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Eyemouth - 1961/2


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Evening everyone


I have been on RMWeb now for a bit ( mostly lurking in the questions section pestering people for advice on aborted layouts!) but i have now taken the plunge and started the layout ive wanted to do for a while now.


In the past i have wanted to slavishly copy existing layouts or put my own spin on them. wisley i decided this was a bit of a cop out and decided to give myself a bit of a challenge. An armchair modeller no more!


I wanted to do a layout which did not rely on a whole load of locos to operate ( they are Blo#dy expensive!) so i decided that modelling a station at the end of its life would be the way to go. Eyemouth in 00 gauge / 4mm pretty much fits the bill.


The gravity shunting aspect of this scheme is going to be interesting and how i work it out is a mystery at the mo. I dont antisipate using DCC in controlling the layout as its only a single J39 i will use.


Pictures of the build will follow in due course.


Wish me luck all!!


p.s. any posted pics of the eyemouth site would be gratefully appreciated!!

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Good evening i cant wait to see the progress of this layout as this area is quite special to me as i was born in the station house at Burnmouth although i have no real memories of Eyemouth i do remeber Burnmouth and have some pictures somewhere of the house and station.


Good luck with this project


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Eyemouth station is a good choice with a fairly compact and simple tracklayout and it was sandwiched between an embanked higher level road and the ground falling away down to the river, if my memory serves correctly, giving an interesting variation in levels.


Hopefully you will eventually have more than one J39 and the fish traffic should generate some variation in van types.


Good luck with the project and particularly the gravity shunting.

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Cheers mate.


This is where i got the idea for the layout and my starting point. The next phase is to get all the info i can and design the landscape. From the photos i have its not too clear. ie. is the road to the station on an incline or not.




There's also a track layout and description of Eyemouth in Ian Futer's book - Modelling Scotland's Railways

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its not too clear. ie. is the road to the station on an incline or not


Just a thought - have you taken a "virtual drive" down Victoria Road (the high road) running along the back of the station behind the wall using Google Maps? The substantial villas lining the non-railway side of the road have been on Ordnance Survey Maps for years (early 1900's?) so I don't think the road alignment has altered. There is a new road level carpark roughly above where the old station building would have been(wonder where the earth/hardcore came from?) and a bit further along the road (opposite the big church) there is a fairly narrow steeply falling "access road" going down back to where the station building would have been.


To me it seems to fit in with the 1:2500 O.S.Maps of Eyemouth on www.oldmaps.co.uk for 1908 and 1968(after closure but showing the then remaining structures).


Other interpretations may be available so please feel free to disagree. That elusive photograph would, of course, be conclusive.


P.S. Not expecting to find anything I just googled "Eyemouth Railway Station" and on the first page of results I get there is a "Railscot" photograph showing a road going up to the left of the large building situated beyond the buffers and the Railscot site has another "colour" picture showing the same road. The first page of results also has a postcard which can be enlarged again showing the same road. They look promising.

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Guest stuartp

Try scotlandsplaces.gov.uk for historic (1970s mostly) photographs of Eyemouth, including this one of the station (which may well be the one Cary Hill refers to):




There are also links there to plans and other records in the National Archives of Scotland.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi all

Hope everyone had a good christmas.


Im back on this layout now for a few days before work. I have accumlated quite a bit of info at edinburgh libraries about the eyemouth site and a few photos on borders railways. Next on the cards is a site visit for photos of the buildings behind the railway ( backscene info).

Im now in the process of buying stock and really would like a list for model rail scotland in feb. Naturally parkside fish wagons will be bought in abundance but the real question is what passenger stock to buy for my 1961/2 period. (RTR if possible)

Ian futers suggests thompson non corridor stock but im sure ive seen LMS 57ft suburban stock in photos. Any suggestions for rtr or kit build stock? I really only intend to run 1 or 2 coaches and mixed trains / fish.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Morning all


Made some progress with this layout....even if it is only marking out the area showing how big it will be. I have got the old maps of the station and imported them to autocad. i have then scaled them to 1:76 and printed out. the main station area is still quite big being 2ft at the widest and nearly 7 ft in length. I think some inventive way of scaling the station down may be in order ( the 7ft does not even include the station approach!)


I am wanting to put breif photo on here but my 'attach image' button seems to have gone awol......i am probably doing somthing wrong!

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Hi. Your model location is just up the road from me, and not far from the location of my own model. I have some good pics of Eyemouth mainly taken around 1900, not your period but they show the structures and layout clearly as they were built, rather than hidden under loads of gunge, so the detail is there.....there's even a shot of the site just before the station was started, which gives a real feel for the shape of the land around it. Can't post them on here for copyright reasons, but if you pm me we can sort something. I go up there fairly regularly (10 mins in the car) and can take photos if it helps. I nearly used Eyemouth as the location of my layout, but that would have been with the planned harbour extension, which would have made it much more successful, I believe.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies if this info is already on your "radar", but " Railway Modeller" March 1975 pp 80-81 had elevation plans of the Station Building drawn to 4mm - 1 foot comprising platform and both end elevations. It included brief descriptive notes of operations and the station building and a track plan which you obviously don't need at this stage


In May 1975 there was a "postscript" of two b &w photographs with "three quarters on" of the station building taken from the East and West(or should that be North and South).

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  • 1 month later...

Update on the layout


A few more fish wagons have been purchased and plans have been drawn on how to tackle the build. Im wanting to go for an acurate scale representation of the station rather than compressing elements such as the platforms to, say 75% of their actual length. I think the key to the success of this layout is capturing little nauces of details and the general atmosphere.


I am hoping to have a blog up soon once i have the construction plan finalised. Though the model aims to show the line at the end of its operational life, i am hoping to use modellers licence and assume fish traffic, general merchandise and passenger trains stayed healthy to ensure the line ran for a few more years thus justfying green diesels being drafted in. I already have a green 08 on standby to assist with the shunting ( eyemouth has no run around and i have assumed gravity shunting has being given the boot!)


Can anyone suggest suitable green diesels which could have possibly ran on the line had it stayed open? it would give a bit of variety when operating it in the future.



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  • 11 months later...

Evening all.


I thought i would let you all know that ( 1 year on!) i have resurrected this layout.  While i reckon it  may take up to a couple of years to complete I already have a truck load of info on it and the basic locos and stock to get moving so watch this space on my upcoming build. 


I have no intentions at present to exhibit with it being my first effort and all but i would like to aim for exhibition standards.  Although........ should it be deemed worthy by my RMweb peers then i may be tempted to as i know Eyemouth has been a requested layout to be built. 


This project could go t#ts up like last time but i remain optimistic!



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Thanks Ben.


In the last couple of days ive made some progress with this in terms with my strategy for stock on the model and how i wish it to develop.  Im going to plan it so that i can represent the late 50's  - Late 60's so that i can operate green diesels if i want.  Though im after an accurate representation of the station im thinking a 'What if' scenario may make a more fun layout. To this end ive devised a backstory which will inform the development of layout and justiry my locomotive choices.


The model is going to represent the station in true scale and im not going to shorten down any elements of the track plan.  Its going to be big at 12ft excluding fiddle yard but im thinking of only modelling the first 8ft for home use and then have the other 4ft as a separate section if i decide to exhibit. 


At the moment im aiming to represent the station in Summer 1962.  This date assumes the station never closed and that J39 scrapping was halted for a while!



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  • 3 years later...


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