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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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Mention of the Marchioness of Tavistock reminds me of a lovely gentleman at the church my family attended when I was growing up, who was in the habit of going round everyone in the congregation before the service,shaking their hands and asking how they were.


At the time my father's work involved him driving around between various power stations in the North of England. On one such journey he found himself listening to Ed Stewart's "Mystery Voice" segment on Radio 2. My father didn't recognise the mystery voice itself, but the name and voice of the contestant were both immediately familiar.....


"I know who this is," said the contestant. "I'm absolutely sure it's the Marchioness of Tavistock!"




As said gentleman shook my father's hand the next Sunday morning,my father greeted him with the words:


"Do give my regards to the Marchioness of Tavistock...."


His face was a picture! 

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Another tale from Woburn.


This happened way before I was there and when the old Duke himself was in residence.


The old Duke just loved being in the limelight and appeared in many walk on parts in films and on this occasion was filming in the South of France.


Now Mrs Duke was, well let's say she liked a tipple or two before breakfast and all the hours in between and hated the bridge that spanned the lake on the main drive way up to the house that only she and the Duke used, everyone else had to come in the backway or any way they could.


However, whilst the Duke was away doing his movie star thing, Mrs Duke ordered the estate workers to demolish the bridge which they did and as the Duke returned unawares in the middle of the night he drove straight into the lake !




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Any news on Iain yet.

I was half expecting him to emerge from the mudslide at Dawlish.


He's sulking in the background somewhere cos while he can handle the quality, he can't handle the speed ! He used to be as fast as me, but these days the weight of his wallet is slowing him down.


Cheers .



And Dawlish ? - Nah, far too posh.

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Hi Alan,

lovely cottage/house, as I pointed out earlier in your thread, black & white always does the trick for effectiveness, I have to admit that when I first saw it, I thought Fawlty towers but Fawlty towers is a much bigger structure, it is certainly tempting me to do one :-), no time I'm afraid to do my own

but I must try to put something together as a permanent display for my demonstration stand.



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Hi Peter.


What I like about 'black and white' buildings is that they are fast, very fast to produce where a coupla coats of emulsion and some black styrene and it's finished and, as you say, to great effect.


It's as I've always said - simplest is best, best is simple.




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With a little help form Google Translate, I present the Downes Motto:


"simplicissima est optimum, optimum autem est simplex"




Also, rather curiously, Bing Translator offers translation into Klingon but not Latin. Now I'm far too young to have ever studied Latin at school, but surely the root of most modern languages is more important than a made up language off the telly? And before any die hard Trekkies get upset I have watched and enjoyed, most of the Star Trek films and TV series.

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I think we should see the motto in Klingon just in case that is where Robinson is, it might help him!


Had to edit it slightly because there's no Klingon translation for simplest. But here it is in Klingon:


"Qaghbe'meH, vaj neHqu' nap nap"

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Today was barn day and this is progress seven hours in. Tonight I'll have it tiled but I ain't looking forward to it ! ( Hmmm, might corrugate the damn thing...)





attachicon.gifTHE BARN 002.JPGattachicon.gifTHE BARN 004.JPGattachicon.gifTHE BARN 005.JPGattachicon.gifTHE BARN 006.JPGattachicon.gifTHE BARN 007.JPGattachicon.gifTHE BARN 008.JPGattachicon.gifTHE BARN 009.JPG


Those doors have jaggedy teeth.


I don't know how you do it, but every time I miss a couple of days you've built another village and posted it all on here. Do you post with one hand and build with the other?

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