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59th AND RUST ( NOW retired 2021)

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Got quite a few a/c units of Dave (unit models) at TVNAM,he does large and small one's,i stuck a large one on the back window of clinton cigars.




Going to have a shop about for crates and sky backdrop etc( which i really need up ASAP ) next week while i'm on hols.


Pete,there's a lot more weathering to do on the tenements, when i finish the detail off



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Still pondering on a name,though i've a couple in mind "Cooper Ave" and "Evergreen"


"Cooper Ave" which was at the Bay ridge end of the defunct LIRR Evergreen branch


"Evergreen" was what Penn Central crews called the Bay ridge branch


Though i'm thinking of have changeable name boards to go with each railroad theme!



Managed to get some sky scenes from my local model shop,went with Peco,though not 100% happy they will do,thought the Gaugemaster one's had to shiney a finish.


Also cleaned them out of crates (2 packets!!) still gonna need a load more.


The left end of the layout is starting to take shape(photo below),the other end still needs a lot of work,will after wait till after my hols?





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The cobbled area has come up better than i thought it would,betime i get the rest of the detail on, it'll look spot on.


had a good afternoon today,built the fence that goes around Clinton cigars,made from card and matchsticks!!

what do you think? i really happy the way it's turn out!









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Really looking good, Ray - I have just found a new use for bendy MDF - Cut a strip the depth of a dockside, across the slots, trim out some of the sections with a chisel, and you have concrete docksides with built in wooden piles!

Edited by shortliner
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Pete,don't you mean wrapped in rubber!!!! (for dear monica!!!)


Jack,great stuff that 2mm MDF,use it all the time,most of the buildings on the new layout were built with it,except the building fronts


Got most of the detail on the last big building today,just the smaller ones to do now








it just needs a water tank on the roof and some crates on the loading bay, then weathered up and were done.


gon'na have to start thinking of names for my buildings soon,then they can be fix to the layout!


took a couple of #9101 switching some cars,starting to look a lot better now,still lots of detail to add around the track,switch stands,rubbish,power poles (with cable!) vehicle for each period,etc






what do you think so far????



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Weathering done some detail added on the building,just needs name and fixed to layout, then i can hide the gap along the bottom of the building






also did some roof detail on one of the smaller buildings




thats it for a bit, got to check HELM's ok for Millom exhibition.



Got a question for you's


"what type of forklift can i use for loading my boxcars"


period 1965-75 ish,would i be able to use an early one in 1975??



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Ray,


The first Fork Lift trucks were early 20th century.


A search on Google 'Early Forklifts' will provide you loads of info plus photos!


Short answer - Yes - a forklift truck is appropriate.


Just what type!


It was the 2nd world war that made the forklift a 'must have' for companies that were transhipping goods ets.



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Well ,with this lovely summer weather (i wish) i managed to build one of my fire escapes for the smaller buildings yesterday,just needs weathering, bars may be a bit thick at 1mm square,but my eyes can't see anything thinner,and at a distance it doesn't show up that much!




Set up a shot of the loading bay area for Pete,seeing he like my cobbled area there,still need more crates,pallets (are american pallets the same as british ones??,would anyone notice) other loads and people,going to use Woodland scenices forklift trucks,my local shop can oblige.




There was a film crew on the layout yesterday filming a new movie called the "fly" managed to catch the main star as he was about to jump of the building!!





Edited by long island jack
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Super! Can you make pallets so that the Fork Lifts can pick up stuff? Can I also suggest you weather wood to a mid/light grey? Fire Escapes are inevitably rust with the remnants of black paint.


You probably know all that.....


Best, Pete.

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Another nice summers day,at this rate i'll have all the buildings finished by the end of next week!!


Weathered one of the small buildings today,just needs a fire escape built (hopefully i'll get the bits at Railex North East on Sunday)


Still got a bit of a dilemma,can't make my mind up,weather to leave the buildings as is,or make them into rundown buildings like Nick said in a earlier post?


They will only need some new windows printed off!!!!






Did a bit of drybrushing to bring the detail out on the building facade.





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Book me in,should be finished by then!!!!


Will be on my own this weekend,there's no one available to help, see you Saturday 8.00am




Ray, thanks will do! Make your mind up regarding the name then we can get it posted on our website! Regards this weekend, don't worry Rowan is working at the exhibition and he'll gladly give you a tea / lunch break.


best regards,



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Decided to leave the buildings as is,got my bits and bob's i needed Sunday to finish the 2 fire escapes,painted, weathered and fixed, i like these better than the first one i built (no i'm not changing it) i think they really finish the buildings off






Also got a couple of small hand pallet trucks to try out,like these, need more





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You have done a great job on your buildings. Wonderful backdrops. I wish I could do as well.


However, they scream post WW1 or later despite the "1898" label on the top of the building.


Sorry, I model 1900 - 1905 . PM me for details.

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Thanks for that,your the first to pick up on the date,wasn't to sure when i put them on weather they would be right or not,the reason the building got that date was,i got a load of free numbers from my local craft shop but when i got home and opened the packets,they were all 7's,8's,9's and one 1,(so much for freebee's),isn't much of a problem changing them,can come forward till the 1920's or do away with alltogether and put company name there in stead!! (another job for the "to do list").


Thanks again for your imput,its always welcome.



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