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Gilbert last won the day on November 15 2020

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    Near Wales

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  1. Can you disconnect the frogs and see if you get the same issue?
  2. I've had my layout set up and successfully run my AS Railfreight 37 with sound through both left and right medium BH points without any unfortunate consequences - no shorts or sparking. FYI I am using DCC with frog juicers rather than switches on my point motors - but that shouldn't make any difference - the frogs are live. B2Bs vary between 14.55 and 14.6mm. Chris H
  3. I have some medium BHs and an A37(with sound) - I will endeavour to get both in the same place over the next few days - I'm pretty sure I've run the 37 over large BH turnouts with no problems. Chris
  4. US HO with Peco track and Kadees - once you've done that it rather colours your view of other scales and track systems...it's great fun to play trains...reliable and consistent... Chris
  5. One point to note is that with unmodified electrofrog points which do not have a feed there is power to the frog whereas if you don't feed the unifrog it will be a dead frog. This explains the performance differences with short wheel base locos..
  6. My personal view is that unfortunately some (a very small number in my experience) wheels are simply so "sloppy" that they bridge the rails of different polarities either entering or leaving the frog. The same can result from incorrect back to backs as well but this is normally easily remedied at least on rolling stock. FWIW I do wire and switch my frogs and I believe the Unifrogs are already electrically bonded switch to stock. This is courtesy of Tony's Trains (USA): Chris
  7. and yet they are still "active"....so wrong.... https://www.osbornsmodels.com/ Chris H
  8. Thanks for all of that - most useful. Chris
  9. This is true - my understanding that they designed the axles with a rolling pin design to be foolproof as far as B2B s are concerned - unless the plastic bushes are too thick! I've been either filing the bushes down are just replacing the wheels with something slightly finer. I've had one or two issues which I've shared with Peco and the gauge on the points can be a little inconsistent - but may well be OK unless wheels with an unusual profile or an incorrect B2B are used. The PI Victory wheels do seem to fall into that category. In my experience it is confined to the medium turnouts. I'm also someone who has noticed the odd short resulting from the narrow clearances on the unifrog rails - but only on a few locos such as Hornby 31s. The short is so momentary that it is only apparent with DCC sound - which shuts down. I shall be perservering with the Peco BH points but I do hope they are quietly noting these issues.... Chris
  10. I think they've tried to make Unifrogs which will satisfy anybody - but if you are going to wire the frogs (which I do) you don't care about the length of the frog "dead section..but you do care about shorts caused by wide wheels on very tight clearances on the separation between polarities...
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