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Traintronics Signals

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Hello everyone...


has anyone been able to wire up Traintronics signals to DCC opperation? Im just wondering how as I've tried before and didnt get far with this - are they compatible for DCC use?


Thanks in advance...


Do you mean that you want to control the signal(s) from a stationary decoder?

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Yes it would be from a stationary decoder. Last time i tried rigging a signal up as a test case, to a Bachmann Dynamis, decoder thinking that the current would be sent through to the signal, ready for it to change, when a point is switched. This didnt happen. While there was a spark of a light, the signal light wasnt lit, nor did it change. So Im wondering if they are not compatible, or do I need a different system to change or use to make the signals controlled by DCC.



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I haven't reached this stage yet, but installing signals is part of my grand plan.

If it helps, there are such things as Signal Decoders or Signal modules that can be used on DCC layouts. Sorry, but I don't know anything about them, except that they exist.




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Hello everyone...


has anyone been able to wire up Traintronics signals to DCC opperation? Im just wondering how as I've tried before and didnt get far with this - are they compatible for DCC use?


Thanks in advance...


I am in the process of setting up my signals to work on DCC. What I am using are 12 volt latching relays from Maplins to control the signals and then using a Lenz LS150 point decoder to operate the relays. I have had to include a diode between the LS150 output and the relay as the output is AC and the relays require DC but so far everything seems to be working fine. The latching relays stay in the position last selected and the pulse from the decoder is sufficient to swap the relay position over. If you want any further info then I could probably sketch what I have done. I haven't used traintronics signals but I suggest the principles are very similar.



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Guest Digital

What type of decoder are you trying to use?

Not the way I would connect the signal but it should work through a function decoder provided it is correctly wired and setup.

I am not familiar with the traintronics signal I presume it uses LED's and if so were the correct resistors fitted. Was the signal connected to the decoder

with the correct polarity?


I have my signals connected to an old Lenz LS110.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Are these the early style signals with a bunch of wires out of the base? Or do they have the PCB attached? If you bought these signals new, they would have come with an instruction sheet.


Your accessory decoders, are they set up for pulse mode or continuous output? For a four aspect with feather you will need a lot of functions. There is a little board available that will actually switch the signals in sequence on a timed basis and with train detection modules you can get the signals to change in a block sequence JLTRT.


Wiring them up the 'old fashioned' way involves a multi position switch up to four way.

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