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Whatever happened to Saltford Models ?

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Does anyone know what happened to Saltford Models ?


Years ago they were home to wonderful home-spun kits with excellent drawings and a very helpful proprietor (Brian Jones ?) but then the range seemed to fade away. I built one of the locos and several wagons but at the time my youthful finances wouldn't allow me to do anything else. It seems to me though, that the basic kits might be just the thing for recesion era-modellers.



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  • 3 months later...

Brian Clarke was the proprieter.

He had a very interesting range of kits and bits in both 009 and 16mm, mainly industrial narrow gauge items. His 16mm battery loco kits were more like 'craftsman' kits in that castings and drive/chassis components were included but the builder had to make up the bodywork from plasticard sheet to supplied drawings. Which probably put off a lot of modellers despite the fact that a good result was easily achieved. However this approach meant that Brian could offer a huge variety of locos and a decent variety of wagons (some of the wagon kits featured wooden solebars). Lots of interesting accesseries were available as well, whitemetal rail benders for example.

Brian also hosted a yearly get together for 16mm modellers in his back garden (which featured a 2" gauge line...) called the 'Small Engines Rally'. I made the trip down to Bath a couple of times for the Rally. I think that we once made up a train of 50? skips pulled by several 16mm locos, including my chain driven double reduction drive Simplex.

His 009 loco kits were sold complete, apart from paint and glue, they featured split frame chassis and Brian's own wheels, turned on a lathe in his garage. His steam locos used outside frames as per prototype. I have a few unbuilt 009 kits salted away, including a Keef K series and an early Ruston, both etched kits designed in conjunction with a Japanese modeller called Yugi Niwa.


A shame that his highly innovative range disappeared many years ago. I often wonder what he's doing now.

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  • 1 month later...

Simon Castens proprietor of the 'Titfield Thunderbolt' railway bookshop is in touch with Brian Clarke on a regular basis - I think.

I was told that Brian will still make items for interested modellers if his palm is crossed with the usual silver...



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