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Andy Siddalls LNER Workbench

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Hello All,

Well it had to happen. I am finally back on the new improved rmweb..... Having looked at all the methods of posting Blog versus thread, I have decided on the
thread approach as this seems to lead to discussion, and as I will not regularly update, and get carried away building and forget to show what I've done, this is probably the way to go .

So here goes my first post and as I have said I will probably get carried away and build without photographing what I am doing.

I saw Tim from Meteor models at the Langley O show a couple of weeks ago and I noticed that he had a LNER class Y3 Sentinel shunter kit that he had drawn and sold on many years ago.
For ??57.50 you get a basic kit requiring motor gears and wheels to complete. Total cost was ??100.60 and I built the loco in 4 hours last Saturday morning.
Sadly I forgot to take many photos of the build but if I had it would probably have taken twice as long.

Anyway here are the few pics I did take along with a couple of it in service, a lovely little loco and a nice quick build to boot......









That's all for now folks.



Edited by Andy Siddall
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Evening all,


Aah well, as I said, built in 4hrs was quite reasonable, the fact that it then took a day of priming, a second day of Black and the transfers on the next day to finish.

Still it was a quick and enjoyable build.


Hopefully I am starting on an old Meteor ( now Gladiator) Peppercorn K1 to be finished in BR lined Black.


During the period without RMweb, I have tried to finish some of my started projects. The connoisseur B12 is now painted and running as are a few wagons. This morning I also finished my J68 (Photos to follow)


I hope over the next few months to build some of the kits lying around the house rather than buying more so I should have something to show later.


Cheers for now



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Hi Andy,


That is also my plan at present to build all the kits I have amassed over the years, and to actually finish them all before buying more. And so far this plan of attack seems to be working fine just waiting for the house move now, then I can finally get round to building a layout for the said items !!!


Regards, Martyn.

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Hi JB,


Will try and do photo's of the J68 and B12 as they are finished. Just putting transfers on the 68 as we speak, the B12 needs a bit of modification to the handrails that I wasn't happy with (my error).


I shall try and post photo's of the K1 as and when I continue the build. Having only really built Connoisseur and Agenoria kettles along with numerous diesels this will be an interesting build for me.

I intend to spring the chassis using the fourtrack hornblocks now sold by Meteor the first time I have used this method, this will also be my first outside valve gear engine, so watch this space.....





(formerly Gronk619)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Bill and Everybody else taking the time to read this thread.


A Merry Christmas and hopefully happy and healthy new Year to All.


I will try and post a couple of photo's of the motor mounting in the Y3 when I am in a position to take a couple of pictures.


For now we have a couple of pics of my J68 finished but not yet weathered, running on Holiday Haunts last weekend, with a nice little rake of LNER vans.











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I thought our friend Jazz (Ken) was a fast worker, well you put him to shame 4 hours !!!! Nice work. :D


Regards, Martyn.



Ho I don't know Martyn, I was wondering what took him so long. B)

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Nice one Ken. :D


Here for Bill are a couple of pictures of the motor mounting in the Sentinel, I took these yesterday just before I sold the loco so I am afraid I will not be able to take any more pics.

This loco was only motorised on one axle as I already had a fold up gearbox and motor spare. The instruction from meteor recommend a narrow gearbox from Roxey, this gives (just) enough room

to get a Delrin chain sprocket down the side for two axle drive.


The original instruction drawing from when the kit belonged to Janick, shows two plates holding the motor flat along the chassis and a worm on either end driving directly onto a gear on the axle.


I purchased another kit for a sentinel yesterday which I intend to use the Delrin method for four wheel drive so watch this space......









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  • 4 weeks later...

Not managing much modelling at the moment due to finally getting some (real) work to do..


However all is not completely dead on the modelling front.

I have finally started a Meteor ( now with gladiator) LNER Peppercorn K1 class locomotive.

I intend to do this as 62005 in Early BR black livery, it should look rather nice dragging my rake of

Parkside 21 Ton coal Hoppers around ( now up to 11 out of 18 complete).


Anyway here are a couple of photo's of the Tender. Sorry about the quality but they were taken on a mobile phone to text to a friend.












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  • 1 month later...

HI Everyone,


Just getting back to RMWeb after the move and thought it was time for an update.


The K1 Tender is now finished and is heading to the paintshop, as for the loco I do not have much time at the moment to get my

teeth into a project like this so I decided to clear a few more kits from the to do list.


Firstly I finished putting the transfers on this Gladiator Single Bolster, a nice kit to build and very cheap to boot.




Secondly, I had a couple of Connoisseur van kits awaiting their turn in the queue. The first is the ex GC 10Tonner followed swiftly by the

LNER Perishables van. These are all part of a slowly growing van train for my Connoisseur J39, which will hopefully be built later this year.






