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Phil Parker

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Phil Parker last won the day on June 11 2019

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    Leamington Spa

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  1. Except the P4 society, for many years, advertised that P4 standards weren't just about the track. The suggestion was that P4ness would be carried over into all aspects of the scene. That is very much appreciated!
  2. Since no one seems to have any hard information other than one badly spelt retailer email and someone in Germany who might know something, there's no point in keeping it alive.
  3. Agreed. There is no need to inflame the thread. If this continues, it gets locked and people end up on moderation.
  4. Most do, even though it involves them paying to travel around the country from their own pocket, and giving up many weekends to do so. That said, people are sometimes booked on photos and reputation. Your method means there would be no new layouts at shows, as they have to be at a show to be assessed, but can't go to a show, because they haven't been to a show... Congratulations. This puts you well ahead of many exhibitors who are rubbish at responding with the paperwork - as many exhibition managers will attest to!
  5. Which one? The LNWR type is pretty similar to the Peco crane.
  6. KevinLMS has left the discussion. Now I know I'm as guilty as anyone, but can we get back to the original point, and not general Royal Mail and other delivery services discussion. Thanks
  7. I live in the Midlands, and we generally get a daily delivery, so the level of service varies around the country. As for delivery times, I send out the contributors copies of Garden Rail every month 2nd class, and very often, they arrive a couple of days later. That has always surprised me, but it seems pretty consistent over the last few years. Is that where it was before it was privatised? See also railways, and very likely, water companies.
  8. I simply disagree with some of them, and responded. That's how forums work.
  9. So you are extrapolating from yourself. Time to look at the bigger picture. Letter post has dropped, but parcels have gone up. To compound this, people expect anything that they buy to be on the doorstep the next morning, not in a couple of days when Royal Mail fancies it. Anyone who sells via eBay knows this, as does any mail order trader. Dropping to 2-3 deliveries a week, as you suggest, will just send the business elsewhere. And that's the profitable side. RM will still be under obligation to deliver a letter posted in the UK anywhere else in the UK for a standard price. As I say, TV didn't close all the cinemas, nor did it replace radio, and neither has streaming services. All have a niche, and I expect letters by post will also have one. As for mail by rail (to get back to the topic), surely part of the problem is that the units they use haven't changed, but the rest of the world has. You can't get spares for them, and sticking the stuff in a lorry is cheaper than replacing the sets.
  10. That's odd. I had two today, and rarely do we not get some sort of post here. I agree, the volumes have changed, but it still happens. How can it be "gone for good"? Is this going to be the same as the argument that all the cinemas will close once everyone has a TV?
  11. The letter delivery service also includes small packets. Only getting deliveries of those a couple of times a week would be a nuisance. And as @spamcan61 says, the savings would come from getting rid of staff, so the service on those rare days when you would get post wouldn't be any better, and probably worse. More generally, the idea of "Let's make the service worse to save money" hasn't panned out well in the UK.
  12. Someone has emailed into BRM, and asked, "What is the criteria for naming a station with the name parkway?" I know it is out-of-town, and has a car park, but is there a definitive answer?
  13. Andy and I spent half a day years ago with Tim Mulhall at the SVR looking over the range of Hornby Group products being stocked. At the time, they seemed to have a pretty good idea what would sell and what wouldn't in that location.
  14. The Hellingly loco is available from Roxey Mouldings. Some of us have already built two...
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