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DCC Decoder identification


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I recently bought a kitbuilt EMU secondhand which came fitted with a DCC Decoder. What I was wondering was if anyone could identify it? There was a label on the chip (the remains of which can be seen in the photos) but the chip was stuck label down and the label disintegrated when I removed the chip.


The decoder is double sided and fitted with a detachable harness. I have a feeling it might be a Lenz but I'm not sure. I've had a search around the web and drawn a blank.




Any ideas? Make/Model?




Andy B)

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Read CV's 7 and 8, post the results.

You can check the maker (from the results of the CV reads) via a list on NMRA website which will narrow it down.


Thanks Nigel, I had thought of that but my DCC system is a Roco Lokmouse and hence can't read CVs. :(



It looks to me like a Lenz LE1025E.


Thanks Stu, A search around on the web shows that it does look like a LE1025E although all of the ones I found have holes rather than pads at the top end of them like this :




If it is an LE1025E that would suit me fine as most of my decoders are Lenz ones. My query about the decoder is to ascertain the current capacity as I have a few locos with quite high current draws.


Many Thanks


Andy B)

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I had a trawl of Steve Jones (Electricnose) website via the wayback machine and found a very clear photo of an LE1025E decoder. The markings are exactly the same down to the x5 marking on the circuit board :

Photo (I've put the image as a link as it's big and isn't quick to load).


So I'm happy that it's a Lenz LE1025E


Many thanks to all who helped.


Andy B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it's of any use, here is a link to the manual for the LE1025 .....





p.s. Bachmann also used this decoder, it was their original 4-function model.




I think you'll find Bachmann originally used a re-worked/(bach)ed ;) version of the LENZ 1014 not the later 1025 decoder

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