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One for Sweethome Alabama - how is Jon going to model this?


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Not entirely limited to GE: http://photos.greatr...te&page=2&key=

Shame it happened to that engine, Waterville shops put quite a lot of time into recreating the old MEC colour scheme.

With those axle-mounted motors, you could free up enough space in the engine area for a miniature flame generator, though how you would avoid a total melt-down is perhaps an issue. Maybe you could use an old Hobbytown or Cary casting. Sure the detail's not as good as today's offerings, but nobody's going to be counting rivets when the flames start!

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Another case of fitting Craigs quote - "The videographer must have been living right to get that kind of video of the thing though."





...and this guy wasn't living quite so right




.and this is a little different - not a loco in this case



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