Today I really did not know what to do, I didn't want to start the K1 as I am away with work next week and I didn't fancy starting another van, the next being a standard LNER

fruit van.

Instead I found a part built connoisseur kit for a LNER Y6 Tram loco. I had bought this kit many moons ago ( probably 10 years) at a swapmeet as a very cheap part built kit.

the quality of build was not too bad, although luckily only the sides, end and floor with skirts had been done.

The only problems I had was with some very badly tarnished and flux eaten brasswork.


Anyway after a very pleasant day, here are a couple of pics of the Y6. All it needs tomorrow is wiring up and the coupling rods fitting.






Hope you like them.





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Like the tram Andy, just wish I could justify one for West Mersea...


You should enjoy the J39 kit, nice and simple. Only thing to look out for is that on the later engines there was a spacer plate on the front of the cylinders, so you might need to scratch up a piece of brass to go underneath the cylinder covers..



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Hi JB,


I can't really justify the Y6 for any of my planned layouts either, although it has given a boost to my idea of an O gauge micro(ish)having a flavour of the LNER as it's theme.


Thanks for the heads up on the cylinder covers for the J39, I will have to make a note for when I start researching. I think that will be a while away as I have still got to finish painting and lining the B12

along with the K1 build to complete.





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  • 1 month later...

Well here we are once more, another wet and miserable Easter weekend. I have been working of late so not a lot of modelling time for me.

Also tomorrow marks the start of my Model Engineering clubs summer season, so I better clean the B1 up and get her ready for steaming,

this also sadly eats into the few hours I have for building.



Still, this is just a short update regarding the small amount of progress on my workbench.


The Y6 is finally finished apart from adding the transfers and numberplate, seen here on it's first run, it is now painted in LNER Stock brown.




The J68 is now complete except for weathering, I spent a few hours yesterday adding the window glazing using microscope slide covers.

Yes I did end up with a large pile of broken bits of very thin glass, this has got me thinking about modelling a glaziers yard if I ever build a layout. :)

The B12 is well on the way to being painted and Lined, as is the tender for the K1. (photos to follow).


Anyway, enough from me for now, must try and clean up the hornblocks ready for the K1.


Take care Y'all



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello All,


The B1 has finally been lined and is currently in the airing cupboard while the varnish dries, so pictures to follow.


Work has started afresh on the Meteor K1, I finally took the plunge and got the fretsaw on the frames this morning and by lunchtime I had a nice sprung chassis waiting for the rest to be built.

An afternoon spent repairing other peoples models meant that no further work was done until this evening.

I have made a start on the body rather than completing the chassis as I find that this helps to see how it all goes together. I am out and about for the rest of the week so progress may be slow, however tomorrow afternoon I may just try and get the boiler on.


Anyway enough waffle, here are a few pics of todays progress.





With Wheels



Running Boards









This does appear to be a very well thought out kit, lots of spacers in the chassis for added strength and all slot and tab construction. The cab was a bit of a pain as the basic shape is a folded U etch with overlays for the front and sides.


I shall leave the strengtheners on the valances for now as this does give some protection to the footplate assembly, until I have the boiler on to hold it all together.


Cheers for now



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There seems to be a bit of a fashion for building K1s in various scales nowadays! biggrin.gif


Yes I agree, I never really planned one as it does not fit into either of my Periods, LNER mid to late 30's and Br Blue Grey Late early TOPS period.

Then before you know it Parkside release the 21T Coal Hopper, you have 20 of these kits in all stages from unbuilt to complete, thoughts turn to the North East at the end of steam

and you find yourself just having to build a loco to haul them.


That's my excuse anyway :), and they are a very nice looking engine after all even if E. Th****n did have an awful lot to do with them.





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Another couple of hours free to do a bit of work this morning has meant that the Boiler and smokebox saddle have now been built and fixed together.

The cab has also been attached to the footplate.


Here are a couple of pictures taken before I give it all quick wash and start cleaning up all the excess solder.






Cheers for now



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  • 3 weeks later...

As I have not had a lot of free time for modeling lately, progress on the K1 has been virtually non existent, however I did get a morning to myself about a week ago.


I decided that a quick project was required so spurred on by the John Fitness signalling thread over on the layouts forum, I decided to have a go at an MSE kit for an LNER Upper Quadrant Home signal that would be required for my test layout should it ever get built.


All I can say about this kit is that with a little bit of care and a lot of patience, they are a nice mornings work when you fancy a rest from other projects.


Here are a couple of pics of the finished item, the lamp uses a warm white LED to try and get that flame colour. It will ultimately be powered by servos using the MERG Servo 4 control board ( more later).


post-7502-127322413624.jpg post-7502-12732241497.jpg post-7502-127322416252.jpg


Next signaling project will be a GWR home for a friend and possibly a pair of platform starters on a bracket for the test track.





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