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RAF Lyneham Closure Ceremony

Stu from EGDL

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Expect to see a Treasury proposal to merge of all three services into one, under unified command, by 2018,and thereby escape a centenary celebration for the Royal Air Force.


Despite the frothing and hyperbole, this would be a logical outcome. Interservice stupidity has been the cause of too many short-termisms and flawed decisions based on tradition and self-interest rather than rational thinking.



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Wow so moving Cosford and other training centres to Lyneham, they are going to have to push a lot of cash to make that work!

To start there is no where near enough accomadation and the blocks we have are over 40 years old and in desperate need of knocking down and rebuilding!


As for building to train in, well there isnt any! Sure some of the buildings there could be usalised but again, no where near enough or so old and decrepid they are almost beyond use. Lyneham had almost no money put into it in last 3 or 4 years as it was slated for closing, only repairs carried out.


If they are going to make it a training base then most of the camp will have to go under a bulldozer and be reborn, and here i was thinking they had closed the place to save money!


Well time will tell what will happen, i did notice that its not due to happen untill 2015, lot can change in that time!

At least lyneham has a chance of being reborn, hope it does and what ever happens it wont deminish the proud history of the camp.




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The move to Brize from Lyneham has been a total farce, there is no accommodation for the guys there, a friend of mine is posted down next month and has nowhere to live, like many others he may well be put up in a hotel for several weeks with the cost of either a hire car or MT to pick him up and take him back every night. Completely unjoined up thinking by the MOD again and it is the serving personnel who suffer, again!


angell328, I remember those blocks, 4 man rooms back when I was there and bull nights every week :cry:

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Well that's it, Leuchars is closing and I'll be out of a job soon, it still beggars belief that the current defence secretary has such little grasp of military strategy that he now puts the South of Scotland and North of England and their respective West coasts at greater risk. Leuchars is where it is as a RAF base for a reason, not so the Army top brass can play golf at St Andrews.

Unbelievable incompetence :help:


Although I sympathize with the loss for you, bear in mind that Leuchars was really designed to prevent the Bears flying out to spy on the NATO Atlantic fleet and Leuchars and the Greenland bases were designed to make sure that they knew that we knew etc etc.


The Bear started flying again a while ago but I assume that has stopped again.


The Tornado F3 has always been a Cinderella and the current ops suggest that only the GR's have a future.


Now that the Russian aerial threat has all but evaporated, Leuchars is equally redundant.


At the same time Brize Norton was built as a forward bomber base for the Americans.


All gone to satellite and ICBM's and the latter is on climb down as we deal with the new terrorist threat.


The Americans have done pretty well with the carrier task force idea in terms of global influence and they are still building them and using them. We just don't have the space or the money to maintain that level of deterrent.

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The move to Brize from Lyneham has been a total farce, there is no accommodation for the guys there, a friend of mine is posted down next month and has nowhere to live

Would now be a good time to mention the massive fleet of caravans parked at Lyneham? :)

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