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Edinburgh 28th-29th April


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Just realized I forgot to add his in here.

We have resurrected our show in Edinburgh. We are going back to where we started at Portobello town hall. Details are below.




 Once upon a time, as EDLEC model railway club, we used to put on a model railway show to demonstrate our work. We would also have other clubs visiting with their layouts. Sadly, for various reasons the show died out but after a gap of several years, we have decided that Edinburgh should have its model show back. We will be returning to Portobello Town Hall where it all started. We are covering other types of modelling as well, including model boats, dolls houses, kit building and demonstration stands.


Details of the show are as follows:-

  Show open Saturday 28th April 10am-6pm.

Sunday 29th  April 10am –5pm.


                                                            At: - Portobello Town Hall

                                                                    Portobello High street

Edinburgh Eh15 1AF

Cost: - Adults £4, child £2, and Family £10.


As well as a display of our own layouts, clubs from Scarborough, Cleveland, Greenock and Edinburgh will also be exhibiting. There will also be varied trade support, a buffet serving snacks and refreshments  and a raffle.







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  • 2 weeks later...

In the UK just now and as it is 'just down the road' visited it today.


Parking was a problem, 10.30-ish on a Sunday morning??? But Edinburgh's attitude to car drivers is another subject which is not relevant on this forum (so please no comments!) and out-with the control of the organisers who, in all fairness, did not make any mention of parking in their promotional material.


But I did find a parking space and was happy to walk up to the venue.


Welcoming person on the admissions desk;- smiling, change given when I handed over a tenner without any hassle (sorry RBS ATMs only give out £10 notes as a min). Guide handed out free of charge, 'enjoy the exhibition sir...'


Into the hall...


OK, if I was to be honest, the report card on this show would read 'could do better', maybe more quality layouts and less 'padding' (doll's houses and model boats!)???


But overall a brave attempt which I hope the organisers build on to get this exhibition back to it's formal glory in future years.


Hope they are back next year (but is it EDLEC????)

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Belsay Lad,


Glad you could visit the show!


You should have spoken to us on the Scottish Modellers & DEMU stand as we had a fair posse of RMWebbers in attendance!


Parking in Portobello is a problem - period...


It doesn't matter what time of day or day of week.


This was the first Edinburgh Model Show simce 2006 and the first in Portobello Town Hall for 11 years.


Thistle Modelmakers are to be applauded for bringing a show back to Edinburgh.


Yes - it may well be that there is room for changes - but at least they aretrying.


Yes - Dolls Houses and Model boats are useful to have at a show - It brings in general modellers as well as the 'I just model railways' crowd.


That's why it's called 'Edinburgh's Model Show' and not Edinburghs Model Railway Show.


Anyway - the whole point is....


Did you enjoy the show? We certainly did.



Phil H

(Not a member of Thistle Modelmakers)

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I made my way across from Glasgow to Edinburgh for the Model show. While a good attempt at a show, the layouts were dissapointing for me as a modern image modeller. It's definetly something for the shows organisers to look into for next year and hopefully there will be a better mix. As not all of us like kett... sorry steam layouts.


Trade support on the otherhand was really good. Spent a few quid at Douglas Blades and Nigel Burkin's stands.


So it's a promising start and hopefully they build on it. I did actually have a look at the boats- they were actually quite good I thought.


I can just about barely remember the old Model Railway show at Meadowbank in 2006, alas that was when I had my Young Persons Railcard...... how time has moved on

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just got everything unpacked after the show today, its strange that everything fitted back in the boxes after the show as, usually i find that the stock never goes in the same way it came out.

glendevon ran really well, a couple of issues with the starting signal at the main platform and some scenery to be repaired before its next outing. its interesting to be reminded just how long in the tooth the layout is, a older couple came up and had a blether and they said that they remembered seeing the same layout 25+ years ago. it has stood the test of time and is still a popular layout and, is fun to operate. a really enjoyeable weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

just got everything unpacked after the show today, its strange that everything fitted back in the boxes after the show as, usually i find that the stock never goes in the same way it came out.

glendevon ran really well, a couple of issues with the starting signal at the main platform and some scenery to be repaired before its next outing. its interesting to be reminded just how long in the tooth the layout is, a older couple came up and had a blether and they said that they remembered seeing the same layout 25+ years ago. it has stood the test of time and is still a popular layout and, is fun to operate. a really enjoyeable weekend.

Hi Kingfisher24,


I managed to avoid a similar comment about the layout.


I remember it as not long 'completed' when I came back to Edinburgh in 1988....


Time flies when you are having fun!



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Thanks for the kind comments and Constructive criticism.

I thought it went very well for a first attempt after several years off.

Alas parking is very restricted out there, as it is in most of Edinburgh, and is totally beyond our control.

