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Stephen Poole J15 kit help?

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Alan Gibson would be your best bet, I'd have thought. Which isn't to say that your kit will fit his (more likely to be correct) chassis, but no-one else does a J15 as far as I know.


Unless you want the NuCast chassis but in that case hurry as he's shutting up shop in June.

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I guess Nucast is the successor to Poole then? Any ideas on what the chassis is like and its cost?


I actually have a part constructed Gibson kit somewhere too, so could measure that up I suppose, but was hoping (one day) to ressurrect that.



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The NuCast chassis is probably just a pair of brass bars. AG do a more accurate milled pair of brass frames which would be my recommendation.


The NuCast kit is the Poole kitas far as I know., I also have one awaiting my attention.

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Definitely go for the AG, that's what my J15 now runs on, a day over night improvement over the original Poole chassis which was two brass strips and three screw-in spacers; and none too accurate in the simple matter of assembling into an all square frame with three co-planar and perpendicular unbushed axle holes.


Be ready with a nice coarse side cutter in your high speed rotary tool too. There's a mountain of excess whitemetal to remove from inside the boiler castings if you wish to install a motor with any life expectancy...

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Nu cast took over the Sephen Poole range in the 1980s so the GER Nu cast are probably all SP. I did some pattern making for Nu Cast at that time and Bill Stott the then owner sent the patterns to me for repair and checking before he had them cast.IIRC I wanted to do a complete refurbishment as I was not desperately impressed with them but the customer is always right and repair it was. Not sure if they have been much altered since. Might have been, Nu cast has changed hands a few times since then.


best wishes,



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Thanks for the replies chaps. I've tried to find NuCast on the web with no success; however looking at the Gibson catalogue I may well go for that if it fits. As I said, I do have an early part-built Gibson J15 too, so I may take the opportunity to build both chassis together. I'll just have to check it fits first though! Any reccomendations on motors and gears in today's marketplace?




ps It was building the the Golden Arrow Claud that got me back into proper loco modelling, too much concentration on rtr for too long! My D16/3 is at the paint stage, I'll get some pics up soon on the forum soon as promised.

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