk/ for the main front page


A typical Belgian tour .. http://www.stars-tours.org.uk/2011%20THE%20BELGIAN%20rapide%20TOUR%20RERUN.pdf


Their only Dutch tour it would seem .. http://www.stars-tours.org.uk/Revised%20Nederlandse%202011.pdf






I'd clean forgotten about rail tours, I did one many years ago with ADL and it was excellent, mainly for the number crunchers but I did manage to take a lot of loco shots as numbers are not my thing, the beauty of having several depots is that you could pick one loco per depot and photo extensively, though you would probably miss the rest of the depot walk around, it is certainly something to consider.





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  • 6 months later...

Rather late notice I'm afraid, as I've only just noticed it





Du 24 septembre au 23 octobre 2011, les Ateliers de la SNCB ouvrent leurs portes au grand public de 10h00 à 18h00.

A cette occasion, la SNCB vous invite à rencontrer notre personnel qui met tout en œuvre pour améliorer sans cesse la ponctualité de vos trains.

Vous pourrez aussi aller à la rencontre de ceux qui tous les jours voyagent avec vous : les conducteurs et les accompagnateurs. Du matériel moderne sera exposé et de nombreux stands vous permettront de découvrir les multiples facettes de la SNCB.

A Salzinnes et Malines, nous vous donnerons l’occasion de prendre les commandes d’un train grâce à nos simulateurs des postes de conduite.



Visionnez notre vidéo 'Portes Ouvertes' sur SNCB.TV


Les dates à retenir :



Tous les ateliers sont ouverts de 10h00 à 18h00.


Des navettes de train sont prévues dans les gares de :

  • Bruxelles-Nord pour l’Atelier de Schaerbeek
  • Anvers pour l’Atelier d’Anvers
  • Arlon pour l’Atelier de Stockem
  • Gand Saint Pierre pour l’Atelier de Merelbeke
  • Charleroi pour l’Atelier de Charleroi
  • Ostende pour l‘Atelier d’Ostende
  • Liège Guillemins pour l'Atelier de Kinkempois
  • Hasselt pour l'Atelier de Hasselt
  • Namur pour l'Atelier de Salzinnes


La durée des visites est estimée entre 1h30 et 2h00. Les visites sont libres et seront jalonnées de panneaux explicatifs, de vidéos.

Pour certaines parties des Ateliers, notre personnel sera à votre disposition pour toutes les explications que vous souhaitez.

Lors de vos visites, nous vous demandons de bien respecter les zones prévues et sécurisées pour le parcours.

Attention, pour les personnes à mobilité réduite, certaines parties des Ateliers sont inaccessibles.

Dans tous les ateliers, nous vous proposons des animations pour les petits et de la restauration pour tous.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Pictures from the open day at Salzinnes and Mechelen Work's at http://mark5812.smugmug.com/Trains2011/Belgium-October-2011/19609739_p9LCQC#1542237667_jx6n3cn


Free admission to both locations and a shuttle service running from Namur station into Salzinnes Works.


Salzinnes seem's to be overhauling eurostar equipment and had this spare fibre glass cab for a eurostar http://mark5812.smugmug.com/Trains2011/Belgium-October-2011/19609739_p9LCQC#1545584194_Cc4FGBG-A-LB



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