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  1. I think that I had just about the best eclaire ever from a patisserie in Binche, not in Belgium not far from the French border. My other halfs eyes went wide open at all the chocolates and other unhealthy stuff and has kept reminding me of all that sugar in that eclaire I ate rather quickly. She refrained and just had a doughnut. The next border station that we visited, the only place open was a French chip shop that served excellent beer but the steak sandwich someone had ordered looked fantastic. I was soon told no I couldn't have one.
  2. We could donate alcohol infused blood but not so much today. Did finish on a large glass of Leffe Blonde though.
  3. My health drastically improved when I packed up work and commuting in 2018 and I put my efforts into building a superb shed. First lock down we went for a lot of walks plus tidying up our garden. It was the second lock down when the weather wasn't so good and more restrictions that my health wasn't so good and has never got back to what it was in 2019. We have done a lot of walking this past week but finishing in bars each time probably doesn't help but it's been great. Back in UK in a few days but not looking forward to all the train service cuts when we end up in Scotland. Just wondering if we change those plans. Anyway as we are sitting in Delirium in Brussels, happy National Belgium Day.
  4. Been a few years since we had Florists Cactus and really only one place best to drink it is in Delirium Tap house in Brussels. It used to be made with Cactus juice but it got too expensive.
  5. It's going to be another hot day here in Holland, 31 forecast today but no wildfires that I am aware of. A great day travelling on NS with not one single delay or missed connection and comfy seats. However their station announcements don't half sound very similar to Thameslink who are at the oppeend of comfort and punctuality for us. What has Baz been upto, upsetting the locals in Leeds. It's on Dutch news.
  6. Widnes still has a Wetherspoons. That makes two reasons to visit.🙂
  7. Good morning Currently in Dussledorf after travelling via the tunnel to Leuven then via Liege to Luxembourg and yesterday every single German service from there to Koblenz a quick stop for Kolsch in Cologne and to Dusseldorf was late. Luckily all connections were made. but glad that we didn't pay extra for ICE services. First bar we arrived into in the centre of Dusseldorf for Altbier a German Boris look a like decided to chat to us. Very strange views of the world in that the US army is based on Italian ways and how all the current troubles are caused by them. England is great but he has not been there. The president of Hungary is also great. We were saved by two Brummie lads arriving back from Berlin but their transport home that day had been cancelled. The Boris look a like started talking to them and they started saying the UK is good at winning wars. We decided to quickly depart to the next good Altbier bar. Was 28 degrees and very humid yesterday but it rained overnight and should be a much better 20 degrees today. Think that we will stay local to do various S and U bahn services.
  8. Currently sitting in a brewery below a railway viaduct in Luxembourg. Some interesting brews both draft and bottled being consumed
  9. Liz said thankyou and much appreciated. She had her mum over from Canada for some weeks till recently so was feeling a bit lonley hence she enjoyed tonight. At least she has two cats recently acquired to keep her company. I know how much I would miss my other half. Make the most of your time.
  10. Glad that we decided not to visit the West coast this Summer. my other half was saying that its going to be cold in mainland Europe when we are there. When I asked her what was the forecast temperature where we will be, she said 24 degrees which will be hot enough for her and for me. Its the rain showers that won't be so good. Yesterday was our first dry day for over a week so our garden and next doors lawns cut and oh boy didn't they need it. I had to cut a lot of the superb pink flowered bushes back in both gradens especially next doors to gain access to half the garden. A customer came all the way from Devon to collect numerous weathered freight cars and his now sound fitted and Weathered loco , 'Seaton' and dropped off 'Blandford Forum' for the same treatment. He's got an eclectic range of stuff. Next up for work are two LM region kettles. A good few hours chatting about shows etc before he headed back off along the M25 M3 and A303. Today I will be Spooning it before meeting up with AndrewC' s other half and my other half near London Bridge for a few beers.
  11. Ex Southern class 73 formerly named after our late friend Graham Stenning at Tonbridge early June 2024. I gather that it may already be repainted.
  12. We have a Two Together railcard, so when buying tickets online you have both tickets on the one device. Each ticket has its own QR code so you have to scroll throguh the screen for each pass of the gate. I would rather have physical tickets as its noticeable how much slower it is getting through the gates with mobile devies but quite often we buy tickets on the go due to not trusting the train times these days, so we keep our options fluid and end up having to buy tickets last minute hence using an app to buy them.
  13. Boiler warranty serial number now sorted after contacting the manufacturer. Turns out there are two serial numbers on the boiler, one that both me and the engineer had found was for the wifi module. So, warranty completed for 7 years. Its an extra £180 for another 3 years. We have 30 days from today to consider that. Beer oclock is fast approaching and its been chucking it down. Earlier had to take Mum to Sainsburys for the first time since she came out of hopsital a few months ago. As usual a very muddled shopping list plus I had worked out some items that she would require that wasnt on it. On our way back home she said that there was something missing that I would know but she couldn't recall what it was called. That item still remains a mystery.
  14. I will be contacting them once I can find the label that we took the number from just to triple check that it is the correct one. I thought that the label was peeled off the boiler and placed inside one of the booklets but cant find the relevant page or was it another booklet.
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