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Barkham Green GWR OO Layout


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More progress on the cottages


I've added the front of the the roof and the gables, which are awaiting painting

All of the windows are now glazed

I need to buy some more bits at Ali Pali before I can continue so I've been doing some landscaping.

The plinth the cottage sits on has been resized and a piece of card glued to the side to hide the joint between sections, I shall be putting a dry stone wall along side it to hide the difference in height.

In preparation for Ali Pali I removed the cottage from the plinth and marked it up with all the dimensions so I knew what length bits and pieces to buy. I then took a pic with my smart phone and hey presto I can view the dimensions any time I want with out referring to any drawing etc.



Edited by vulcanbomber
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  • 1 month later...



Bachmann Sketty Hall racing over the wheel cleaner on exit from storage loops.


The wheel cleaner is an idea I borrowed from Liverpool street and it appears to work very well.

Basically a thin strip of jays cloth held down with drawing pins and soaked in IPA

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Hi just found this thread, as a fan of GWR I will be following it with intrest.

I do like your viaduct how was it made?


The framework of the viaduct was made  in ply with several attempts before I got the Arches right, it's akward because the viaduct is on a curve and the inner and outer arches are different.

It was then covered in Wills coarse stone sheets on the viewing side only, the stone skirt is a piece of moulded wood.

The internal arches are covered in plasticard brick

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  • 1 month later...

Owing to gardening duties and the fine weather work has slowed somewhat.



Work has started on the rear of the cottages and some scenic work has been done as first pass.

The brown area on the left will be the veg patch and the other brown area will be a flower bed, I need to get rid of that glue shine however!

The red path will be covered in fine sand to simulate gravel




A lot of the scenic work has been completed on the cottages at the front, just mainly need to add capping on the brick pillar and a lot of  touching and tidying up.

The farm track up the side of the cottages, which is hiding the join between the two sections is nearly complete, just needs some static grass

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Inspired by this work has started as well on the area by the church



I thought I would add a market square with half releif shops around the back




This really started when I discovered some Langley models brass etches half price and couldn't resist them




This was inspired by 





from Tetford



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  • 1 month later...

Well I sometimes feel like a butterfly flitting from one thing to another as the inspiration takes me, I find the best work gets done that way.


Okay despite the better weather I've found time to do some work on the Model Railway

I've now re-worked the lift up section so the Hornby 42xx with now cross it without de-railing

I've also modified the computer schedule for the UP line to allow the 42xx a slot in the sequence of 5 trains


I recently brought the Wagon & Horses Pub from Bachmann and a lovely model it is too. Pendon was the inspiration for how I wanted to model Barkham Green and it's great to have something from Pendon on the layout




I've just finished scoring and painting the paving for the market area on a large sheet of plasticard I managed to find.

The white card represents what will be a layer of stetts forming a road in front of the pub




A start has been made on one the low relief building that will go around the edge of the square




A final view of the first building start (sorry about the camera angle)


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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to add a road between the Market Square and the Pub and I thought using Stets would be more realistic, I wasn't sure how to reproduce them until I discovered a product from an Italian company  REDUTEX stocked by DCC supplies "Paving Ref076 CF311"




I was lucky in that it is just long enough to fit front to back of the diorama with no join needed and you just peel it, off the backing paper and place it on, since it is self adhesive
It comes complete with drains etc and just needs painting
I'm very pleased with how it looks


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  • RMweb Gold

I've just come across your thread and read it through from the begininning. You obviously enjoy building the structures and setting the scenes and it shows.


You have a great layout in the making, please keep showing us your progress.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sometimes in this hobby it's two steps forward and 1 back.

I ran the ,layout for about 4 years before ballasting after checking that all of my existing locos ran on the track with out derailing.


So I finish ballasting 


Then I buy the new 42xx and find a section of track it wouldn't run on!

My fault like most people they is always the tendency to cut corners to get trains running.

Any way I relayed that piece of track and got the 42xx running fine on the up line, so today I finished the auto schedule with it in, to sequence trough 7 train movements automatically without a hitch.

The down line I drive manually

Last week I brought a new City of Bath and guess what today I discover that there is a problem with the raised section and it won't run over it without derailing!

All other locos run fine, it's because the City 4-4-0  gives it a short wheelbase


So it's back to the drawing board to find a reliable way  to carry the track over the section where the lifting section drops down to join the main track.

I'm wondering whether to just have a piece of track I slot in when I want to run trains

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I've finally got the 42xx and City of Bath both running circuits of the layout without coming off the track

I have also added four Triang clerestory coaches to City of Bath,, which also run fine after being fitted with metal wheels

Long term they will brought up to the same standard, or else replaced if either Bachmann or Hornby produce a better version than the current Hornby ones


With regard to the 42xx I found the following comment of another site which sums it up well I think


There is no compenstion in the rigid 4 axle drive, so any bad track joints will almost certainly
cause a derailment, in addition the bogies rely on their weight to stay on the track. Both these problems became evident
when running in the club track and I was unable to get one circuit of the track from either locomotive without either main
wheels derailing or the lead bogies coming off. We do know the track is rather poor yet many of my Bachmann locos will
run all day without coming off, even 9F's !!




I fitted it with a Lenz standard+ decoder and it didn't run very well at first and then I discovered about adjusting CV50 to tune the chip to the motor and now it runs really well.

The lenz instructions for programming the decoder are very poor


Any way pics of City of Bath








Now just got to repair the ballasting and then it's back to building work





Edited by vulcanbomber
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well the building of the row of Cottages is finally finished just the garden to finish off and I will getting some bits at Warley I hope to do this.



Just realized I've trapped one the red wire for the lights inserting the building back into the plinth







Night time view the people are out in the last cottage



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