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Maunsell Carriage Set Numbers


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I am buying my first set of Hornby Maunsell Olive Green coaches, I am looking at collecting the coaches for set 244. The R4339C 3786 appears to have the set number on the end. I can find 1218 and 7215 from the set but can anybody tell me if they produced 3786 a I cant find any record of it. Can somebody also confirm that the set was a mix of high and low windows as I thought set were either all low or all high.

I am in the process of building 7 Roxey Maunsell coaches for Restriction 0, as they are taking me so long to build them, I am buying some Hornby to give ne something to play with in the meantime.

Any help and information most welcome

Regards, Sue



Hornby produced several complete or nearly complete sets of 209 [complete] set 238 [only 1 coach]

set 239 [complete] set 244 [ complete exept 3787] neat renumbering of R 4339c, I have just received

one to complete mine set. set 245 [ 2 coaches] all these are in Bulleid green as Hornby named them,

but the colour is the same as BR green, not all these numbers are traceble because not all appeared

in the catalogue


set 209    3722-   7411  -   1127    -    3723

Hornby R4342a - R4337- R4336b - R4342b


set 239    2802 -  5688 -   5689   -      2803

Hornby R4339a - R4338a- R 4338b- R 4339b


set 244   3786  -  1218 -   7215  -       3787

Hornby R4339c - R4336c- R4390a - R4339c--- needs renumbering


set 245   3785 -   1197 -   7211  -       3796

Hornby R          - R4336a - R4390 -  R        {3785-3796 never produced by Hornby 

                                                                     use R4339c to remumber}

Set 244-245 was used for the Waterloo-Bournemouth services in the thirties

Few years back I asked Simon Kohler to produce those missing numbers

great idea he said, never came to live.

Now after nearly 5 years try to complete these sets by using other numbers,it is 

still possible there are some shops who has them, just google Maunsell coaches.

hope this was helpfull


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That is just what I needed, many thanks. It is strange that Hornby did some coaches to get both ends of a set, but others they didn't. I don't think they will ever fill in the gaps now, so I will have to change the numbers myself.

At least they will fill a playing gap whilst I am building a Roxey Restriction 0 7 car set.

Regards, Sue

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