The trouble with Edinburgh venues is that anything even remotely big and/or central is prohibitively expensive. The last few years of our show were at the Brunton Hall in Musselburgh. A very nice hall but far too dear for a show with our budget. A bigger hall does not necessarily translate into more people through the door, thus it just did not pay for itself.

I was able to get Portobello Town Hall at a reasonable price so we decided to have another go at it. It is actually in a very good location, on a main road, just off the feeder from the A1/city bypass. I was amazed at the amount of Passing trade that just wandered in. In the overall scheme of things, it is quite a small hall so I will have to remain creative with my use of available space.


Every single exhibitor/trader I spoke to on Sunday had enjoyed themselves and are happy to come back next year so I must be doing something right! Rest assured it'll be all new layouts next year and yes, I WILL try to include some diiseasals for you modern image kids.

See you next year!

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I travel widely to model railway shows throughout Scotland. I try to use the train, rather than the car,because as a rail enthusiast its an enjoyable day out in its own right , even though the exhibition I'm attending may not be that large its still a good day out. Irvine, SECC,Stevenson,Perth,Cathcart(or Pollokshields as it is now)Greenock and Falkirk. Even as far as Dumfries when it was on. All good days out mainly travelling on railway lines I don't usually use. Bonnybridge I occasionally travel to by car because its relatively hassle free and there's no issue with parking.


I'm afraid Portobello just didn't tick the boxes, so I didn't make the effort. I thought it would be relatively small but there was no railway station close, it would have involved a trip to Waverley then a bus or two. By car Edinburgh is just horrendous ring road or straight through and parking can be problematic .It may be that the exhibition was only for locals, but if you want a larger clientel I really suggest another venue thats more easily accessible. I stopped going to Dundee because when it was in the Caird Hall I could get there easily by train/on foot. Now its in a sports hall in the suburbs it really has to be by car.


Maybe I'm unusual , but given that I recognise a lot of enthusiasts at the exhibitions and on the trains I reckon we are at least a sizeable minority.

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I too visited the Edinburgh Model Fair and had a great time.


We travelled down from Aberdeen on the train (My wife joined me as she enjoys dolls houses and scenery so the fair appealled to both of us) and got a taxi from Edinburgh Waverley to Portobello Town Hall. Arriving by taxi meant we had no parking problems although I spent a fortune on taxis during the weekend. We arrived about 2pm and had a enjoyable couple of hours wandering round the hall chatting to people. We haven't been to many model fairs and never with my wife so that added to the enjoyment.


We also had a great chat with one of the exhibitors and his wife - this conversation managed to come up with a solution to a problem we have had for months i.e. how to combine the display & storage of dolls houses with a OO gauge layout that utilises the entire room rather than confined to just one end. If we can realise this solution I will be forever be in their debt. I just wish I could remember which layout it was - they were located at the back of the hall on the left wall near to the door which led to the refreshments.


I also believe there could be mileage in holding joint shows that cater for modellers of all persuasions i.e. rail, boat, doll and others. If there are fairs catering for specific model types that are struggling to maintain interest branching out into other areas might sustain fairs that would otherwise have to close. I am sure that my wife and I as well as the exhibitor & his wife aren't the only couples that share a passion for modelling which covers more than one type.


We stayed at a Holiday Inn on Saturday night, had dinner on the Royal Mile, a few drinks and a pleasant rail trip back to Aberdeen on Sunday. All in all a great weekend although it did cost a few quid and we might have to wait until the Perth fair in June before venturing out again.

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I'm afraid Portobello just didn't tick the boxes, so I didn't make the effort. I thought it would be relatively small but there was no railway station close, it would have involved a trip to Waverley then a bus or two. By car Edinburgh is just horrendous ring road or straight through and parking can be problematic .It may be that the exhibition was only for locals, but if you want a larger clientel I really suggest another venue thats more easily accessible. I stopped going to Dundee because when it was in the Caird Hall I could get there easily by train/on foot. Now its in a sports hall in the suburbs it really has to be by car.


Maybe I'm unusual , but given that I recognise a lot of enthusiasts at the exhibitions and on the trains I reckon we are at least a sizeable minority.


I can understand the comments about sports halls in the suburbs but, to be perfectly honest, Portobello isn't a difficult place to get to by train or bus. Brunstane station has a half-hourly service on Saturdays and is about a 25 minute walk from the venue and there are dozens of buses every hour that'll transport you from the centre of Edinburgh to the steps of the town hall.


I'm also a bit at a loss to understand the 'kettle' comments in an earlier post - it's an odd sort of tribalism if your only interested in one small area of railway modelling. For the record there were models of diesels but some were US-outline so perhaps that doesn't tick the relevant box either, who knows. DEMU had a demo table there too for the modern image modellers.

