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older fleischmann locos.


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hello i was wondering if any readers have converted older fleischmann locos succssfully to dcc? mine are all approx 10-18 yrs old and in very good running order so before i try i wonderd if there are any tips on settings etc or if they are not very good for converting?regards martin.

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My layout is British Outline

But i have seen some Flischman steam outline locos for sale in various places here in south of France

thing is i know nothing about this brand

the ones i have seen have all had a large what looks like brass contact set in the base between the wheels

what is this for


would they run on a normal DCC or DC layout or would they need some kind of conversion undertaken



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the ones i have seen have all had a large what looks like brass contact set in the base between the wheels

what is this for


These are likely Marklin-style three rail versions (Fleischmann makes some three-rail stock as well as its normal 2-rail stock). Converting them for use on 2-rail would be problematic.



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It is possible to modify the original brass cover plate in order to provide the required isolated sections by using a slitting disc to cut the top layer into more sections, but if the correct spare part is readily available to you economically, then that remains the better alternative.

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