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The Derby Line, Gladiator LNER O4/3


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I'm back on the j94 and after supplying some dimensions, Laurie Griffin kindly found some springs that would suit. So the rather puny etched ones were snipped off and these nice cast ones substituted. With any luck I'll get I painted before the Keighley show..



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Also passing through the shops is this 0-4-4 after suffering erm.. 'collision damage'. So it's not camera distortion this time and after dismantling, I've been able to straighten things out a little... It won't ever be perfect, but the real things used to get pretty battered...


I quite like doing repairs, and I seem to get more and more challenging jobs! After photos to follow...


Meanwhile the J934 is being painted and the Ivatt awaits a track test...



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So there we are: job done, and just a little more touching in to do. I had to pull off the bunker section completely to get the various battered parts straightened out. It will never be perfect again, but it is straight and it now has character and a bit of history...



Meanwhile the Ivatt is going for a track test today, sounds racy doesn't it.. but it will just go round and round for half an hour on Curzon Street, whilst we have a coffee. Then it is off to Warren Heywood for painting.


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Thanks Deano -


No - it's not my layout Pete. I know one of the magazines photographed it a year or two back - I shall ask the owner if it went to print.




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Curzon Street appeared in Model Rail 135 Sep 2009... As I still have not got to starting my layout, the owner kindly allows me to test run my locos there. It's also a good excuse for a chinwag!




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Guest Isambarduk

I have never had a layout of my own and so I have always relied on running powers generously offered to me by my friends.  On this occasion, my Black Five was calling at Curzon street with an ordinary passenger train (although the head lamp seems to have gone missing).







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That's the J94 pretty well done, I need to find a driver, but that's me courtesy of Modelu having a crafty fag ( actually I've never smoked mum, honest ). I'll titivate the weathering and sort that gap at the top of the frames..



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The j94 is looking good, not far behind you with my own attempt but from a NMRS kit, generally been a struggle but getting there.


Anyway is that a small crest, and which size numbers did you use, just about to order from fox so any help appreciated? Waiting for warmer weather before painting though due to the location of the paint shop!





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The j94 is looking good, not far behind you with my own attempt but from a NMRS kit, generally been a struggle but getting there.

Anyway is that a small crest, and which size numbers did you use, just about to order from fox so any help appreciated? Waiting for warmer weather before painting though due to the location of the paint shop!




Crests will be small both early or later, numbers for eastern locos are generally 10" but as always check the prototype as some may differ

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Thanks Warren - yes it's the small Fox crest Gareth and the numbers are 8" on this loco, that was a guess as it looked right when I compared it with a particular photo that I was using. As Warren says, generally ER loco's had large numbers and it looks like some J94's had them as well. Depend where and when they were shopped I guess.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on unfamiliar ground here, so this latest project is proving a little taxing as I don't much about these coaches! A trawl of the net has turned up some useful photos, but whilst the sides are away with Warren Heywood I've been tackling the underframes. I've added a representation of the dynamo tensioner and the little 'stirrup' safety loops for the trussing. In BR days the battery boxes seem to have had a plate added on the bogie side - to protect from water spray maybe? So I've added that from brass strip. Just the brake gear and a few other details to finish off.



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I try not to go anywhere on Bank Holidays, so I'm on my third day of fishbelly bogie construction. The etchings are marked with DJP, so if it is Dave Parkins design, that's why they fit together so well. There are a lot of bits, so each bogie is a vehicle in it's own right!



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After 4 days of coach bogies, I needed a change, so here are tortoise controllers ( designed by the late John Bailey )for Barmouth, Heyside and Sheerness. Electronics was where I started my career (? - isn't a career something going fast and out of control....?) and I fall back into it easily..



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Guest Isambarduk

This must have been a bit refreshingly different after those bogies.


"(? - isn't a career something going fast and out of control....?)"


I would say so!  I am older than you and I have managed to have three, all quite different, in my lifetime; in retirement, I still mange to 'dabble' in all three.  How different this is from my mother and my father who enjoyed the same careers all their working lives ... and, when they retired, they stopped working on a Friday and never went back!



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Hi Tony and David


Your lucky if you have a career, I just seem to have had a succession of jobs! Mind you I have been fortunate enough to work in Ladies Tights and Nappies!!  :O


Are the electronic boards ready for your layout Tony?





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I've not got a layout yet Kevin, it's been in the planning for about 5 years mind!


16 ton minerals and the white tipper line. I can never get the transfers to look right and I can't paint a straight line for toffee. Jonathan Matthews suggested a white pen from Smiths - I found a UNI Posca - whatever that means. What a great idea! It was a few minutes work and I can tidy up the scrabby ends later.


There is weathering and rusting to do yet, but in the early 60's they will not be too decrepit. Right one is transfer, top one is done. left one has had the first line drawn:-



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And here are the sides, painted and lined by Warren Heywood. The hinges are resin of course, so they are not as strong as the brass ones I'm used to. I've made brass replacement for a couple that have come off....



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I'm one for making models robust, and the coach electrical connectors come as a tiny set of castings. So they all had to be drilled 0.5mm - for the cable and to make a mounting spigot for the storage socket at floor level. If they were just glued on with a butt join, I could see them getting knocked off..


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43042 is now finished after being painted and lined by Warren Heywood. I have applied some light weathering - the loco had a heavy general in 1959, so here she is relatively fresh from shops. Off she will go to her owner next week..



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  • 2 weeks later...

The Toplights are nearly there, and I wanted to portray a late 50s dirty but not decrepit condition of the coaches without detracting from Warrens excellent paint job.


So spot the difference, the upper side has had a dirty wash applied and wiped off. The residual grime adds that extra depth and realism. The lower side is pristine and lovely, but more suited for a display case than a working model...



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