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Well as for making the show accessible to the railway stations, that's all fine and well but I ain't going to spend at least £3-4k just to hire a hall with bad access and non existent parking. The town hall is on a main bus route from the center of town, with a little planning you can get there no problem.


I'm so glad our show was worth the effort of coming all the way from Aberdeen. The couple you spoke to were Norman and Margaret Raven (a certain "fluff" of this parish). Who share your modeling interests.

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  • RMweb Premium

I travel widely to model railway shows throughout Scotland. I try to use the train, rather than the car,because as a rail enthusiast its an enjoyable day out in its own right , even though the exhibition I'm attending may not be that large its still a good day out. Irvine, SECC,Stevenson,Perth,Cathcart(or Pollokshields as it is now)Greenock and Falkirk. Even as far as Dumfries when it was on. All good days out mainly travelling on railway lines I don't usually use. Bonnybridge I occasionally travel to by car because its relatively hassle free and there's no issue with parking.


I'm afraid Portobello just didn't tick the boxes, so I didn't make the effort. I thought it would be relatively small but there was no railway station close, it would have involved a trip to Waverley then a bus or two. By car Edinburgh is just horrendous ring road or straight through and parking can be problematic .It may be that the exhibition was only for locals, but if you want a larger clientel I really suggest another venue thats more easily accessible. I stopped going to Dundee because when it was in the Caird Hall I could get there easily by train/on foot. Now its in a sports hall in the suburbs it really has to be by car.


Maybe I'm unusual , but given that I recognise a lot of enthusiasts at the exhibitions and on the trains I reckon we are at least a sizeable minority.


Same here. In fact it might be me you see on the train! I looked up the Lothian Buses website to see what buses go past , but in the end decided it was just going to be too much trouble to get there, even if I knew where to get off! I'm in Bishopton and like you travel to most exhibitions by train , making the day of it. You missed Ayr , by the way. Usually a sizeable exhibition, I think around last week in September.

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Hi Scottish Modeller(Phil H)/Chameleon


Apart from my reservations above yes I did enjoy the show, and if (or more hopefully when, given the comments above) it is repeated next year I will certainly make the effort to attend to support a local group trying to rebuild a local show.


Just a suggestion (not to criticise the layouts present this year), but perhaps for the future a selection of scales might be a good selling point? The predominance this year appeared to be around 3.5/4mm?


I take the point about other hobbies maybe bringing in people who would not normally visit a model railway show. My only reason for raising this aspect was that that space in the venue was slightly cramped but then I hadn't picked up on the fact that it was termed '.... modelling show' rather than 'model railway show/exhibition'. I'm very happy to look at and appreciate the work that other modellers put into their hobby, indeed if I had the room, and the car to transport them, I would probably be very tempted to explore R/C boats! However they might be slightly harder to hide from SWMBO... :laugh_mini:


I agree with Chameleon as regards venues in or immediately around Edinburgh which are easily accessible to a railway station - you would probably be realistically looking at a city centre location with the cost of the hall hire having to be included in the admission fee. But LRT (Lothian Regional Transport) do run a very efficient bus service from the centre of Edinburgh to all points of the local compass.


OK due to the dreaded 'trams works' Edinburgh is one giant building site at the moment with predicable disruption to their services and no buses from immediately outside Waverley or Haymarket stations, so you might have had to walk a little bit to find a bus!


I found a free, as in 'no cost', parking space within a 2min walk of the venue. Try that in the centre of Edinburgh...


(Phil H) I did spend a bit of time looking at the DEMU stand, sorry for not making contact as this my era. Are you going to be at Perth? I should be able to make that, so if so I'll make myself known.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Scottish Modeller(Phil H)/Chameleon

(Phil H) I did spend a bit of time looking at the DEMU stand, sorry for not making contact as this my era. Are you going to be at Perth? I should be able to make that, so if so I'll make myself known.

Hi Belsay Lad,


We will be at Perth...


In fact we are at nearly every Model show in Scotland!


There are some exceptions though - mainly due to clashes in the calendar.


So - see you at Perth!


We will have another (even wider) selection of DEMU/Scottish Modellers/RMWeb bodies available for your entertainment!



Phil H

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  • RMweb Premium

I went to the show early on Saturday afternoon and enjoyed it. Not large, but typical for a local show with a reasonable selection of traders and layouts. I was struck by the friendliness of everybody.


Travel was not a problem. As others have said there are many buses to Portobello from the city centre –Lothian buses are cheap and frequent. There is a small free car park five minutes walk from the town hall (but in true Edinburgh fashion, not signposted from the main road – that would be too helpful) and plenty of free parking in nearby side streets. Perhaps the organisers could provide more information in their publicity - which itself seemed fairly limited - or those unfamiliar with the area could have done some pre-visit research on the public transport websites, or Google Earth etc.

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