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Traction 200 - forthcoming article


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Hello - just a mention for an article in the next issue (200) of Traction Magazine. It features a guard friends journal from the autumn of 1979 to Summer 1980. Dave Davies was (and still is..) based at Penzance, and he kept meticulous records of the various duties he undertook during that period. The formations, locos and drivers were recorded and I thought it would make a nice piece. Everything from HST's, Parcels, excursions and milk trains are in the journal.


The article will be illustrated by photos from the period by myself, Roger Winnen and Andrew Kirkham, and include some crackers from Roger & Andrew.


Please look out for it, it will be a good model railway reference too if you model the late 70's early 80's.


Cheers Craig



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Just to clarify issue 200 is out at the beginning of October - the next issue is 199 which should be in the shops this week. Got my copy on Saturday and another very strong issue - Mr Rabone is certainly making a very positive contribution to reviving this title.

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Thanks for clarifying that Andy. 199 is out with a class 33 on the front. I may have had it early as I subscribe. Steve Rabone is certainly going for it. I hope it captures the current and previous readership.


As for the milk Nidge the last ever milk train is shown at St Erth headed by 50017.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do enjoy reading about the memories that people have of the 'old railway', which for me is the big selling point of Traction. Issue 199 has an especially good piece by a chap who was based at St Pancras. Fun reading. :)


One thing to add though, Atlantic might need to check their proofreading. I know I can be a bit picky, but some of the spelling mistakes in 199 were really quite stupid.

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