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Trainstronic light signals

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Hi Fireengine and welcome to the forum.


I've moved this topic into the signalling area where you are likely to get more response, I've also edited the title for you - a lot of members here use the "View New Content" button to see whats been added to the forum, and with that they only see the titles of posts, so it's worthwhile ensuring the title contains enough information to atrract a response.


It's worthwhile using the search and entering traintronics as these signals have been discussed several times.





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Traintronics signals run at 12V DC, and are common cathode.


Don't use a transformer, they are AC, just get yourself a simple 12VDC power supply (Maplin N93JU or similar) and connect the negative to the common terminal, and switch the positive to control the aspects. A 1A supply will be enough to do forty or so signals, get a bigger one if you have more.

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