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O Gauge Modular Reflection


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Well, there seems to have been zero activity in the modular group for many months now. So this afternoon, in a rare moment of quiet whilst the little monster is out, I started reflecting ...


... is it a Norwegian Blue?


The concept doesn't really differ from the SWAG Modular setup or the CRM way of doing things. However, despite some cracking new O guage micro layouts appearing on rmweb over the past few months, little interest has been shown in producing the modular concept.


Should I be surprised? After all the Gauge O Guild's own modular concept, which had a bigger audience, died like the preverbial parrot. I suppose I'm not. But in a little way I'm a bit miffed, especially as Gough's Yard would have looked a bit different if it hadn't been modified for the modular concept. The key difference would have been the track plan, as I had originally been planning to avoid the track being parallel to the base boards. I only changed it to avoid other peoples stock having to try and run through 48" radius pointwork (not always easy).


This isn't a case of sour grapes, as the modular concept gave me the impetous to make some good progress before little'un came along. The layout does operate well in 'stand alone' mode, so nothing was wasted in the end. There may be some progress later in the year, but that rather depends on the bish ...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Jack, I too am guilty of gross inactivity. Well certainly as far as the O module idea is concerned anyway, my trouble is I dabble with too many "things" indeed I don't even seem to have the time to get the Land Rover up to the standard I would like. It's only been out about four times since the MOT last November :O might have to let "Dolly" go. I have built a new fiddle yard for the EM gauge though and a few more wagons....ahhhh!


See you after Easter John.

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O gauge modular group ... sorry didn't even know one existed.


I usually have my glasses cleaned every day and have spotted nothing on here. But then I only use the VNC and AFAIC the groups pass by with no interest to me - too many to be of interest. Nothing seems to have popped into the VNC so there can't be much interest/activity?


Is the parrot dead?

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Yes, I'm afraid Fourgig East has grown into a fully fledged small O gauge layout and will be fully DCC, so little chance that the boards can be joined up to other modular ones :(


We could still link up, provided you haven't altered the board depths. Gough's yard is designed so that its controller can be 'switched out' and allow another module to take control. I've used Lenz/Roco for my dcc, what have you got on Fourgig? Have you used dcc point control?

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  • 11 months later...

I think most people build micro layouts because of lack of space at home, & therefore see no need of modularity.


Agreed it is an interesting concept, but I don't have a car & wouldn't travel to connect to others, so my layouts will be self contained.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'd love to get involved building an O gauge module, but not having any stock of my own, it's a bit pointless (!!).


I'm having enough problems getting the OO version going !


But, and this is the big point....


I'll be debuting my OO Shepherds layout next April at Taunton. Why not push for a O gauge module project instead ?  If you have two stations, or one station & a FY, the rest of the modules need only be plain single / double (to suit the station) track - so anyone could have a go at making one ? 


I'm sure CK would be interested, it would be a change from the OO version and might, just might, get a few more people involded.




(It's not dead, it's asleep)

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With everything thats going on here atm trying to re-galvenise the O gauge modular project is a pretty low priority I'm afraid ... real life just keeps getting in the way!

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  • 1 year later...

Good Morning,


I am new to the group and I just started to build two O scale modules to be portable and to be shown at train shows. I have a small O scale layout at home. U shape and it is a point to point with a nautical theme. Once I figure how to pst photos I will.

Going back to my two modules, they are 18 inches wide by 4 ft each making it a total of an 8 ft layout. It will have code 100 track with two #5 turnouts that I will make.  I think doing modules and being able to connect to others is a fantastic concept. I don't believe that it should have any standards, with adjustable legs for the height that is all that we need. then just match the tracks and put them together. More or less like the Freemo. Keep it simple and enjoy.

To activate this forum I will start posting the progress of my two modules on this forum. If someone can guide me how to download photos to this group, I would appreciate it.



The Guy from the other side of the pond

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd love to get involved building an O gauge module, but not having any stock of my own, it's a bit pointless (!!).


Stubby, if you want some rolling stock I can send you several rolling stock for free. But they are American-style, so I don't know if you would be interested.



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  • 2 months later...
I will start posting the progress of my two modules on this forum. If someone can guide me how to download photos to this group, I would appreciate it.



The Guy from the other side of the pond

Click 'Reply with attachments' & then 'Attach Files'.

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