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O Gauge Gresley 062 N2 worth much or not

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Hello one and all. Hope I've put this in the right section. I didn't join RM for this first question but it happened before I had a chance to start on with my own ideas, or join in with someone else’s topic. A friend of mine thought I might have some idea about an engine he has been given, probably because I have a couple of layouts. Unfortunately, with the lack of proper mental care now- a- days, I find myself running Trix TTR and Hornby Dublo. He has asked me to try to find out the rough value of a 0-6-2 N2 that's been left to him from someone who has been closed down by the great Dr Beeching in the sky. He could then sell it with the charity he spends many hours volunteering for. The full value of the eventual sale will go to E.A.C.H. (East Anglian Children’s Hospice). He didn't want to put it in their local shop and they priced it at a fiver, only for someone to make pounds for themselves at the expense of the hospice.

The engine is O gauge, very clean, painted black with red lining and LNER 4608 on the side. Underneath it's stamped c 1986 and what looks like “Rising Star Modelsâ€. SK02 GNR/LNER Gresley 062 T on the cab end and GNR/LNER Gresley N2 062 T at the other. A couple of small edge scuff marks suggest it's made of brass. It's for two rail running with the pick-ups being of six stiff wires that comes through plastic hole boards and out to the wheels. It runs well when powered up through my 12v transformer. Any help will be appreciated as I can't find one of these on Ebay and can't find the maker in a google search. I will attempt to upload some pictures if no one can identify it from my description.

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If you clean up the wheels (they look better shiny than rusty) and buffers, straighten the lamp irons, and take a photo's of the chassis (to show the motor gears etc) and inside the body. It will sell for a very good price on Ebay.


You may not be able to see this loco on Ebay but just look at the prices other locos as good sell for.


Could it be a Warren Shepherd loco http://www.warrenshephard.com/ ?

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Hmmmm. I will say it's definately not a Warren Sheppard if, as you say it's c1986.


The lining is quite good. What does let it down is the castings (safety valve cover, chimney and some buffers are not straight. One buffer head missing. Also, from the rear it seems to sit crooked. I appreciate that may just be the angle of the photo but the lining and handrail does not line up. The detailing on the bunker rear is rather strange. It needs lamp irons and pipe work too. Now I'm not being cruel or picky, just looking at it from a critical buyers point of view.


As such it will not sell at a high price. From my experience in what I have observed at trade shows and indeed on ebay I feel £150+/- would be a realistic price. (In tip top exhibition standard £450 +/- would be obtainable)


I hope you are not offended, I am just trying to be realistic and it may look better 'in the flesh' as photos can be cruel.

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No offence taken my friend. I've no vested interest in the loco. i;m just a tool trying find out some info for a mate. He would probably say I am a tool most of the time though. Yes the camera wasn't straight. (Probably proves his point). On closer inspection I think the handrail needs adjustment by slight bending to cure the problem. When Phil came across the engine it was packed in bag with a load of clothes he left for their charity after his death. I'm amazed there wasn't a lot of damage alround as no one knew it was there..

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  • 1 month later...

Sold the engine for £197.50. I think this was probably a fair result. So thanks for the advice lads.


I'd like to thank you for coming back and saying thank you thus restoring faith in a newbie coming in and asking for a valuation in their first post. :)


A good result; well done.

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