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Hornby BR Blue 56082


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It does look nice, but for me, Hornby has passed the point of being sensibly priced, regardless of the usual arguments about current mechanism/ detailing standards out of the box. £103 for a non dcc fitted, standard loco is too expensive. I really don't understand why Hornby are hiking their prices up so much.




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Lee, Do you know I didn’t even notice the price, wow £103 that is a bit steep!


I presume prices have been hiked following increased production costs in China, it certainly isn’t due to shipping costs as they have dropped quite considerably over the past few months.

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Hornby has passed the point of being sensibly priced, regardless of the usual arguments about current mechanism/ detailing standards out of the box. £103 for a non dcc fitted, standard loco is too expensive. I really don't understand why Hornby are hiking their prices up so much.


Well, you just have to do what I do then: don't buy.

Either wait till another manufactor does a better version, or in the meantime you could do up an old Mainline/Dapol one, which wasn't really such a bad model at the time.

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It's a pity that they haven't done a Romanian one this year. I was hoping to model 56001 Whatley and could do with one to base it on.


Also I wonder why they changed R3052 from 56031 into 56037? Maybe they realised that 56032 has the earlier style bufferbeam cowl and they weren't able to fit this together with the later body? I'm keen for a model of 56031, so I'm going to try and fit a Heljan class 47 cowl to R3052 (56032) to see if it fits and then renumber, re-sector and rename it.


For £100 I'd expect Hornby to have improved the tooling... at least some better fan grills!

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