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Diesel-Hydraulics on the West Somerset Railway 15/6/12


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Second attempt at posting those so fingers crossed...!


Having missed last year's WSR mixed traffic event, I made a point of bagging the time off work this time round and headed off to Minehead at silly o'clock on Friday morning intent on sampling some much needed Maybach 'music' once again. Although a mixed traffic affair, there were no steam locos running that day, a pair of 33s and Deltic 55 022 were in attendance but I'm afraid I only had eyes for the native WR machinery, so apologies for not including anything else!


One of the nice things about these galas is that all of the line's Hydraulics and the stock they pull are in the correct period liveries, so nothing much looks out of place, with a bit of imagination it could have been a typical day in the West Country in the Summer of 1963... the only thing missing was a D63xx on a milk train...


(D1010 in disguise as D1035 and D7017... the soundtrack from these two was superb...)



















More to come ;O)

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Mike - yes, the window frames are white, they looked very stark in the flesh compared with period photos and most of my colour shots from Friday show them to be much too bright.... I'm guessing you recall them being greyer back in the day, or at least a shade of 'off white'. Preservation repaints can be trickey devils at the best of times, especially on a loco with three or more 'main colours', it only takes one of them to be wrong for the whole loco to look a bit odd. A case in point is the light green bands on the two WSR Hymeks, 7017's is very pale whereas 7018's is currently much deeper in hue! Grey roofs on green diesels in preservation often look too pale too, simply because they don't get caked in clag day in day out, they painters use the correct shade to start with but it fades so easily....no disrespect to the owning groups and volunteers though of course. I think it'd be worth painting the roof panels a darker shade to begin with and letting it fade to something near the right colour in use.


Chris - thanks for the comment.... you missed a good show ;-)


Thinking about it, I'd love to have a go at weathering a full sized diesel loco....

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  • RMweb Gold

Mike - yes, the window frames are white, they looked very stark in the flesh compared with period photos and most of my colour shots from Friday show them to be much too bright.... I'm guessing you recall them being greyer back in the day, or at least a shade of 'off white'. Preservation repaints can be trickey devils at the best of times, especially on a loco with three or more 'main colours', it only takes one of them to be wrong for the whole loco to look a bit odd. A case in point is the light green bands on the two WSR Hymeks, 7017's is very pale whereas 7018's is currently much deeper in hue!

Very definitely a sort of 'duck egg grey' on the originals - a difficult shade to capture alas but someone somewhere must have the original paint spec - hopefully.

The lower body band was pretty bright and pale originally, a very yellow lime green although one loco suffered a lot of early paint degradation (possibly with a bit of internal incendiary help I've an idea) and got itself repainted at Swindon to appear with a completely different colour on the lower bodyside which was a lot bluer than the original lime green; wish i could remember the number!!

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Duck egg grey sounds about right Mike, and I do recall at least one preservation era repaint on one of the four saved Hymeks having near enough the correct shade on it's window frames in the distant past, so it show's they can and do get it right.... it might have been 7018 when it was still based at Didcot. Not often mentioned in books or captions showing the early blue / small yellow panel Hymeks is the fact that these too had the off white surrounds,and when they do make reference to it though they usually state them as being white!


For comparison with the colour shots of 7017 above, here's 7018 in the shed at Williton with the darker band of lime green...



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  • RMweb Gold

Duck egg grey sounds about right Mike, and I do recall at least one preservation era repaint on one of the four saved Hymeks having near enough the correct shade on it's window frames in the distant past, so it show's they can and do get it right.... it might have been 7018 when it was still based at Didcot. Not often mentioned in books or captions showing the early blue / small yellow panel Hymeks is the fact that these too had the off white surrounds,and when they do make reference to it though they usually state them as being white!


For comparison with the colour shots of 7017 above, here's 7018 in the shed at Williton with the darker band of lime green...

That is not too far off the one which Swindon repainted that I mentioned above (but not an exact match, it's a bit too 'grass green'))

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Thanks Phil - yes Onslaught was working, but alas for some reason I didn't manage to get any shots of it actually working a train. If I hadn't been expecting a very large vets bill this week I was going to go back down on the Saturday and get some more shots of it. I was there when 1062 came down, what a great weekend that was!


Here's a canny thought.... wouldn't it be grand if one day (or preferably a whole weekend) we could gather the seven Westerns, two Warships, four Hymeks and however many 14s there are all together in the same place, imagine what a feast for the eyes and ears that would be....! I'll wager there'd be double headers and loco changes galore and not a dry eye in the house amongst the 'chaps of a certain age'......

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Here's a canny thought.... wouldn't it be grand if one day (or preferably a whole weekend) we could gather the seven Westerns, two Warships, four Hymeks and however many 14s there are all together in the same place, imagine what a feast for the eyes and ears that would be....! I'll wager there'd be double headers and loco changes galore and not a dry eye in the house amongst the 'chaps of a certain age'......

I would settle for 7 Westerns, 4 Hymeks & both Warships :sungum: ...............would have to be the WSR though 8) :bye:

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The WSR is certainly the ideal location for a hydraulic gathering, this year is the first diesel/mixed traction event I have missed in 6 years having wrecked my car after fainting on the M27 back in April....I was fine but the car is a Cat B write off and I'm not allowed to drive for 3 months pending the test results I get tomorrow!


I must admit that the main draw has been D832 in recent years, the Warships have always fascinated me as my dad drove them (Swindon/Mekydro versions only) when based at Basingstoke and even when retiring in 1997 said they were the most "interesting" diesels he had worked on, having to get the fire brigade to put out a transmission fire on D821 and a broken dynostarter shaft emerging through the cab floor of another class member being events he recalled to me...a lot of the work he done was on the Gatwick/Mertsham stone trains though which the class were really not suited to due to lack of brake force.


I am going back to Minehead for the ale festival in September, hopefully rumours of Onslaught returning to the frozen north of Bury will be postponed for another few years? :thankyou:

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That must have been a nasty one on the M27 BC, glad to hear you came through unscathed. Interesting to hear about your Dad's exploits too, would love to hear more!


As far as I'm aware D832 is staying in Somerset for a while yet, I hope so anyway. A fascination for the Warships is a very pleasant affliction to 'endure', looking at them now some fifty odd years after their introduction, they somehow manage to look modern, stylish and antiquated all at the same time. It's a great pity that we don't have a D600 or D6300 to keep 821 and 832 company, now that would be a gathering worth seeing.


A couple more gratuitous Warship shots while we're at it...





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