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My detailing/repainting projects

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I had a quick look. 47430 did have black surrounds as it seems from pics I can find did 87005. I need to look now as I never really noticed any but 86s before.



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Indeed. I wonder now how many did. Or if I am wrong altogether and they all did haha. Very hard to see the difference sometimes though isnt it. Back to your work. Is very good. On the weathering though do you not do any brush work as well as airbrush?



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Cheers. I tend to stick with the brush for nost of the projects, I'll do the odd one off where I really go to town with a bit more detailed work. In future some of my stock will no doubt get revisited again, it's nly about 12 months since I started weathering anything!  :paint:

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Thats fair enough I just think the that 47 is crying out for some dirty washes in those door panel and roof lines. Just looked through class47.co.uk and most intercity liveried ones had dark grey as I thought. Some were black though so a definite need to research your subject here. Every days a school day eh!!



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Good evening.How hot has it been today? Lovely. Apparantely hotter tomorrow   :sungum:
Anyways, update time. The 2 09's have been transferred up and matt varnished, just added the bufferbeam detail. It never fails to amaze me just how well detailed these little shunters are after a close up scrutiny.
47430 has had the same varnish treatment, and weathering to finish. I do think these Heljans still scrub up rather well.
The 87 has been weathered and had lights fitted.
It's also had a Bachmann 85 Pantograph fitted.
09's to weather next.
All the locos in the pictures were 'part gloss varnished' for those of us discussing it yesterday. They always finish off beautifully for me.


Hi Lee,


Looking forward to seeing your take on the weathering of the 09s.  These models are indeed remarkable in their detail and durability.


All the best,



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The 87 isnt that bad. The glazing doesnt help. It makes the windows look smaller than they actually are. Its a bit like the windows on the Bachmann 37 and Hornby 31. They look horribly small as the frames are moulded on the glazing instead of around the openings. I replaced my 87s glazing with hand cut styrene sheet which has helped I think.



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Evening guys. What a wonderful, hot, sunny day. The little one is off to bed, so I opened the french doors, and enjoyed the evening light by trying a few outdoor shots. As I sit typing this, there's a lovely cooling breeze coming in. Does it get any better?


The 09's have been weathered.








The following are locos I have posted before, but not shot in natural sunlight.









Enjoy this wonderful warm evening. It will probably be snowing next week   :O

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Every now and again, a friend will ask for a job to be done that sounds simple enough, and then turns into a 'why did I say yes to this' sort of job   :no:  I was given a class 37 that had been well weathered on one bodyside, but for whatever reason, really heavily weathered on the other. It's the owners pride and joy, and he asked me to restore it to a lighter state of weathering. No problem I thought, a quick wipe over with t-cut, then a blow over with the airbrush, and Bob's your uncle. Not quite.

To get the top coat of varnish and weathering off, I found the easiest and least destructive way was to use a cocktail stick, or rather about 200 of them  :shock: I didn't want to damage the original paint finish, but the process brought a little bit of the light grey lower paintwork off, and also some of the sector markings. So....


the bottom light grey has been resprayed in a few places, the slight colour variation will disappear when weathered.

A first for me, I have resprayed the 4 black diamonds, and the rear black square behind the 4 diamonds.

The bodyside number was slightly damaged, so I will replace this. Ditto with the tops loco sticker.

Bodyside grilles have all been repainted.

All remaining traces of varnish were then removed, quite tricky as all of the etched arrows, nameplates etc are glued on and I didn't want to disturb them.


Next jobs are to add new numbers and tops panel, seal it all with a nice fresh even coat of matt varnish, and then finally try to match the existing weathering on the rest of the loco.

It's actually turned into a very enjoyable project, I never thought I had it in me to spray my own transfers lol!








P.S. I really should have taken a picture of the loco before starting work, but clean forgot.
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Today I have mostly been.....
Renumbering a 67.
Weathered this strange looking jobbie.
And after all of the work described yesterday, got the weathering onto the bodyside of 37692.


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I think its fair to say today has been a busy modelling day. Busy, yet productive!


First off, 37692 has been finished. I'm pretty chuffed with this, first time I have ever painted my own transfers.






The snowplough has been weathered.




Next, a Replica PCV which is in for transfers, light fitting, and weathering. Unfortunately some of the transfers were so old, they just fell to bits! I'll source some more this evening. (Job number 2047 on the list  )


Drilling the existing lenses out.



Fitted pickups.



A quick test to make sure everything works.





Everything tidied up and properly installed.



Next, at long last, a new diorama has been started. Off to the layout thread!
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What better way to spend the day than pottering around in the sunshine, with my new photographic diorama, and a pile of recently weathered locos?





















Nse 50. Check out the cant!



47035 on ballast duties.





One of my better shots.



I am surprised how good these look taken outdoors.







I hope you enjoy, I certainly enjoyed taking this latest batch!
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Another batch of repaints started. First off is a large logo 56, I have added some replacement Shawplan etched roof grilles. They are a bit tricky to fit, I had to build up a small lip for the grille to sit on. Easier to see from the picture.


You can see the lip added on the left hand recess.







All primed out in the glorious sunshine!

Locos to be done this time,

56 large logo

37 large logo

37 DRS

37 DRS.


And a quick shot of the track I have just weathered on the new diorama.

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