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The Wife and the Xmas Tree Lights

LNWR lives on

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C'mon guys - lighten up (sorry)! LNWR has a real wife with a real point of view, which not even Michael Faraday could change just now! Next you'll be asking what she's doing out of the kitchen! This is the 21st Century!


A real wife who is stubborn as a mule at times but shes still the one for me


The good news is that she rang up the electrician who does the house for us and he told her politely she was wroing and she could have burnt us all to a crisp


He was also good enough to PAT test the lights once he put a new fuse in himself and found they were fine and it was the socket at fault, the 3rd socket that has had to be changed now since we have been in the house, he also had a look in the fuses themselves this time and found that it wasnt just the lighting circuit that had tin foil in it but the mains circuit had a piece of copper instead of fuse wire so that has been changed and reported too now


Luckily it is a rented property and the Landlord is very good at getting things done quickly when problems occur

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