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Hornby controller query


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HELP! I have just bought my third Hornby second hand controller from a toyfair (returning the first two),with the intention of using it to set a certain voltage for lights,and resetting upwards as I add more lamps.BUT each one I have tried dishes out about 23Volts DC!In the two pins which presumably would plug into the Hornby track. The control knob does'nt have any effect! The controller is the R965 with a separate "plug in" transformer providing the 16v.AC.

Am I missing something? I just can't get my head round this--driving me mad--HELP!


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This must be a Variable Resistance controller, the output voltage depends on the load being fed. A low load resistance is needed to give a low output voltage, lights are a high resistance load.

This is all the fault of Mr Ohm and his lae



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