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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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]Hmm yes, I was toying with the idea of making my own trees, but as it's taken me fourteen years to make a Station building.... :)


ps - shameless thread jacking picture alert:


for anyone who's not seen this on my thread:



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Sorry Allan, but you're going to have to keep posting the pictures, they are excellent. I must agree with freebs, that sea moss is very effective. I think you might just have saved me a good few hours work there!




Yes Bill, and I can't see the point in imprisoning all that natural foliage in glue and chopped up sponge - you might just as well dip a twig in glue and flock and do the same but without the cost.


Grass of course has always been another pain often and attempted with a certain degree of success with fibres and electro magnetic dispensers and,IMHO, teddy bear fur is as good as any and better than most -  quick to lay down and covers large areas as fast as you can lay it.





Example below.



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]Hmm yes, I was toying with the idea of making my own trees, but as it's taken me fourteen years to make a Station building.... :)


ps - shameless thread jacking picture alert:


for anyone who's not seen this on my thread:





(I'm rather pleased with it, even  with the horrible flash on camera phone)


Freebs, it's looking really good but you're gonna have to talk me through why it's taken 14 years to make a station building.


I though the Contintental Drift was slow but...




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Judging by the look of those characters bear hunting doesn't appear to set much of a premium on intelligence, does it? Still, I suppose if that's the kind of thing they call fun being able to spell S-C-U-M without falling over would probably count as some kind of achievement!



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Like all "Great Huntsmen" Bill the guy probably took the shot a mile away holed up in a concrete nuclea bunker with the kind of gun you can buy on any street corner in the US and probably an ex issue anti-aircraft gun !


Oh yes, these great American hunters are fearless when it comes to killing anything that moves in the hunting season - from a safe distance of course.



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Actually Allan, you're not too far away there! My friend and agent who lives in Seattle is married to a National Guard sergeant who is occasionally called out to assist the local Rangers with illegal (and legal) hunters of all sorts. One of the most popular hunting methods is to build a platform in a suitable tree after they've found 'sign' (you can buy a kit for them at your local Walmart) some of which he describes as a little 'home from home'. It's then just a matter of waiting until you can shoot your quarry from above! Some of the confiscated weapons he describes as the sort of things "we don't even see!" bearing in mind that as a Guardsman he usually gets to play with things like Abram M1 main battle tanks and Stryker All-Terrain Combat vehicles! (They are trained and equipped to a far higher level than the Territorial's!). On a happier note, the Rangers spend almost as much time recovering people who have been shot by their 'buddies' on their jaunts. Being illegal means they don't normally wear the required day-glow orange vest to help pick them out in the gloom. Natural evolution at work I suppose. You're out there alone (apart from your buddies back in camp) in the forest, you're not exactly au fait with intelligence and you see something move! What do you do? Aw Shucks!



Edited by Mythocentric
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I agree a lot of animals are on the edge of extinction. The medicine trade, and those who want the 'glory' of killing one of the last poor beasts is sickening.

I have a coat that looks like a snow leopard, several people have commented to which I point out it's faux fur. One person replied, "Well that's no excuse!!!!" 

To my mind there are good imitations available, if you want a nice fur (especially a rare one) coat, hat whatever.

My brother has a leopard skin rug, but as it is very tatty and rather old (could be a 100 years old), bought from an 'antique' shop I don't comment. Neither do I look it in the eye, and it's teeth put mine on edge.


But regards the hapless hunters it would be a disaster if they shoot Sasquatch. ...

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Hi Allan


Probably will be soon if the National Rifle Association get their way! Remember them? They're the people who decided that the answer to school massacres is to place armed guards (no doubt drawn from amongst their own membership) in every school and kindergarten. I'm sure that Sergeant Pere will feel much happier knowing that an ill-trained, rifle-totin' redneck is there making sure that his 4-year-old daughter isn't taking more than her fair share of cookies at lunchtime.


Hi Jaz


Regarding Sasquatch. If you look back at Allan's photos and sort-of imagine those characters walking along the edge of the woods in a certain light! (Maybe around dusk!) It may explain why so many of them do get shot!


Just as a footnote, he describes some of the characters picked up by the Rangers as "wanna-be soldiers who like to kill but don't have the guts to take aim at someone who's firing back!". The worst situations are the ones when they also find the carcass of a cub, or cubs, for which the common excuse is that they put it out of it's misery to save it the unnecessary suffering of starving to death.





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You can blame the buffalo.


After they had shot all of those and had nothing else to shoot, they started to shoot each other but what was sad about that is that they don't shoot each other anywhere near as fast as they wiped out all the buffalo  - I'd just love to see a massive gas guzzling Dodge Ram with a dead hunter riddled  with buckshot strapped across the hood instead of a defenseless gazelle !



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You can blame the buffalo.


After they had shot all of those and had nothing else to shoot, they started to shoot each other but what was sad about that is that they don't shoot each other anywhere near as fast as they wiped out all the buffalo  - I'd just love to see a massive gas guzzling Dodge Ram with a dead hunter riddled  with buckshot strapped across the hood instead of a defenseless gazelle !








* Slightly altered detail from The Last American by me.

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There's a line in the musical "Hair" (at least, there was in the performance I saw) delivered by the native American chief: "White men come, kill our women; rape our buffalo". He then looks at the audience and shrugs: "Well, don't knock it till you've tried it."

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  • RMweb Premium

We have  to live with some of these cretins. They drive past our house in their 4x4 pimpout trucks and have the ####### cheek to wave at me.  Oh what I'd do to be able to round them up and put them in a field and bomb the crap out of them.


Have not seen a bear in these parts although I know that they are there. I've not seen cougar either although come to think of it I believe I did and there were cougar prints in the flower beds at the rental by the lake where we used to live . Did you know that the local authority hand out 100s of bear permits each year and the tossers brag about having one.  The cops got called out one night in Ashland to deal with a cougar which had taken up residence in the city. Much to the disbelief of all the residence it was shot. That was one brave cop wasn't it.




As far as the big feet are concerned. There is a place called prospect on hwy62 which has the highest amount of recorded reports of Sasquatch sightings and activity in the state. After seeing the footprints our selves we reported them. I later received a phone call from a professor who asked a lot of questions and told me that 62 people mostly hunters have gone missing in the prospect area over the last 30-40 years. That's a lot of folks for a place with a population of less than a 1000. 

We have not been back to Lost Creek Lake for a hike since. 

Edited by Sasquatch
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I was watching a programme once - American Guns I think - where a selection of aresoles were testing a fearful array of military weapons out in the Arizona desert and one obvious fan of the McDonalds Triple Burger remarked after filling the air with a high pitched "YAHOO!!!!!" as typical of all excited Americans "I sure could take out a few bears with this beauty, yes siree Bob, bring 'em on y'all !!"


Use your own expletive.



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